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Viewing wsclifton's Tobacco Cellar

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Cellar Summary - 1 open container, 848 cellared containers holding 130 lbs 4.5 oz
Open Containers - 1 container is open.
Brand Blend Name   Type Storage Oz. Buy Date Tin Date Age Opened Est. Left Days Left
GL Pease Charing Cross Click for details
Charing Cross is a traditional Balkan style blend of fine Virginia leaf, richly seasoned with smoky Cyprian Latakia, and spiced with the exquisite and exotic tobaccos of the orient. This is the one for Latakia lovers.
Lat, Or, Va Tin 2.0 09/02/14 9 yr 10 mo 07/10/24
Cellared Containers Summary - 848 containers are cellared holding 130 lbs 4.5 oz (see details)
Qty Brand Blend Name   Type Tot.Weight Containers Avg.Age Oldest
1 Lane Limited 1-Q Click for details Lane 1-Q is basically a Golden Cavendish blend but with a hint of Fire-Cured blended in provides scintillating taste and flavorful aroma. Americas best selling blend. Cav, Aro 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 11 yr
3 Samuel Gawith 1792 Flake Click for details Dark-fired leaf hot pressed and cut into a 6 flake before adding a dressing of Tonquin flavor. A full strength, full flavored tobacco. Va 5.8 oz 3 1 yr 11 mo 2 yr 11 mo
1 J. F. Germain & Son 1820 Click for details Named after the year in which the company was founded this mixture of top grade Cyprus Latakia Oriental and Flue cured tobacco will provide plenty of interest for the experienced pipe smoker. Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company 1849 Click for details Our friends at Sutliff have been on a roll, and have introduced a bunch of new blends this year. One of the most intriguing is the all-new Sutliff 1849. This is a premium-quality Virginia/Perique blend thats handsomely presented in a vacuum-sealed tin. If you love the sweet and tangy flavor of a good Va/Per, dont pass up this great new blend that costs a lot less than youd expect. Sutliff 1849 is a winner. Va, Per 1.5 oz 1 5 yr 7 mo 5 yr 7 mo
2 Murray Sons & Co Ltd 1862 Whitehall Click for details Murrays 1862 Whitehall is the kind of English-style blend that the all-day pipe enthusiast will love. Sweet Virginia and mellow Burley is blended with a bit of Virginia-based black Cavendish and smoky Latakia in a light enough amount to keep from overwhelming the palate. --(Submitted by wsclifton) Va, Bur, Cav, Lat 3.3 oz 2 7 yr 7 mo 8 yr 6 mo
1 Peterson 1865 Mixture Click for details Peterson 1865 Mixture is a part of Petersons new Founders Collection, created to pay tribute to the three men who made Peterson the brand it is today. This particular blend is one that might have been found in their store back in 1865 - a robust blend of choice, premium Virginia and a hearty amount of Latakia. Expect a cool-burning tobacco with a rich, outdoorsy flavor and aroma. This is easily the fullest-bodied English-style blend to come from Peterson. Lat, Va 3.5 oz 1 6 yr 8 mo 6 yr 8 mo
2 4th Generation 1882 Founders Blend Click for details Latakia, sun-cured Orientals, mature Virginias, and full-bodied Kentucky leaf are blended together to produce this old-fashioned English smoke by Erik Stokkebye.

Notes: The 1882 Founders Blend is Erik Stokkebyes tribute to the year in which the legendary Stokkebye tobacco business was started. Va, Lat, Or 2.8 oz 2 2 yr 8 mo 5 yr
1 Peter Stokkebye 1882 Mixture Click for details One of the most complicated and oldest blends. Two kinds of ribbon Virginias mixed with Black Cavendish and then accented with hand-spun Curly Cuts. Very mild, very smooth blend filled with unique tobacco flavors then enhanced with French cognac. Va, Aro, Cav 8 oz 1 10 yr 4 mo 10 yr 4 mo
2 Murray Sons & Co Ltd 1A Linfield Click for details Murrays 1A Linfield is as traditional as an English-style blend gets. A good amount of dark, smoky, Cyprian Latakia is joined by select bright Virginia and zesty Orientals to create a true conoisseurs Latakia blend. Wonderful after a nice meal or just before bedtime, this is a rich, cool, and smoky delight Va, Lat 3.6 oz 2 7 yr 2 mo 7 yr 2 mo
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company 503 Heavy English Click for details Lemon Virginias, Smyrna and other Orientals, and Latakia are combined in Sutliffs Heavy English, which despite its name is rather lightly balanced as far as Latakia mixtures go — some even find it quite suitable for an all day type of smoke.

Notes: A hearty English blend combining Smyrna, lemon Virginia, Oriental grades and high in latakia content. For the sophisticated pipe smoker. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 2 yr 11 mo 2 yr 11 mo
1 MacBaren 7 Seas Gold Blend Click for details The cavendish processed Virginias are citrusy, lightly grassy with minor earth notes, along with some honey, sugar and toasty bread. They form base of the blend. The burley may be processed in the same way as I notice less nuts, wood and earth than expected, and virtually no molasses from it. It show more a little more after the half way point. The mildly applied toppings are a little hard to define, but I get some fruit (perhaps apricot?), a little caramel, brown sugar and a touch of vanilla. They tone down the tobacco just a little, less so than what you often see in aromatics. The nic-hit is very mild. No chance of bite or harshness. Not a complex blend, it burns at a normal pace, cool and clean with a very smooth, light flavor that is mostly consistent. Requires very few relights, and barely leaves any moisture in the bowl as it easily burns to ash. The after taste is short lived. An easy going all day product that makes lots of smoke, but the taste is so mild it may not satisfy an experienced are smoker. Three stars in the very mild aromatic genre, and two stars for lack of flavor depth. Bur, Aro, Va 3.5 oz 1 7 yr 6 mo 7 yr 6 mo
8 GL Pease Abingdon Click for details Abingdon is the fullest Balkan style blend in the range. It is rich and robust, powerful and forthright, yet still possessing subtlety and finesse. Dark flavors of wood and leather mingle with delicate undercurrents of sweetness. Va, Lat, Or 1 lbs 8 5 yr 1 mo 8 yr 10 mo
1 RO Series Acadian VaPer Click for details In October of 2015, while spending a day with Mark Ryan at the L.A. Poche Perique Company in St. James Parish, Louisiana. our own Russ Ouellette asked Mark is he had ever thought of trying to process Virginia in the same method as Perique. Mark said that he had thought of it, but was told it wouldnt work. After a bit of conversation, Mark decided to bring down some bright, sweet, yellow, Canadian-grown Virginia to give it a try. The processing time had to be much shorter due to the agressive fermentation caused by the high sugar content, but the result, called Acadian Gold, has more depth than normal Virginia with a malty note unlike anything else.
In the RO Series Acadian VaPer, Acadian Gold is combined with Acadian Perique for a vaPer blend with an unusually deep flavor and body. Tis is one of the naturally sweetest Virginia/Perique blends you will ever try. Get it now, because when its sold out, its gone forever. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 7 yr
1 Rattray Accountants Mixture Click for details Dark and full-bodied blend containing Virginias, Unsweetened Black Cavendish and Latakia without harshness. Great for outdoor smoking. Many strong mixtures are harsh and stringent; Accountants Mixture is truly an outstanding exception. Va, Cav, Lat 3.5 oz 1 6 yr 9 mo 6 yr 9 mo
3 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. American Delight Click for details A blend of mature, sweet Virginias, Burleys, and Cavendish tobaccos. A top note of vanilla, caramel and fresh fruits. Aro, Bur, Cav, Va 5.8 oz 3 7 yr 5 mo 8 yr 10 mo
1 Missouri Meerschaum American Patriot Click for details An American/English blend with Cyprian Latakia and a light Bourbon top note Va, Lat 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 3 mo 10 yr 3 mo
2 Amphora Amphora Full Aromatic (Red) Click for details This is the most popular aromatic version of Amphora. Its a subtle mixture of the fragrances of oranges, raspberries and flowers. Aro, Va 3.6 oz 2 6 yr 9 mo 8 yr 8 mo
2 Esoterica Tobacciana And So To Bed Click for details This mixture is absolutely ideal for the evening, ergo...we borrowed the name from the diaries of Samuel Pepys, Esquire. Finest grade Virginia and Maryland type tobaccos are carefully aged and blended with Greek Oriental leaf and top grade Cyprian Latakia. The blend is then specially procesed and additionally matured to produce a mellow, full-strength smoke with rich flavor and unique aroma. Va, Lat, Or 4 oz 2 7 yr 9 mo 9 yr 11 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Anthology 1992-2022 Click for details Cornell & Diehl commemorates their 30-year anniversary with a special blend documenting their ever-evolving growth in the field of pipe tobacco, and extending appreciation for the many enthusiasts who have joined them along the way. Anthology 1992-2022 represents the culmination of decades of passion, intrepid experimentation, and a never-ending pursuit of excellence.

Elevated by many of Cornell & Diehls favorite components — including the iconic SM2-18 and TA-20 Carolina Red Virginias, 2003 Bijou Virginias, top-tier Canadian Brights, as well as genuine St. James Parish Perique — Anthology 1992-2022 highlights C&Ds unique approach to the Virginia/Perique family, delivering a naturally sweet, bready profile with notes of zesty citrus, rich stone fruits, and figgy spice.

Moreover, Anthology 1992-2022 is a glowing testament to the synergistic working relationship that C&D has cultivated with farmers and tobacco merchants over the years, especially with a single Perique farmer in St. James Parish, Louisiana — illustrating the benefits of growing, harvesting, and processing authentic Perique according to precise, time-honored methods. Va, Per 4 oz 2 2 yr 3 mo 2 yr 3 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Anthology 2023 Click for details ANTHOLOGY: 2023 is a celebration and personification of 31 years of passion and expertise. This special-edition blend highlights some of our signature techniques paired with some of our favorite components - including 2013 Steamed Virginia Red, 2019 & 2022 North Carolina Reds, and 2019 Georgia Reds. The result is a unique approach to the Virginia family, delivering a naturally sweet and tangy sourdough profile with notes of earth, crushed allspice, black currant, and rich dark molasses. Va 4 oz 2 6 mo 8 mo
1 Dunhill Aperitif Click for details A complex blend of Virginias, Cavendish, Latakia and Oriental Leaf. The name Aperitif suggests this well balanced medium mixture should be enjoyed prior to dinner. Va, Cav, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 10 yr 10 yr
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company Apple Flavor Click for details Apple Flavor is a popular blend from Sutliff. This gentle-smoking mixture of Burley and toasted black Cavendish is finished with the subtle sweetness of apple. The caramelized toasted Cavendish adds a hint of brown sugar flavor, making this blend a bit more like a baked apple. Bur, Aro, Cav 2 oz 1 7 yr 5 mo 7 yr 5 mo
3 Boswell's Pipe & Tobacco Apple Strudel Click for details Light Apple flavor with a hint of vanilla.   Special mix that has been blended for many who have been requesting a mild and satisfying Apple Blend. Created and Master blended by J.M.  - Nov. 2006 Bur, Aro, Cav, Va 8 oz 3 9 yr 3 mo 10 yr
1 Cornell & Diehl Apricots & Cream (300) Click for details An all black mixture of unsweetened black Cavendish and #734, Green River Vanilla, flavored with apricot brandy for a most mild smoke. The ladies like the aroma. Its been called a marriage saver! Aro, Cav 2 oz 1 10 yr 4 mo 10 yr 4 mo
1 Peterson Aran Mixture Click for details Peterson Aran Mixture is a smooth, yet flavorful blend that begins with select, ripe Virginias, married with silky black Cavendish. A rich combination of warm vanilla and fruit blossom essences are applied in the perfect amount to create a sweet and flavorful experience with an outstanding room note. If youre looking for an all-day type of aromatic, Aran Mixture might be ideal. Cav, Aro, Va 1.4 oz 1 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 1 mo
1 Sutliffe Private Stock Arch-Duke Ferdinand Click for details Archduke Ferdinand is a blend of blends. Seven different vanilla-based mixtures have been combined to make a smooth and creamy tobacco with a great aroma and gentle flavor. Bur, Aro, Cav, Va 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 3 mo 8 yr 3 mo
1 MATCH Argosy Click for details A match to the original House of Windsor Argosy Black. This blend is made of softly steamed black Cavendish with a singular combination of vanilla flavors for a smoothly aromatic experience. Cav, Aro 2 oz 1 9 yr 4 mo 9 yr 4 mo
1 Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic Click for details Va, Aro 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company Aromatic English 504C Click for details A mild aromatic blend with just enough Latakia to give satisfaction to the pipe smokers taste, yet with a very pleasant aroma for those around him. Smooth and full-bodied. Bur, Aro, Cav, Lat 2 oz 1 7 yr 3 mo 7 yr 3 mo
1 Ashton Artisans Blend Click for details This full-bodied English mixture is carefully crafted for the experienced pipe smoker. Virginia and Turkish tobaccos harmonize with Syrian Latakia and a touch of Perique to create a taste that is resoundingly rich, spicy and satisfying. Va, Lat, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 1 mo 10 yr 1 mo
1 GL Pease Ashbury Click for details An alluring assortment of exotic oriental tobaccos is generously blended with bright and red Virginia leaf. Finally, just enough Cyprus Latakia is added to provide an alluring smokiness. Or, Lat, Va 6 oz 1 11 yr 1 mo 11 yr 1 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Autumn Evening Click for details A Red Virginia Cavendish cased with a delicate maple flavor. An exceptionally smooth aromatic. Aro, Cav, Va 4 oz 2 7 yr 10 mo 8 yr 3 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye B-B Click for details Primarily a mixture of Black Cavendish blended with light pressed Burley tobaccos. The pronounced flavor of sweet vanilla lends an air of distinction to this mild and tasteful blend. Aro, Bur, Cav 8 oz 1 10 yr 4 mo 10 yr 4 mo
1 J. F. Germain & Son B. K. Flake Click for details Presented as a broken flake, Germains B.K. (Broken Kentucky) Flake is a blend of flue cured Virginias and dark fired Kentucky, making for a smoke rich with spice and flavors of tangy stone fruits. Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 1 yr 1 yr
1 Dunhill Babys Bottom Click for details A smooth medium strength mixture which consists mainly of Red Virginia, but also has bronze and lemon Virginia, some flake and a good helping of Latakia. Available only at the Dunhill store. Va, Lat 1 oz 1 9 yr 2 mo 9 yr 2 mo
1 Rattray Bagpipers Dream Click for details A fragrant blend of four ready rubbed Virginia tobaccos including ribbon cut, plug, curly and flake. This blend is lightly top dressed with Cognac for an elegant smoke. Va, Aro 3.5 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Bailey Front Porch (115) Click for details Youll want to sit on your own front porch while you savor this blend of Burleys, Cyprian Latakia, Perique and golden Virginia. Bur, Lat, Per, Va 2 oz 1 2 yr 7 mo 2 yr 7 mo
1 4 Noggins BakerStreet USA Click for details NEW!! Created by Matt Robillard, and born from conversations with Matt Hoffar, this superb mixture is delicate in Latakia, with a mix of Orientals, Virginias, and a touch of Burley. The result is a thoughtful blend with a whisper of sweetness. Va, Bur, Lat, Or 1 oz 1 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 4 Noggins Bald Headed Teacher Click for details The old-fashioned burley taste comes through in full form, nutty and brisk, hitting on tangy notes along the way as the Virginia components catch on. Theres not enough Latakia to provide any more than perhaps a seasoning effect. Bur, Lat, Va 4 oz 1 10 yr 10 yr
1 McClelland Balkan Blue Click for details Rich with the finest Mountain Latakia, a classic full Balkan pipe tobacco mixture, smooth and deeply fragrant. The inspiration for this elegant mixture was a 21-year-old tin of the legendary #759.
This blend, formerly known as Blue Mountain, was one of three in the Throwdown at the 2011 Chicago pipe show and walked away with the Peoples Choice Award! Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 10 mo 9 yr 10 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Balkan Flake Click for details A beautifully formed dark flake of pressed Virginias and a generous helping of Latakia. Relax and enjoy this medium strength tobacco with its smokey flavor and cool, smooth characteristics. Lat, Va 3.6 oz 2 7 yr 1 mo 7 yr 3 mo
2 Balkan Sasieni Balkan Sasieni Click for details Rich Macedonian Orientals and pungent Latakia are blended with a base of golden and red Virginias to produce what has become one of the most popular premium pipe tobaccos in the world. The history of Balkan Sasieni Smoking Mixtures begins almost a hundred years ago and this fine tobacco draws its roots directly from that family of tobaccos. Or, Lat, Va 3.6 oz 2 10 yr 5 mo 10 yr 5 mo
2 Peter Stokkebye Balkan Supreme Click for details Balkan blend reputed to be like the old Balkan Sobranie. Cav, Lat, Or, Va 4 oz 2 7 yr 7 mo 7 yr 7 mo
3 Peterson BalkanDelight Click for details No Orientals, so not a true balkan Va, Lat, Per 4.8 oz 3 8 yr 4 mo 10 yr 9 mo
3 GL Pease Bankside Click for details The inaugural entry in a new series from master blender Greg Pease, Bankside introduces the Zeitgeist Collection — a line celebrating the often avant-garde and rebellious themes of the modern era — with a strikingly modernist reinterpretation of the archetypal Virginia/Perique flake. From a bold, traditional canvas of Red and Bright Virginias and genuine St. James Perique emerge subtle, contrasting strokes of dark-fired Kentucky and Latakia tobaccos — originating exotic, smoky undertones that support and enrich its notes of sweet cream and citrusy tang.

About the Zeitgeist Collection: The Zeitgeist Collection is a pipe tobacco series from Gregory Pease that pays tribute to the avant-garde and rebellious themes of the modern era. Each carefully formulated pipe tobacco in this series evokes the spirit of a particular location, time period, or cultural milieu. This inaugural mixture, Bankside, is a nod to Modernist art and architecture and the defiant but forward-looking culture that inspired the movement, with the tin depicting an abstract rendering of the Tate Modern art museum located in Londons Bankside district. Va, Lat, Per 6 oz 3 1 yr 10 mo 1 yr 10 mo
3 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Barbados Plantation Click for details Va, Aro 4.5 oz 3 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 GL Pease Barbary Coast Click for details The finest cube-cut Burley, chosen for its deep, nutty flavors, forms a robust foundation for this sophisticated blend. Rich, red Virginia tobaccos are added for their subtle sweetness and complexity, with the unique spice of Perique. Bur, Per, Va 2 oz 1 5 yr 6 mo 5 yr 6 mo
1 MATCH Barking Dog Click for details This is a Match of the original House of Windsor Barking Dog. This is one of the quintessential American English blends made of nutty cube-cut Burley, Latakia and a touch of bright Virginia - old-fashioned and comforting. Bur, Lat, Va 2 oz 1 9 yr 4 mo 9 yr 4 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Bayou Morning (067) Click for details A strictly Virginia & Perique blend with stoved Red Virginias. Light-bodied. Va, Per 2 oz 1 7 yr 5 mo 7 yr 5 mo
2 CAO Bella Vanilla Click for details Much as there was a cross over from aromatic pipe tobacco to flavored cigars, this is the exact reverse; for CAO has taken the essences contained within their best selling Bella Vanilla Cigarillos and now made it available in tin for the pipe smoker! CAO takes rubbed out Virginia flake and then cases the same with an extract of Madagascar vanilla bean, a vanilla source that is widely regarded as the finest on the planet. Aro, Va 3.8 oz 2 9 yr 10 mo 10 yr 4 mo
3 Bengal Slices Bengal Slices Click for details Long cut Virginia & Latakia pressed into perfection. Bengal Slices was, originally, the flake version of Balkan Sobranie. When Gallaher took over the Sobranie mixtures from the Redman family the original blenders finding the composition too complex and costly, they simplified it. After Gallaher stopped making the simplified Bengal Slices, Mssrs James B Russell, Inc., arranged for a composition similar to the Gallaher revision to be made exclusively for them by A & C Petersen, Horsens, Denmark. A & C Petersen has recently been sold to Orlik A/S, of Assens, Denmark, which promptly discontinued the manufacture of Bengal Slices. A replacement, under the James B Russell aegis, has been released, approximating the A&C Petersen blend. Lat, Cav, Va 5.4 oz 3 6 yr 3 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 Bengal Slices Bengal Slices White Click for details Bengal Slices White is the newest entry in the Bengal Slices line. This is a flavorful and fragrant blend of fine Virginias combined with a fair amount of rich Cyprian Latakia along with some amazing Orientals that creates an exotic flavor and amazing aroma. Using the same crumble cake format as the original, Bengal Slices White is easy to prepare, and the blend is just a touch lighter than Bengal Slices and has no top note added. The finish is so clean that this can be smoked before a meal without interfering with your ability to taste your food. If you enjoy complex Latakia blends, this is one youll love. Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 5 yr 5 mo 5 yr 5 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Best Brown #2 Click for details Medium strength flake tobacco. Blended from the finest Virginias and Burleys. Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 4 yr 9 mo 4 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Best of Show Click for details A blue-ribbon blend of Americas finest tobaccos including Cavendish, Black Cavendish and Virginias. Youll judge it full-flavored, satisfying, mild. McClelland has polished it off with nougat flavoring. Tastefully opulent. A winner. Aro, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 Dan Tobacco Bill Baileys Balkan Blend Click for details This full strength blend consists of the best Virginia grades with various Oriental tobaccos, 10% dark fired Kentucky leaf and over 40% Latakia with a pinch of Perique. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Va, Bur, Lat, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
2 Sutliff Tobacco Company Birds of a Feather - Uno Click for details Recently, Sutliff hosted the master blender of Mac Baren, Per Georg Jensen for a week which led to the creation of an all-new series of pipe tobaccos. Birds of a Feather was born with six blends coming out over the next year. The first one is especially exciting and ready for purchase at P&C - Uno. At first glance, Uno might seem to be a Virginia/Perique blend, but it’s so much more. It uses two types of Perique – true St. James Perique and Katerini Orientals both processed in the Perique method for a singular flavor. These are combined with two red Virginias, one of which is heavily matured to bring out a bit of a vinegar note. It also contains yellow Virginia for brightness, black Virginia for sweetness, and black Cavendish bringing notes of brown sugar. A touch of Latakia adds a campfire-like quality added with the inclusion of dark-fired Kentucky. The name Uno is appropriate because this tobacco is certainly one of a kind. Va, Or, Per 3.6 oz 2 2 yr 5 mo 2 yr 5 mo
1 Decatur Black Cherry Click for details All new from Decatur, Black Cherry is an enjoyable blend of fine bright Virginia, smooth, mellow Burley and the finest quality black Cavendish, finished with a sweet cherry note and softened with a creamy touch of vanilla and honey. Its gentle enough to puff on all day, and youll really love the room note. Va, Bur, Cav 1 oz 1 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
2 Federal Cigar Black Cherry Click for details  --(Submitted by wsclifton) Cav, Va 3.5 oz 2 10 yr 11 mo 11 yr 4 mo
1 Paladin Black Cherry Click for details Black Cherry Cavendish smoking tobacco. Aro, Cav 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 6 mo 8 yr 6 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye Black Coffee Click for details Peter Stokkebye No. 315 Black Coffee is a blend of Burley, Virginia and black Cavendish which is infused with a rich and slightly sweet coffee flavor. Great all by itself, it can also be a nice addition to blends with chocolate or whiskey flavoring. Bur, Cav, Va 1 oz 1 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 1 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye Black Dansk Click for details Fine fire-cured Cavendish tobaccos with a slight flavoring to yield a slow burning cool smoke. Cav, Aro 1 oz 1 9 yr 2 mo 9 yr 2 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Black Frigate Click for details Latakia and Turkish are added to Navy cavendish, pressed and sliced. A royal Navy blend, not for the faint of heart. Cav, Lat, Or 4 oz 2 4 yr 4 mo 6 yr 3 mo
10 Hearth & Home Black House (Marquee Series) Click for details The second entry to the Hearth & Home Marquee series is the blend that drew attention to these tobaccos - BlackHouse.
In 2011, our master blender, Russ Ouellette, was asked to submit an entry in the Balkan Sobranie 759 Throwdown at the Chicagoland Pipe and Tobacciana Show. Based upon a 23 yearl old sample, Russ developed his blend in a relatively short amount of time and sent it in. When the judging was complete, BlackHouse had won, and people have made it one of our best sellers ever since.
Like Balkan Sobranie 759, BlackHouse contains a good amount of Latakia, bright, fragrant, Orientals, sweet Virginias and a touch of dark-fired Kentucky. To help simulate the effects of long-term aging, Russ included a bit of Perique and unflavored black Cavendish. 
Try the blend that put the Hearth & Home Marquee Series on the map. Once youve tried BlackHouse, youll never want to be without some in your cellar. Lat, Cav, Or, Per, Va 1 lbs 7.1 oz 10 8 yr 7 mo 10 yr 2 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye Black Majesty Click for details A mild Black Cavendish blend. Additional steam and heavy heat pressure create this light aromatic blend. Extraordinarily gentle cherry creme extracts favor this mild mixture with beguiling taste and flavor. Aro, Cav 1 oz 1 9 yr 2 mo 9 yr 2 mo
2 Rattray Black Mallory Click for details The basic tobaccos are broadly akin to those of Red Rapparee. Carefully apportioning of the quantities of seasoning leaf brings about a dark full-bodied mixture. A notable tobacco. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Va, Or 5.3 oz 2 5 yr 10 mo 9 yr 9 mo
2 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Black Twist Sliced Click for details Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. Sliced Black Twist is similar to the Black Irish X except for the addition of traditional English flavors such as licorice, maple and exotic Tonquin. --(Submitted by wsclifton) Bur, Va 3.4 oz 2 7 yr 4 mo 8 yr
1 Planta Black Vanilla Flake Click for details Mild black cavendish and nutty burley are refined with aromatic vanilla. This mixture is pressed under high pressure and cut into flakes. A softly and aromatically smoking pleasure with marvelous fragrance, unmistakable. Cav, Aro, Bur 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 3 mo 6 yr 3 mo
2 Twins Smokeshop BlackDanish Cordial Click for details Aro, Va 3.5 oz 2 10 yr 7 mo 10 yr 10 mo
1 GL Pease Blackpoint Click for details Blackpoint is a luxurious blend of red and lemon Virginias, Cyprian Latakia, exotic oriental tobaccos, and a perfect measure of Louisiana Perique for a lively, piquant finish. The smoke is creamy and lingering. Va, Lat, Or, Per 2 oz 1 10 yr 2 mo 10 yr 2 mo
1 Drucquer & Sons Blairgowrie Click for details Created in the classic Scottish blending style, Blairgowrie is a robust blend of matured and aged Virginia leaf, fine Orientals, Cyprian Latakia, and Perique, pressed and aged in cakes, then sliced and fully rubbed out for a rich smoking experience. Blairgowrie is deep and full tasting, and quite slow burning for a long, smooth smoke from first light to the last puff. Va, Lat, Or, Per 3.5 oz 1 7 yr 3 mo 7 yr 3 mo
1 McClelland Blakeneys Best Latakia Flake Click for details Often, Latakia-based blends can overwhelm the palate or have a muddy quality. Thats certainly not the case with Blakeneys Best Latakia Flake. The richness of the Cyprian Latakia is brightened by Macedonian Xanthi, and just enough magnificent Virginia is incorporated to add a touch of sweetness. Any potential harshness has been removed by the Blakeneys toasting process and the slow pressing of the leaf. Lat, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 2 mo 7 yr 2 mo
2 Solani Blend 660 - Silver Flake Click for details An incredible blend of premium dark red and sweet Virginias from the border belt, light yellow Virginia from South Carolina and dark-fired, spicy Kentucky. Slow burning and because no flavoring has been added, this blend has a real tobacco taste. Bur, Va 7 oz 2 5 yr 3 mo 5 yr 9 mo
2 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Blend No 5 Click for details Bur, Lat 3 oz 2 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 Federal Cigar Blend No 9 Click for details Va, Aro 1.5 oz 1 9 yr 5 mo 9 yr 5 mo
1 Sillems Blue Click for details Golden, red and dark cross-cut Virginia tobaccos present their vivid, charming and fanciful leaves. Brown Cavendish and nutty burley add depth and a light sweet note. This blend is rounded off with a fine smell of fresh, juicy limes and full-bodied maple combined with caramel. A brilliant tobacco, delicious, rich and with every refinement. Va, Bur, Cav 3.5 oz 1 8 yr 6 mo 8 yr 6 mo
2 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Blue Danube Click for details Va, Aro 3 oz 2 10 yr 6 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 Dan Tobacco Blue Note Click for details Mild, golden Virginias, that have a naturally high sweetness, are mixed with a mild Black Cavendish. A fresh flavor of exotic fruits and a touch of Bourbon Vanilla is added to make this an extraordinarily mild blend. Aro, Cav, Va 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
1 Federal Cigar Blue Note Click for details No idea --(Submitted by wsclifton) Va, Cav 2 oz 1 10 yr 8 mo 10 yr 8 mo
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company Blue Note Click for details Sutliffs Blue Note is a gentle-smoking blend of Burley, Virginia and black Cavendish which is finished with a subtle combination of vanilla and fruit notes. It has a very clean finish, isnt overly moist and leaves the room with a soft, pleasant aroma. Bur, Aro, Cav, Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 5 mo 7 yr 5 mo
12 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Bobs Chocolate Flake Click for details Virginias, Latakia and Burley tobaccos with hints of chocolate, cocoa and vanilla. Aro, Bur, Lat, Va 9 lbs 6 oz 12 4 yr 5 mo 5 yr 9 mo
2 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Bobs Square Cut Click for details A complex blend of Virginias from Brazil, Zimbabwe, and Malawi, enhanced with the addition of 8% sun-cured leaf for sweetness, 8% latakia for the character and coolness, and 2% Malawi burley for body. It is then pressed into bricks and sliced into flake form, then sliced again into small squares for easy filling. The addition of cocoa, chocolate, and vanilla essence only adds more character to an already outstanding tobacco. The resultant flake is cool burning, nicely rounded and provides superb room aroma and fantastic flavors for the smoker. 
Notes: A fine cut mixture of Virginia, latakia and burley tobaccos, with chocolate, cocoa and vanilla flavorings. This is a similar blend to Bobs Chocolate Flake, but with a different cut and slightly different flavorings. Va, Bur 1 lbs 5.6 oz 2 5 yr 1 mo 6 yr 4 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Bobs Square Cut Unscented Click for details A complex blend of Virginias from Brazil, Zimbabwe, and Malawi, enhanced with the addition of 8% sun-cured leaf for sweetness, 8% Latakia for the character and coolness, and 2% Malawi Burley for body. It is then pressed into bricks and sliced into flake form, then sliced again into small squares for easy filling. The addition of cocoa, chocolate, and vanilla essence only adds more character to an already outstanding tobacco. The resultant flake is cool burning, nicely rounded and provides superb room aroma and fantastic flavors for the smoker. 
Notes: A fine cut mixture of Virginia, Latakia and Burley tobaccos, with chocolate, cocoa and vanilla flavorings. This is a similar blend to Bobs Chocolate Flake, but with a different cut and slightly different flavorings. Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 3 mo 7 yr 3 mo
1 Borkum Riff Borkum Riff Whiskey Click for details Aromatic whiskey flavor. Aro, Cav 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
2 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Bosphorus Cruise Click for details Va, Aro, Lat 3 oz 2 10 yr 7 mo 10 yr 11 mo
2 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Bosun Cut Plug Click for details With 54% flue-cured Virginias from Brazil, Zimbabwe and Malawi and 31% dark fired leaf, this is a fairly strong smoke. There is also some sweeter sun cured leaf from Malawi and rich cigar type notes. Va 3 oz 2 2 yr 11 mo 3 yr 9 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Bosun Plug Click for details Bosun is one of the classics which helped put Gawith & Hoggarth on the map. The special Virginia casings compliment the top notes derived from the addition of sharper flavours including oil of cloves and rose geranium.

The various Virginia tobaccos are very earthy, slightly spicy and grassy, mildly floral and woody with a light smokiness, a bit of fermented ripe dark fruit and some citrus. The Malawi burley provides earth, wood, and some nuttiness as a supporting player. The noticeable cigar notes underscore the experience. The oil of cloves is lightly added with the rose geranium being the more prominent topping, both of which sublimate the varietals quite a bit, though they don’t drown them out. The only differences between this and broken flake version is that this plug is a tad sweeter, smoother, and more well rounded. The strength is a couple of steps past the medium mark, while the taste is in the center of medium to full. The nic-hit is medium. No chance of bite, and has no harsh or dull moments. Burns a little slow, cool and clean with a fairly smooth and creamy, very consistent richly sweet and floral flavor from start to finish. Needs some relights, but leaves very little moisture in the bowl. Has a pleasantly lingering after taste and a stronger room note, which lingers just a little, too. For those experienced in Lakelands, this could almost be an all day smoke in small bowls.

-JimInks Va, Bur 1 oz 1 3 yr 9 mo 3 yr 9 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Bothy Flake Click for details Samuel Gawith Bothy Flake was made for the Kearvaig Pipe Club. Its a flake made of ripe, matured Virginias which are combined with a modicum of smoky Latakia and then pressed and sliced into easy to prepare flakes. The Virginias used have more depth than most flue-cured tobaccos, and retain a mellow sweetness thats perfectly compatible with the light amount of Cyprian Latakia. To tie the flavors all together, and to add a bit to the aroma, they infuse the tobacco with a splash of peaty Scotch whisky. The result is mildly sweet, with nice depth and a pleasant, tangy finish. Va, Lat 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Briar Fox Click for details An exceptionally smooth crumble cake of Virginias. The personal blend of Peter Heeschen, the well-known Danish pipe maker. Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 2 mo 6 yr 2 mo
1 Wessex Brigade Campaign Dark Flake Click for details Dark brown Virginia, full bodied and smooth. Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 MATCH Brindleys Mixture Click for details This is a match to the old Brindleys Mixture. Mellow white Burley is combined with golden, ripe Virginias and a mildly-sweet top note for a subtle aroma. Bur, Va 2 oz 1 9 yr 4 mo 9 yr 4 mo
1 Peretti British Blend Click for details 2 oz 1 4 yr 9 mo 4 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland British Woods Click for details Full, rich and dark. Heavy with fragrant Latakia, spiced with premium Macedonian tobaccos. Lat, Or, Va 3.5 oz 1 8 yr 1 mo 8 yr 1 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Broken Scotch Cake Click for details A very mild blend, using predominantly flue-cured Virginia, but with the addition of some sun-cured both to cool land sweeten the smoke. A rough-cut into very coarse pieces also contributes to cooling the smoke. Va 2 oz 1 2 yr 8 mo 2 yr 8 mo
2 Rattray Brown Clunee Click for details Dark in color, with Flue cured Virginias, but mild to medium in flavor is the best way to describe this blend. Va 7 oz 2 12 mo 1 yr 6 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Brown Flake Aromatic Click for details Hot-pressed, dark-stoved Virginias are supplemented by Burley varietals and flavored with licorice, maple and tonquin bean essence. Aro, Bur, Va 4 oz 1 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Brown Flake Scented Click for details Comprised from the same tobaccos as unscented Brown Flake, this medium bodied flake is augmented with the addition of traditional British flavorings (70%) and vanilla and fig extract (15% each). Designed for those smokers who enjoy the Brown Flake, but want a more traditionally flavored British Flake. Bur, Aro, Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 5 mo 7 yr 5 mo
2 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Brown Flake Vanilla Click for details Virginia and Burley tobaccos are stoved and pressed, then flavored with natural vanilla extracts and simple sugars, marrying into a wonderful flake that smells good enough to eat. Va, Aro, Bur 4.1 oz 2 8 yr 3 mo 8 yr 3 mo
3 Samuel Gawith Brown Sugar Flake Click for details A Samuel Gawith/The Danish Pipe Shop pipe tobacco called Brown Sugar Flake. Due to new EU laws the name was changed in 2017 from Brown Sugar Flake to B. S. Flake. The main goal was to relive the famous Orlik Brown Sliced, but in a more full style (not strong but more body). Its matured high quality Virginia that is hot pressed with some natural cavendish. So you get a pure flavour with a hint of natural sweetness from the cavendish. To spice it up it has a pinch of burley and Oriental.

Notes: Was launched as Brown Sugar Flake but in 2017 the name had to change due to new EU laws where a word like sugar may not be used on a tobacco related product. The new name is B. S. Flake.

Jim Inks
This flake has a pinch of earthy, woody, nutty sweet burley, and woody, earthy, slightly spicy, dry, floral Oriental. I don’t know how much a “pinch” is, but I get minor amounts of both in most every puff, which is likely caused by how the flakes are processed. The cavendish offers a honey note. The Virginia reminds me of a sweeter Medium Virginia Flake: a little grassy, fairly woody, fermented dark fruity and earthy, with mild tart and tangy citrus and minor spice notes. The hot pressing of the tobacco, and a little brown sugar topping adds to the sweetness. The nic-hit is just short of the center of mild to medium. Medium in strength and taste, this is a tad richer than Best Brown Flake, and is sort of like a sweeter, smoother, creamier, slightly less earthier Full Virginia Flake with the same level of nicotine and tanginess and more nuanced variety of flavors. Needs some dry time, but will burn slow with a very consistent taste and a very pleasing, lightly lingering after taste. Requires a few relights, and leaves just a little dampness in the bowl. Can be an all day smoke. Four stars.

-JimInks Bur, Cav, Or, Va 5.4 oz 3 1 yr 6 mo 1 yr 6 mo
2 Savinelli Brunello Flake Click for details An impeccably structured blend. Featuring a foundation of sweet, tangy Virginias and cool burning burleys, a dash of Macedonian leaf is added to round out the mixture and add a hint of the exotic. The different leafs are then aged as one, in order to marry and harmonize flavor, prior to being pressed into a tantalizing flake. Va, Bur 7 oz 2 5 yr 3 mo 5 yr 7 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.2020 Matured Cake Click for details Matured Cake Mixture combines the characteristic sweetness and zest of a fine Matured Virginia with the unique aroma, softness and rich, nutty flavor of a distinctive Oriental Mixture. Aging this blend of lemon and orange Virginias, Xanthi and Latakia in cakes develops an extra margin of smoothness and an uncommonly rich flavor that is refined, not heavy. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 7 yr 4 mo 7 yr 4 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.2040 Cyprian Mixture Click for details A full Cyprian mixture, with tons of dark Latakia, rich and satisfying. Lat 2 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.5100 Red Cake Click for details This is a style of English Virginia that has seldom been seen in America. A sweet, exceptionally soft, fully rubbed-out Matured Cake. 5100 is a wonderful blending tobacco as well as a fine, medium-bodied straight smoke. Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.5110 Dark English Full Click for details Rich with Latakia, spiced with the finest Oriental leaf and mellowed with Stoved Virginia and then aged into a deeply satisfying, harmonious blend of the worlds most exotic tobaccos, this is a very full mixture, sure to satisfy the lover of traditional Enlgish style blends. Lat, Or, Va 4 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.M-55 Georgian Cream Click for details This flavor has delighted American palates as far back as the Revolution. The basic combination of orchard fruit (chiefly peach), nut and honey can be found in the desserts known to have delighted Presidents Jefferson and Madison. A delicate balance has been achieved here. There is the real tobacco taste of the fine Virginias and Burleys and Black Cavendish, but then there is the hint of sweetness and the faint aroma of some fine confection. Aro, Bur, Cav, Va 4 oz 1 11 yr 1 mo 11 yr 1 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Burley Flake #4 Click for details A blend of dark and light Burleys and Latakia, with red Virginia for a touch of sweetness. Bur, Lat, Va 2 oz 1 4 yr 10 mo 4 yr 10 mo
1 Dad's Tobacco Bar, Biddeford,ME Butter Rum Click for details Smells like butter and rum Va, Bur 3 oz 1 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
1 Candia Road Convenience Store Buttered Rum Click for details  --(Submitted by wsclifton) Va, Aro, Cav 4 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Byzantium (062) Click for details A full strength blend with Latakia, Perique and Turkish. Lat, Or, Per, Va 4 oz 1 3 yr 3 mo 3 yr 3 mo
1 L.J. Peretti Cambridge Flake Click for details Here is a combination of two great English traditions. A mixture of Latakia, Turkish and mature Virginia pressed into a flake to provide a unique smoking experience. If youre an English smoker looking to branch out into flakes, this one is for you. Lat, Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 9 mo 6 yr 9 mo
1 MacBaren Capstan Gold Navy Cut (yello) Click for details A blend of carefully selected Virginia tobaccos with a natural aroma enhanced by a subtle flavor.

Notes: Formally blended by Orlik and originally by W.D. & H.O. Wills. See W.D. & H.O. Wills for reviews of the original Capstan Gold Navy Cut. Produced by Mac Baren since 2006. Va 1.8 oz 1 4 yr 1 mo 4 yr 1 mo
1 Imperial Tobacco Group PLC Capstan Medium Navy Cut Click for details A medium to mild blend of carefully selected Virginia tobaccos with a natural aroma enhanced by a subtle flavour. Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 MacBaren Capstan Original Navy Cut (blue) Click for details A medium to mild blend of carefully selected Virginia tobaccos with a natural aroma.

Notes: Originally produced by W.D. and H.O. Wills, now re-released by MacBaren. Va 1.8 oz 1 4 yr 1 mo 4 yr 1 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Captain Bobs Blend Click for details Captain Bob’s Blend, made for Captain Bob Coffey, is an intriguingly unique blend with a base of Virginias and Burleys with deep and fragrant Latakia, and sweet/spicy Perique added as seasoning. The mixture is finished off with a signature topping for a one-of-a-kind experience. Va, Aro, Bur, Lat, Per 6 oz 2 6 yr 8 mo 8 yr 1 mo
1 Hermit Captain Earle Private Stock Click for details Private Stock is a blend of eight select tobaccos highlighted by rich Latakia and deep red Virginia. Stoved and pressed into a Crumble Cake, this is the perfect all day smoke for the connoisseurs of rich and complex English blends. Lat, Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 Hermit Captain Earle Ten Russians Click for details Ten Russians is a true delight for lovers of Latakia. Rich and full bodied, it is pressed to deliver a perfectly balanced blend to the true aficionado of full English tobaccos. Lat, Or, Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Captain Earles Diamond Head Click for details Captain Earles Diamond Head is another full-bodied Latakia plug tobacco, rich in Latakia which is supported by small-leaf Orientals and sweet Virginias. This is a rich blend that will satisfy your cravings for the smoky character of Latakia. Lat, Or, Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
2 GL Pease Caravan Click for details Rich, smoky Cyprian Latakia and a variety of wonderful Oriental tobaccos set the stage for the blend. Lemon and Red Virginias provide support, while adding a hint of sweetness. Finally, just a touch of air cured leaf is added for body. Va, Lat, Or 4 oz 2 1 yr 9 mo 3 yr
2 Cornell & Diehl Carolina Red Flake Click for details A blend of the finest North Carolina grown red Virginias, harvested in 2015, our Carolina Red Flake is a tribute to the Old Belt. Plucked straight from Carolina soil, these top-tier Virginias were all grown, thrashed, blended, pressed, and then lovingly sliced and tinned right here in the heart of old tobacco country.  Sweet, tangy, and spicy, Carolina Red Flake is both surprisingly straightforward and pleasantly complex: youll find its rich, deep, and earthy, with undertones of dried cranberries, orchard grass, and citrus.? Were proud of our heritage—and were particularly proud of this damn near perfect red Virginia flake. Enjoy!

Notes: Retail launch date: June 10, 2016; only 2,400 tins produced.


L2DH-0-15 100% USA FCV from 2015 D1A, D1F, D1H top grade VAs Sugar: 10.49%

6/21/2016 All 2400 tins have been recalled due to mold being found in some tins. Refunds or trades for other C&D blends are being offered. Va 4 oz 2 2 yr 7 mo 5 yr
3 John Middleton Inc Carter Hall Click for details Slow burning, no bite. Cross cut Burleys with a sprinkling of Virginia flake. A pleasing, sweet taste and aroma. Bur, Va 7.5 oz 3 10 yr 10 yr 5 mo
1 Drucquer & Sons Casbah Click for details Casbah is an expertly blended Balkan-style crumble-plug mixture comprising Red and Bright Virginias, a generous portion of small-leaf Orientals, and a generous helping of deep, smoky Cypriot Latakia. Once blended, the loose mixture is pressed and aged in cakes, then cut into blocks — combining the flavor-enhancing benefits of flake- or plug-cut blends with an easy, straightforward preparation for the pipe. In the tin, Casbahs aromas are opulent and exotic, punctuated by sweet and sour notes with a deep allure of smoky zest. On the palate, the blend is full-bodied yet approachable in flavor and strength, balancing a tangy sweetness with whispers of subtle wood-smoke and a creamy, rounded finish.

From Tobacco Reviews:
A beautiful mixture in the Balkan tradition, presented in our Crumble Plug format. Full and rich. Exotic, yet comfortable. A sturdy foundation of red Virginias is enhanced with a bit of bright leaf for balance, generously seasoned with fine Oriental tobaccos, then elevated with a double shot of deep, smoky Cyprian Latakia. The ribbons are pressed and aged in cakes, then cut into blocks, ready to be gently rubbed-out in preparation for your smoking pleasure. Grab your beverage of choice, a favorite pipe filled with these little crumbles of contentment, and get ready to rock the Casbah. Va, Lat, Or 3.5 oz 1 1 yr 7 mo 1 yr 7 mo
1 Comoy's Cask 1 Click for details One of the best-known names in British briars brings us this wonderful, classic-style blend. Cask #1 is rich in Latakia, with superb Virginias and tangy Orientals rounding out the profile. This is a must-try for those who love Latakia. Lat, Or, Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
2 Comoy Cask No 11 Click for details Exquisite Orientals combined with bright Virginias and rich Latakias for a traditional Balkan style blend. A mellow but satisfying smoke featuring delicate flavors and a soft room note. Va, Lat 5.5 oz 2 7 yr 7 mo 8 yr 5 mo
1 Comoy Cask No 7 Click for details A broad coin-cut flake, Comoys Cask No.7 wraps a mix of Virginias and pure Perique around a dark center of smooth black Cavendish, topped with a slight aromatic. Va, Aro, Cav, Per 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
1 Comoy's Cask No. 4 Click for details Comoys Cask No.4 is a simple navy flake; mature Virginias and spicy Perique, pressed and cut, ready to be rubbed out or folded and stuffed for a slow smoke. Va, Per 3.5 oz 1 4 yr 9 mo 4 yr 9 mo
1 Comoy Casket No 2 Click for details Virginias, Burleys, and Black Cavendish topped with chocolate, vanilla and port $2.95 Oz at P&C bulk Va, Cav 1 oz 1 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 4 Noggins Catamount Click for details Ripe Virginia tobaccos, Black Cavendish, & Toasted Cavendish are combined to create a complex, mild smoking experience. The aroma is an elegant vanilla with a hint of cherry. Toasting the Cavendish locks in the natural sweet tobacco flavor and eliminates bite. Aro, Cav, Va 2 oz 1 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 1 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company CD Blend Click for details Bur, Or 1.5 oz 1 9 yr 5 mo 9 yr 5 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Celtic Talisman Click for details Celtic Talisman is blended from Bright Virginias, Burley and Black Cavendish. Topped with a dash of sweet cherry, this blend re-defines the Aromatic. Aro, Bur, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 3 mo 8 yr 3 mo
3 Drew Estate Central Park Stroll Click for details The sweet aroma makes you feel like you’re standing outside a bakery; notes of chocolate, vanilla and caramel blend harmoniously with mellow tobaccos.
Blend Type
Aromatic ,Black Cavendish,Flavoring
Alcohol / Liquor, Cocoa / Chocolate, Vanilla 
Cut, Ribbon Cav, Va 5.4 oz 3 10 yr 3 mo 10 yr 3 mo
3 Hearth & Home Cerberus (Marquee Series) Click for details As the first addition to the H&H Marquee series in 2012, we are thrilled to offer a real Latakia-lovers blend which we created in honor of International Pipe Smoking Day 2012. The initial response was so strong, that we worked hard to obtain the components to make more. Loaded with Cyprian Latakia and enhanced with Perique, Orientals, Virginia and Dark-Fired Kentucky, this is a full-flavored, cool-smoking treat! Va, Lat, Or, Per 5.1 oz 3 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 11 mo
1 GL Pease Charing Cross Click for details Charing Cross is a traditional Balkan style blend of fine Virginia leaf, richly seasoned with smoky Cyprian Latakia, and spiced with the exquisite and exotic tobaccos of the orient. This is the one for Latakia lovers. Lat, Or, Va 8 oz 1 3 mo 3 mo
2 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Charlamagne Click for details Va, Aro, Lat 4.5 oz 2 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 GL Pease Chelsea Morning Click for details Sweet red and bright Virginias, fragrant orientals, a bit of rich Cyprus Latakia, and just a pinch of perique. The leaf is blended in layers, briefly pressed, then sliced and tumbled into ribbons. Lively and engaging, with a subtle fruitiness, and an elegant, creamy texture, its a great bowl to accompany the morning cup. Va, Lat, Or, Per 2 oz 1 6 yr 3 mo 6 yr 3 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Cherry & Vanilla Click for details This American style aromatic mixture is comprised of various Virginia varieties and flavored with vanilla and a slight hint of cherries. Aro, Va 2 oz 1 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
1 MacBaren Cherry Ambrosia Click for details Manufactured from matured Virginia tobaccos and golden brown, cask mellowed Burley tobaccos to which a specially roasted Cavendish has been added. Cherry Ambrosia with its well balanced flavor gives a light and pleasant smoke. Aro, Bur, Cav, Va 3.5 oz 1 6 yr 8 mo 6 yr 8 mo
2 John Middleton Inc Cherry Blend Click for details Middletons Cherry Cavendish pipe tobacco. Aro, Cav 3 oz 2 9 yr 12 mo 10 yr 6 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Cherry Cream Flake Click for details Gawith, Hoggarth & Co.s Cherry Cream Flake is a firmly pressed and sliced combination of ripe red and sweet golden Virginias that has been laced with a smooth, rich cherry flavor. The resulting flakes offer a variety of preparation options so you can find the method that delivers the best sweet and fruity flavor. G&H Cherry Cream Flake is one of the most unique flake tobaccos available. Va, Aro 4 oz 1 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
1 Dutch Masters Cherry Liqueur Click for details Cav, Aro, Bur 1.5 oz 1 3 yr 1 mo 3 yr 1 mo
1 Boswell's Pipe & Tobacco Cherry Smash Click for details Blend of Cavendish Tobacco  flavored with a rich cherry mixture...   Full aromatic, medium to full bodied yet gentle.  One of J.M.’s first masterful blends 30 years  ago. While smoking the cherry aroma gives way to an agreeable, light tobacco  flavor.  Burns easily to the end. Cav, Aro 2 oz 1 8 yr 3 mo 8 yr 3 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Chocolate Flake Click for details Chocolate Flake is a luxury blend of Virginias, Burley and long-leaf Latakia. To complete the luxury, a rich, dark chocolate has been added after cutting. Aro, Bur, Lat, Va 5.8 oz 2 6 yr 2 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company ChocolateTruffle Click for details This delicious blend is an intriguing mixture of six tobaccos, three distinctly different chocolate Toppings, a bit of coconut and almond, with a hint of Brandy. Chocolate Truffle certainly lives up to its name, as it’s the pipe smoker’s answer to the decadent, high-calorie treats Bur, Cav, Va 4 oz 1 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Christmas Cheer 2015 Click for details McClellands Christmas Cheer is an annual release that utilizes the finest Virginias that the McNiels could find, all from 2011. Then they process the tobaccos using their signature methods and press the tobaccos, finally packaging it as a broken flake. Enthusiasts from around the world wait with anticipation for the release each year, buying one to try now and more to cellar, as these tobaccos become sublime with age on them. Due to their limited quantities, youll want to act quickly. Va 3.5 oz 1 9 yr 2 mo 9 yr 2 mo
1 Stanwell Classic Click for details An exquisite mixture blended from mature Virginia, and mellow Black Cavendish, we have added a gently pressed and fermented cut plug made from Virginia and Burley. The mixture is perfected with a touch of sweet plum aroma, ehich creates a unique smoking experience for the most demanding pipe smoker. Aro, Bur, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 MacBaren Club Blend Click for details A roll-cake tobacco, spun from rich, matured Virginia and choice Cavendish tobaccos giving Club Blend its medium strength and delightful aroma. Cav, Va 3.5 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 L.J. Peretti Coffee Blend Click for details A tobacco for the true coffee lover. A pleasant, mild tobacco with a mellow sweetness and distinct coffee aroma Cav, Aro 1.5 oz 1 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Commonwealth Mixture Click for details For the dedicated smoker who demands a fuller flavor to their tobacco. Commonwealth, another Samuel Gawith Bi-Centenarian, is a full-strength blend of 50% heavily steamed Virginia and 50% Cyprus Latakia. Lat, Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 10 mo 8 yr 10 mo
2 Hearth & Home Concerto Click for details Hearth & Home Marquee Concerto 

Before P&C moved from Albany, NY to Bethlehem, PA, Russ had blended a Latakia-heavy blend with lots of Burley, along with some Orientals, Virginia, and Perique. It was supposed to be a new entry in the Hearth & Home Marquee line, but it never got sent out for tinning. When it came time to move, it got packed away and because it was such a hectic time, forgotten. When we discovered it earlier this year we sent it out to be tinned, but we wanted to use the old tins, and for old times sake we asked Russ to design the label, which he had done for most of the old entries to the line. The blend has smokiness, earthiness, sweetness, and spice, with all the players working together, much like listening to a concerto, so thats what we decided to call it. Grab some and we think youll agree that Hearth & Home Marquee Concerto hits all the right notes. Lat, Bur, Or, Per, Va 4 oz 2 6 yr 8 mo 7 yr
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Coniston Cut Plug Click for details A very lightly flavored classic plug formed from dark-fired, bright Virginias and Kentucky Burley. Va, Bur 4 oz 1 3 yr 6 mo 3 yr 6 mo
1 Peterson Connemara Black Click for details Petersons Connemara Black is a different take on one of the most popular types of pipe tobacco - cherry aromatics. Soft, superb black Cavendish is blended with mature, ripe Virginias and accented with a singularly sweet and zesty cherry note. Cool enough to enjoy all day, Connemara Black has an outstanding room note that everyone will love. Cav, Aro, Va 1.4 oz 1 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 1 mo
1 Peterson Connoisseur Choice Click for details A satisfying, spicy and aromatic blend of Black Cavendish, Golden & Red Virginia, mixed with luxury broken flake. The aromatic recipe of Tropical Fruit, Maple, Vanilla and Rum, make this blend smooth and very pleasant. Aro, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 10 yr
1 Cult Conspiracy Click for details Golden Virginias, reddish Burley, a special Green River black Cavendish, and a touch of Cyprian Latakia are blended together and topped with notes of vanilla and clover honey to produce Cult Conspiracys creamy and just slightly floral smoke. Va, Aro, Bur, Cav 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
1 Wilke Pipe Tobacco Continental Click for details The musty, salty, sweet Cyprian Latakia provides a wealth of smoke, wood, earth, floralness, and some sourness along with a little spice as the lead component. In an important, competitive support role is the very earthy, woody, floral, vegetative, herbal, moderately buttery sweet and tangy sour, spicy Turkish. The Turkish prevents this blend from being a full fledged Lat-bomb, though it’s very close to being one. Both varietals reduce the grassy, tart and tangy, bready, sugary, vegetative, mildly floral, slightly spicy Virginia to a condiment. The strength and nic-hit are strong. Has a full taste level. No chance of bite or harshness, but it does have a few rough edges. Deeply rich, it burns cool and clean at a reasonable rate with a very consistent zesty sweet and sour, spicy, floral, potently savory campfire flavor that extends to the pleasantly long lingering after taste. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Has a very pungent room note. Not an all day smoke. Four stars.
Jim Inks Amash Lat, Or, Va 4 oz 1 8 mo 8 mo
1 Low Country Pipe & Cigar Cooper Click for details The confluence of the Cooper and Ashley Rivers create Charleston Harbor, the most important port in the antebellum South. Following trade winds, goods flowed to points north and, especially, across the Atlantic to the great British ports of call. Commemorating the Cooper Rivers contribution to world trade, we have selected choice Orientals and Cyprian Latakia to accent a base of fine Bright Leaf and Red Virginias to create this exceptional medium English Flake for Low Country. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 5 yr 6 mo 5 yr 6 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Corn Cob Pipe and a Button Nose Click for details A warm mug of cocoa
flecked with marshmallow
Its cold outside. Your pipes alight.
Its looking like it might snow.

If bright, gold Virginias
fulfill your Christmas wish,
Blend in some reds; its quite a spread,
With Burley and Cavendish.

A blend for the season,
warmed with Christmas cheer
makes our Corncob Pipe and A Button Nose
for the best day of the year! Va, Aro, Bur, Cav 2 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 Wilke Pipe Tobacco Coronado Oriental Click for details The Orientals offer an abundance of earth, wood, herbs, floralness, vegetation, and some buttery sweetness, spice and sourness as they take a small lead. The musty sweet Cyprian Latakia provides a lot of smoke, wood, earth, floralness, and some sourness along with a little spice as a close competitor. The mildly creamy, unsweetened black cavendish tames many of the rough edges. Its position here is a couple of notches above the condiment line. The strength is a step past the medium mark. The taste level is a slot past that. The nic-hit is a shade below medium. There’s no chance of bite or harshness. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with a very consistent sweet and sour, floral, spicy, campfire flavor that translates to the pleasantly lingering after taste. Has a tolerable room note. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Can be an all day smoke for the veteran, and repeatable for the less experienced. Three and a half stars.
Jim Inks Amash Cav, Lat, Or 4 oz 1 8 mo 8 mo
2 Sutliff Tobacco Company Count Pulaski Click for details Lets start by saying this - if youre the kind of pipe smoker who wants pipe tobacco in a uniform cut, you wont like Sutliff Count Pulaski. But if you enjoy flavorful aromatic Latakia blends (especially if youre looking for a replacement for one of the Frog Morton blends), you should at least give this one a try.

The Count Pulaski blend from Sutliff is a complex blend of four distinct sub-blends. The leaf content is a mixture of burley shag, burley plug, burley cube, Carolina flake, Virginia and Latakia. The primary flavors are Rose of Latakia and rum with a hint of anise.

Sutliff Count Pulaski is a flavorful blend containing three different types of Burley - a course cut white, cube, and a cut plug. Also included are a flake-cut Carolina, bright Virginia, and Latakia, Its finished with a unique combination of rum, anise, and an old-fashioned, rare flavoring called Rose of Latakia. Its an easy-smoking blend that can be enjoyed all day without tiring your taste buds. Bur, Lat, Va 8 oz 2 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 11 mo
1 Missouri Meerschaum Country Gentleman Click for details American flue-cured leaf with a bit of dark fired and Perique; smooth and natural Va, Per 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 3 mo 10 yr 3 mo
1 Robert McConnell Covent Garden Click for details A mixture of spicy Latakia, Perique, Virginia, and Orientals make Covent Garden a full-bodied English blend, ideal for evening smokes.

The smoky, woody, earthy, mildly sweet Cyprian latakia is the lead component. The dry, smoke, woody, lightly floral and sour Orientals are secondary players. The grassy, lightly citrusy, earthy and dark fruity Virginias are the third stars in the mix. The spicy, raisiny, plumy perique is a condiment. The latakia and Orientals are not as forceful as they are in Nightcap, while the Virginias and perique play a similar, but not exact role in regard to being a close match. The strength is medium, while the taste is a step or so past that mark. The nic-hit is a little closer to medium than it is to mild. Won’t bite or get harsh, but like Nightcap, does have a rough edge here and there, though it’s a tad more obvious in Nightcap. Burns cool and clean at a reasonable rate with a very consistent mildly sweet and fairly savory flavor from top to bottom. Leaves little moisture in the bowl and requires an average number of relights. The after taste lingers a little, and the room note is a little stronger than that. Can be an all day smoke for the veteran. It’s fairly similar to Nightcap, but lacks a little of the strength inherent in the Dunhill product, which isn’t an all day smoke. I gave four stars to Nightcap. Lat, Or, Per, Va 1.8 oz 1 4 yr 10 mo 4 yr 10 mo
2 Sutliff Tobacco Company Cringle Flake 2020 Click for details Sutliffs Cringle Flake Holiday Edition 2020 presents a blend of blackened, 10-year-old Virginias with 17-year-old Perique. Given the individual vintages of each of these components, the mixture offers an exceptionally mature flavor right out of the tin, a deep richness similar in character to a 10-year-old Virginia/Perique. That maturity is further augmented by partially cavendishing the aged Virginias, steaming them for one hour before theyre combined with the Perique and pressed into delicate flakes. Naturally sweet with a spicy, piquant character, the result is incredibly complex, with notes of stone fruits, earthy spice, and molasses dancing across the palate. Va, Per 3 oz 2 3 yr 11 mo 3 yr 11 mo
1 Lane Limited Crown Achievement Click for details 1 oz 1 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company Crumble Kake - English #1 Click for details Crumble Kake - English #1 is a new arrival from Sutliff that will be everything you would hope for in an English blend. The blend is made of Latakia with red Virginias, Burley, and Orientals that gives continuous flavors of slightly leather notes, with hints of earth and nuts and a light, fruity sweetness. If you are looking for an English tobacco that provides a good balance but yet some complexities that is a pressed rubbed out kake, then this Crumble Kake will become your new all-day go to. A great addition to the Sutliff Crumble Kake line. Va, Bur, Lat, Or 1.5 oz 1 5 yr 8 mo 5 yr 8 mo
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company Crumble Kake Va Perique Click for details Introducing to the Sutliff line is Crumble Kaka Va Perique. This particular blend combines red Virginias with a touch of Perique and unsweetened Black Cavendish which creates tangy notes of dark fruit with an undertone of bread and hay. But you cant forget the expected spice that is associated with VaPers. If you are a fan of Va Perique you will want to make sure that this Crumble Kake is in your lineup. Va, Cav, Per 1.5 oz 1 5 yr 7 mo 5 yr 7 mo
1 Drew Estate Cult Blood Red Moon Click for details Cult Blood Red Moon is exactly the kind of aromatic pipe tobacco that many have asked for over the years - a smooth, easy-smoking blend, with a cherry note. This exceptionally gentle tobacco is a mixture of Burley, Virginia and black Cavendish with a soft, deep cherry flavor, made even rounder with a hint of vanilla. If cherry blends of the past have soured you on trying a new one, youll be sorry if you pass this one up! Bur, Cav 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 1 mo
1 GL Pease Cumberland Click for details Robust and possessing a subdued sweetness, Cumberland is a delightfully orchestrated suite of American tobaccos, featuring a rare and exquisite mahogany Kentucky, aged in bales for twenty years. Red and matured Virginias establish a theme. Bur, Va 2 oz 1 3 yr 3 yr
1 Dobies Cut Plug Click for details Dobies 4 Square Cut Plug begins with nothing but sweet, bright Virginias that are rolled and then pressed square. This is a nicely sweet straight Virginia flake with a mellow room note that can be prepared in a variety of ways to suit your tastes. If you love Virginias without the influence of Perique or any other tobaccos, this will quickly become a favorite. Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 1 mo 8 yr 1 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Da Vinci Click for details The base of light Virginias and Burley is overwhelmed by the smoky pungent aroma of Cyprian Latakia. This is the perfect blend for the true lover of Latakia; but be forewarned, this blend is not for everyone. Lat, Bur, Va 4 oz 2 9 yr 6 mo 10 yr 2 mo
1 Dunhill Dark Flake Click for details First produced back in 1970, Dunhills Dark Flake is a heralded vintage blend of choice Virginias and a little Perique for spice. Bolder in strength and flavor than Dunhill Flake, though still as easy to prepare. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 3 mo 7 yr 3 mo
4 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Dark Flake Scented Click for details For Dark Flake Scented, Gawith, Hoggarth and Co. combine long stoved, hot-pressed Virginias and Burley tobaccos, with flavors of licorice, maple and tonquin bean. Va, Aro, Bur 8 oz 4 4 yr 3 mo 7 yr 3 mo
4 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Dark Flake Unscented Click for details A very strong, but very cool smoke is the result of combining in equal proportions only Malawi Dark Fired Leaf and Indian dark air-cured leaf. No additional flavors. You can smell in this tobacco the Smokey flavor of the dark fired leaf derived from its curing process of being hung above smoky fires, and the sweeter, yet still strong cigar type flavor of the dark-air-cured Indian leaf. Bur, Va 6 oz 4 4 yr 2 mo 7 yr 3 mo
2 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Dark Plug Click for details Dark flake tobacco is cut into bars from cake. A very strong, but very cool smoke is the result of combining in equal proportions only Malawi Dark Fired Leaf and Indian dark air-cured leaf. No additional flavours. You can smell in this tobacco the Smokey flavour of the dark fired leaf derived from its curing process of being hung above smoky fires, and the sweeter, yet still strong cigar type flavour of the dark-air-cured Indian leaf. Va 5 oz 2 3 yr 6 mo 3 yr 9 mo
2 McClelland Dark Star Click for details Dark Star begins as Bright Yellow, sugary top grade Virginia and Carolina leaf. Through careful triple aging, pressing and stoving, it becomes rich, cool and dark. A spicy aroma. Va 5.3 oz 2 8 yr 2 mo 9 yr 4 mo
1 Peter Heinrichs Dark Strong Flake Click for details Aged cakes of red Virginia and fire-cured dark Kentucky tobaccos give this full-bodied, flavorful flake an unusually rich and naturally spicy taste. Not for neophytes, this one satisfies with old-fashioned deep taste. Good outdoors. Va, Bur 3.5 oz 1 9 yr 8 mo 9 yr 8 mo
2 Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky Click for details The Orlik Dark Kentucky is a contrasting blend of Mature Virginia tobaccos, supplemented with dark- fired Kentucky tobacco, which is then pressed and cut into flakes. Full-bodied non-aromatic. Bur, Va 3.6 oz 2 9 yr 8 mo 9 yr 8 mo
1 MacBaren Dark Twist Click for details A full roll cake tobacco for special moments. Round in taste and quite characteristic. The specially spiced, dark Cavendish ensures its pleasant taste and harmoniously matches the choice Virginia tobacco. Cav, Va 3.5 oz 1 10 yr 3 mo 10 yr 3 mo
1 Peterson De Luxe Mixture Click for details This Black Cavendish aromatic is a selection of matured Virginia tobaccos from Brazil and Africa blended with loose cut mellow Black Cavendish. A tasteful flavor consisting of Vanilla, Walnut & Honey that has been added. Aro, Cav, Va 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
1 Two Friends Deacons Downfall Click for details Dark and mysterious! Rich with Latakia, Black Cavendish, dark stoved Virginias and Perique. A bit of oriental leaf adds an exotic spice. This is a tobacco for those seeking a big, powerful flavor that isnt harsh or overwhelming. One bowl, and youll know just what caused the Deacons Downfall! Lat, Cav, Or, Per, Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 7 mo 6 yr 7 mo
1 Watch City Cigar Deep Elem Click for details Light Latakia Blend.
A Delicate Mixture of Latakia, Virginia and Carolina Cavendish. 
Type: English 
Cut: Ribbon 
Strength: Mild 
All of our tobacco blends are original recipes and are hand blended in small batches on the premises from the finest blending components available. Cav, Bur, Lat, Va 1.5 oz 1 7 yr 7 yr
1 Watch City Cigar Deluxe Crumb Cut Click for details Due to FDA regulations, Deer Tongue is no longer available as a Pipe Tobacco component. We have replaced it with a Vanilla curing. 
Remember the days when Burley smoked cool, slow and smooth to the bottom of the bowl?? Neither do we. It took us ten years just to find a Burley of the proper grade and cut to put our name on. Cube Cut doesnt burn evenly. Ribbon burns too fast and flakes bite the tongue. Our burley is cut to a crumbly consistancy that packs, lights and burns perfectly! A naturally sweet and cool experience with an old fashioned pipe shop aroma. Bur, Aro, Cav 2 oz 1 7 yr 7 yr
1 Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls Click for details Some consider this almost identical to the old-time favorite Escudo Navy Rolls. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 1 mo 10 yr 1 mo
2 HU Tobacco Dockworker (United Passion) Click for details A strong, chocolaty and spicy Malawi Burley is at the center of the Dockworker Flake. It is complemented by spicy Orientals and Virginia from Zambia, India and the Philippines. The result is a sweet-spicy blend with a beautiful Burley/Oriental touch. This unusual blend impresses with a very complex and well balanced flavor. A medium strong flake for friends of fragrant tobaccos . No added flavor! Bur, Or, Va 3.6 oz 2 6 yr 3 mo 6 yr 3 mo
1 Esoterica Tobacciana Dorchester Click for details A special formulation of six light Virginias plus Golden and Dark Virginias with air-cured leaf and a pinch of Louisiana Perique. Easy burning is ensured by the carefully selected cut. The Perique balances the Virginias with a hint of spice for the discerning palate. Va, Per 2 oz 1 3 yr 11 mo 3 yr 11 mo
1 John Aylesbury Dragon Flake Click for details An excellent aromatic flake, consisting of dark and golden Virginias, double-fermented black cavendish and a touch of burley, flavored with the sweetish-sweet notes of maple syrup, caramel and vanilla. A gentle smoke flavor with cooling properties.

Jim Amash
The dark fruit and citrus Virginias have a little grass and some earth as well as a light bready quality. The double fermented black cavendish plays a sweet support role. The nutty, earthy burley is in the background, and barely detectable. The maple topping takes a small lead over the caramel. The vanilla is very lightly applied. The toppings have some richness and depth, and sublimate the tobaccos to a fair extent. As is customary with Danish processing, there is an ever present light spiciness that, in this case, almost reminds me of a ginger spice. The strength is in the center of mild to medium while the taste level just passes that mark. The nic-hit is mild. No chance of bite, and has no rough edges. The flakes are a little moist and easily broken apart to suit your preference. Burns cool, clean and a little slow with a mostly consistent flavor all the way to the finish. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires a few relights. Has a pleasantly linger after taste and room note. Not quite an all day smoke. Va, Bur, Cav 1.5 oz 1 1 yr 4 mo 1 yr 4 mo
1 Tsuge Dragon God Click for details A bold mixture of sweet Virginias, smoky Latakia, and Periques spicy, fire-cured cousin, Acadian Black, this Tsuge blend is as powerful and unrelenting as the seas the dragon god Ryujin ruled. Va, Lat, Per 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
2 Hearth & Home Drawing Room (Signature) Click for details Drawing Room is a rich and fragrant Latakia-based blend with a robust Oriental influence. Sweet, matured Virginias are combined with a heaping helping of Cyprian Latakia, and then finished with fine Izmir and just a touch of Perique for added body, sweetness and spice. A great after-dinner smoke, unwind with full-bodied, exotic Drawing Room. Lat, Or, Per, Va 3 oz 2 8 yr 10 mo 8 yr 11 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Dreams of Kadath Click for details We step into a dreamland with Cornell & Diehls Dreams of Kadath. The blend is composted of a fragrant mix of dark-fired Kentucky, Katerini, Perique, Virginia, Burley, and black Cavendish, which will have descending on a journey to Kadath. Load a bowl from this easy-to-prepare plug and get ready for a rich and complex experience. C&Ds Dreams of Kadath is hard to classify, but a dream to enjoy. Va, Bur, Cav, Per 2 oz 1 5 yr 8 mo 5 yr 8 mo
2 Esoterica Tobacciana Dunbar Click for details A mature recipe of seven types of Virginia tobaccos blended with Louisiana Perique, lightly pressed for several days to mellow the mixture, then cut into flakes and rubbed up. A high quality blend with a savory taste and a fine bouquet. An outstanding tobacco with a rich depth of flavor. Va, Per 3.8 oz 2 5 yr 2 mo 5 yr 6 mo
1 MATCH Dunhill BB1938 Click for details A blend of Virginias and Latakia made famous generations ago for its smooth-smoking qualities, Babys Bottom was at the top of the list for mixtures we wanted to see re-introduced. Now, thanks to the folks at British American Tobacco and General Cigar, it has returned. Old Dunhill Store Description: A smooth medium strength mixture which consists mainly of Red Virginia, but also has bronze and lemon Virginia, some flake and a good helping of Latakia. Va, Lat 1.5 oz 1 9 yr 5 mo 9 yr 5 mo
6 Dunhill Durbar Click for details This blend contains a high proportion of Oriental Leaf, Virginia and Latakia. It is a broad cut mixture, giving rich body, but has a slow rate of burn and is medium in strength. Or, Lat, Va 11 oz 6 7 yr 1 mo 10 yr
1 Dunhill Early Morning Pipe Click for details Sweet Oriental carefully blended with Bright and Red Virginias, pressed and lightly stoved. Great as the `first pipe` arousing the palate for the further pleasures of the day. Or, Va 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 1 mo 11 yr 1 mo
1 McClelland Easy Street Click for details An elegant black Cavendish with a whisper of English Walnut. Cav, Aro 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 4 mo 9 yr 4 mo
1 L.J. Peretti Ebony Click for details Mild Cavendish blend combined with Black Virginia for a delightful flavor and aroma. Cav, Aro, Va 1.4 oz 1 9 yr 11 mo 9 yr 11 mo
1 Edgeworth Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Click for details An extraordinary blend of the finest Burley and carefully selected light golden Virginia tobaccos. By adding an aroma according to an old recipe containing Jamaica rum and other secret ingredients, a spicy blend is created. By cutting the pressed Cavendish cross-wise, the characteristic cubes are formed. These cubes guarantee an easy fill and even burning pipe. Pressed blend composed mainly of Burley and dark-fired tobaccos with some Virginia leaf. Bur, Aro, Va 2 oz 1 9 yr 8 mo 9 yr 8 mo
1 Low Country Pipe & Cigar Edisto Click for details Named and blended for Smokingpipes brick-and-mortar store Low Country Pipe and Cigar in Little River, South Carolina, Low Country pipe tobaccos are all crafted by Cornell & Diehl — also located in South Carolina. Theyre blended to be classic, easy-smoking mixtures, honoring South Carolinas historic Lowcountry and named for some of the regions iconic waterways.

Among the longest free-flowing blackwater rivers in America, the Edisto is the largest river system completely contained within South Carolina. Framed by ancient oaks draped in Spanish moss and historic tupelo-cypress trees, its gentle, steady current meanders over 250 miles to its mouth at picturesque Edisto Beach, reflecting the easy-going lifestyle of those who call its shores home. Low Countrys Edisto pays tribute to this local sanctuary with a relaxing blend of naturally sweet Red Virginias, pressed and sliced into delicate flakes for the perfect all-day, everyday pipe tobacco. Va 2 oz 1 1 yr 10 mo 1 yr 10 mo
1 HU Tobacco Edward G. Click for details Robinson played the notorious gangster and anti-hero in film noir movies and was a fascinating figure in American cinema of the 1930s and 1940s. Gaining fame as the power-hungry slob and gangster, Edward G. Robinson led the life of a sensitive art enthusiast and avid pipe smoker. In its varieties and contrasts Edward G. Robinsons life shows similarities to Edward G Ready Rubbed Flake. Gaining a tartly sweet character, the dark and pressed Red Virginias of assorted provenances have been finished with a little perique and brown Virginia. A touch of Kentucky tobacco gives the blend that extra something. Edward G…Ready Rubbed Flake captivates by its natural sweetness, which makes a mark on it without dominating. It is a blend just as distinctive, complex, interesting and multi-faceted as Edward G. Robinsons life and work. Va 3.5 oz 1 5 yr 4 mo 5 yr 4 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Edward G. Robinson Blend Click for details A mildly aromatic pipe blend of rich mellow imported and domestic tobaccos. Aro, Cav 12 oz 1 9 yr 10 mo 9 yr 10 mo
1 Hearth & Home Egg Nog Click for details Egg Nog was the first true aromatic in the Hearth and Home series. Although the aroma is complex, pleasant and mildly sweet, the spice flavorings come through more prominently in the smoking. Featuring the flavors of vanilla, rum, cinnamon and nutmeg, Egg Nog is a bite-free blend that will please anyone in the room. Bur, Aro, Cav 2 oz 1 9 yr 2 mo 9 yr 2 mo
1 CAO Eileens Dream Click for details Inspired by CAOs flavorful Eileens Dream Cigarillos, this blend begins with a base of quality Virginia leaf and then infuses the same with a frothed cream thats been laced with superior Irish whiskey and coconut milk, followed by a subtle mixture of hazelnut paste, ground almonds, cocoa and vanilla extracts. This is one tobacco that your in-laws might actually encourage you to smoke around them (maybe). Aro, Va 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 1 mo 10 yr 1 mo
1 Hearth & Home El Nino Click for details Hearth & Home Marquee El Nino was created for the 2013 West Coast Pipe Show, and like its namesake, it delivers a lot of power, A complex, hard-to-describe blend of Virginias with Perique and dark-fired Kentucky with some unflavored black Cavendish, its a constantly changing smoke with depth. Cav, Per, Va 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 10 mo 9 yr 10 mo
2 Peterson Elizabethan Mixture Click for details Notes: Elizabethan Mixture was launched by Dunhill and made in London until production was transferred to sister company Murray and Sons in 1981. It was made in Belfast until new owners BAT closed the Murray factory in 2005.

Dunhills Elizabethan combines pressed, darkened Virginias with a dose of perique (all ribbon-cut) to create an easy-to-enjoy blend with a tangy character and a bit of pepper spice.

Elizabethan has been made since its 2013 reintroduction by STG after being unavailable since 2005, firstly under the Dunhill brand and now as a Peterson product after Dunhill withdrew their brand from the pipe tobacco market. Va, Per 3.6 oz 2 2 yr 7 mo 3 yr 4 mo
1 Dan Tobacco Elwood Flake Click for details Four different Virginia provencies and a portion of a delicate Oriental tobacco are fermented together in the press together with the addition of a traditional discreetly fruity fig casings and then stored to maturity.
A flake inspired by tradition, slow burning, cool smoke and gently sweet taste. Va, Aro, Or 1.8 oz 1 5 yr 3 mo 5 yr 3 mo
1 GL Pease Embarcadero Click for details Rich, ripe red Virginias are combined with top-grade Izmir leaf, pressed and aged in cakes, then sliced into flakes and tinned. The result is a wonderfully fragrant, natural blend with subdued sweetness. Va, Or 2 oz 1 2 yr 2 yr
2 Cornell & Diehl Engine 99 (099) Click for details This is a full English blend similar to Balkan Sobrainie 759. Va, Lat, Or 4 oz 2 5 yr 3 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 Dobies English Click for details Dobies 4 Square has included some legendary blends, and 4 Square English is destined to join them. For those who prefer their Latakia blends to be more subtle, this is a great choice. A modest amount of Cyprian Latakia is joined  by bright Virginias, and instead of the typical Orientals, a bit of silky Burley to add body. If you want a Latakia blend that can be enjoyed all day, try 4 Square English. Va, Bur, Lat 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 1 mo 8 yr 1 mo
1 Federal Cigar English Click for details Va, Bur 1.5 oz 1 9 yr 5 mo 9 yr 5 mo
1 L.J. Peretti English 110 Click for details A pleasant English-style blend with the rich flavors of fine Oriental and Latakia tobaccos, but a sweeter blend than most. Or, Lat, Va 0.8 oz 1 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
1 L.J. Peretti English 220 Click for details A more full-bodied variety of English 110, which is described as follows: A pleasant English-style blend with the rich flavors of fine Oriental and Latakia tobaccos, but a sweeter blend than most. Va 0.9 oz 1 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
1 Watch City Cigar English Ernie-ental Click for details In the tradition of classic mild-medium Balkan blends, English Ernie-ental starts with equal parts red & stoved Virginia. A coveted stash of Macedonian Prilep, and our Tempered Latakia add a sweet smokey spice and a light, pleasant dry sour note.

Notes: For Watch Citys Second Micro-Batch Project, Ernie Q. continued his quest to recall why he used to love Latakia so much. I dunno what the == happened. I used to love the == and then one day it was like my taste buds went schizo! (His words, not ours). He still has an aversion to the stuff, but feels this release is the closest hes come. Va, Lat 4 oz 1 3 yr 9 mo 3 yr 9 mo
2 Peter Stokkebye English Oriental Supreme Click for details This classic blend brings together the finest mellow Georgian Virginias, Black Cavendish, Mexican Burleys and Cyprus Latakia, while evoking an exotic flair uniquely its own. Va, Bur, Cav, Lat 6 oz 2 7 yr 11 mo 9 yr 1 mo
8 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Ennerdale Flake Click for details Predominately Virginia leaf with the addition of sun cured Malawi to add sweetness & strength. A background flavor of almond with the addition of fruit flavors, vanilla, and the special English type flavors. Aro, Va 1 lbs 5.2 oz 8 3 yr 11 mo 8 yr 7 mo
3 Cornell & Diehl Epiphany (068) Click for details A Runowski/Tarler blend of Virginia, Latakia, Burley and Perique reminiscent of the original Revelation that was said to be the favorite of a certain renowned thinker named Einstein. Va, Bur, Lat, Per 6 oz 3 8 yr 7 mo 10 yr 1 mo
2 Scandinavian Tobacco Group Erinmore Flake Click for details The leaf tobaccos for Erinmore are selected from only premium tobacco growing regions of the world. The blend consists of mature Virginia, mellow burley and sweet dark air-cured tobaccos. It is pressed into cakes, aged and cut into slices providing a mellow and cool smoke with flowery and fruity note.

Notes: Formerly blended by Murray & Sons, UK, until 2005. Now produced by Scandinavian Tobacco Group (Orlik factory, Assens, Denmark).

The Virginias are a little grassy, hay-like, and tart and tangy citrusy with a hint of tangy dark fruit, wood and earth as the lead component. The burleys offer a lot of nuts, earth and wood. They fight for attention, and are quite muted by the very fruity topping, and Lord knows how many different fruits were used to make it. I did get some plum, orange, lemon, and apricot, but the rest is guess work. It kind of reminded me of toned down Juicy Fruit gum. In fact, I found the toppings have less strength than the rubbed out Mixture version. They sublimate the tobaccos quite a lot. The black cavendish has a slight sugary vanilla note in a minor role. The nic-hit just past the center of mild to medium. The strength and taste levels are medium. Won’t bite or get harsh. May need a light dry time. Burns cool, clean and slow with a very consistent flavor from top to bottom. Requires some relights, and only leaves a little moisture in the bowl. The after taste and room notes pleasantly linger a little. Not an all day smoke. Will ghost a briar. Jim Inks. Va 3.8 oz 2 5 yr 8 mo 6 yr
2 Scandinavian Tobacco Group Escudo Navy Deluxe (new label) Click for details This old classic is a Virginia Perique curley cut tobacco in large coin size. The combination of high grade Virginia and Perique tobaccos provides fine, cool smoking enjoyment. The undisputed King of VaPers, bar none! New label on tin, same product. Va, Per 3.6 oz 2 6 yr 1 mo 6 yr 7 mo
1 4th Generation Evening Flake Click for details A Virginia/Perique blend, Erik Stokkebye 4th Generations Evening Flake is a flake-cut pipe tobacco, comprising golden Virginias with a touch of Perique, thats hot-pressed for a week before being sliced into flakes. Va, Per 2 oz 1 3 yr 11 mo 3 yr 11 mo
1 Rattray Exotic Orange Click for details Rattrays Exotic Orange is fittingly named, the aroma from the mix of Virginias and black cavendish calling to mind black teas flavored with an orange zest. Va, Aro, Cav 3.5 oz 1 7 yr 8 mo 7 yr 8 mo
2 Smokers Haven Exotique Mixture Click for details Rich, flavorful, delicious, tasty, mellow. This tells the complete story on our all new Exotique Mixture. Only the finest grade of choice ribbon-cut Virginia leaf, the most flavorful Latakia, the most mellow of Turkish tobaccos carefully blended together to achieve this rich tasting Exotique Mixture. Lat, Or, Va 4 oz 2 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 Watch City Cigar Fat Bastard Click for details Ask three tobacconists what constitutes a Scottish Blend and youll likely get five answers! Our definition is a balanced mixture of all the main tobacco varieties where no one component overpowers the other. Easier said than done?.this took years to perfect. We think we nailed it with this blend of Virginia, Burley, Oriental, Perique, Latakia and Cavendish. Va, Aro, Bur, Cav, Or, Per 2 oz 1 5 yr 5 mo 5 yr 5 mo
3 Kramer's Father Dempsey Click for details Though originally blended to match Father Dempseys own preferred smoke, this full-bodied English mixture is now Kramers most popular house blend and has been enjoyed by the likes of Cecil B. DeMille, Henry Wilcoxon, Samuel Goldwyn, Gene Barry, Mike Kaplan, Mel Tolkin, Fred McMurray, and many others. Lat, Or, Va 9.8 oz 3 6 yr 3 mo 7 yr 8 mo
2 HU Tobacco Fayyum (African Line) Click for details Fayyum presents itself as a near black blend comprising fire-cured Virginia and smoky Kentucky leaf, a generous measure of Cypriot latakia, and joined by black cavendish. Fayyum is rich and exquisitely balanced, likewise revealing distinct flavours. A true highlight for the connoisseur of a full-bodied natural English mixture!

Notes: Contains 65% Cyprian latakia. Syrian was originally used until the stock ran out. (They changed the name of the series from Foundation by Musicó to African Line) Lat, Cav, Va 7 oz 2 5 yr 7 mo 5 yr 9 mo
2 HU Tobacco Fayyum Kake (African Line) Click for details The Fayyum Kake: Following the success of FbM’s Fayyum Blend, HU Tobacco decided to provide this remarkable mixture of dark fired Virginia, Kentucky, black cavendish and its generous measure of latakia in “Kake” form. The tobacco is pressed in cakes for one week and then cut into plugs. This process enhances the already exquisitely balanced choice of leaf for an ethereally smoky, deeply rich and incredibly complex smoking pleasure.
Notes: Contains 65% Cyprian latakia. Syrian was originally used until the stock ran out. (They changed the name of the series from Foundation by Musicó to African Line) Va, Cav, Lat 7 oz 2 4 yr 11 mo 5 yr
2 MATCH Field & Stream Click for details This is a match to House of Windsor Field & Stream. This semi-aromatic blend is made with smooth, white Burley, sweet, bright Virginia and a touch of black Cavendish with a mellow top note that is truly one-of-a-kind. --(Submitted by wsclifton) Bur, Aro, Cav, Va 2.4 oz 2 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 6 mo
1 GL Pease Fillmore Click for details A thick-sliced, broken flake in the Scottish tradition. Ripe red Virginia tobaccos are combined with a generous measure of fine Louisiana Perique, and then pressed to marry the components and deepen the flavors. Fillmore presents an elegant sweetness and delightful piquancy, enhanced by a creamy richness that develops throughout the bowl. Sit back, and enjoy a lovely, leisurely smoke! The blender (Greg Pease) claims this blend has a wee touch of Latakia, although you really cant taste it. Va, Per 2 oz 1 1 yr 10 mo 1 yr 10 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Firedance Flake Click for details FireDance is Best Brown Flake subtly flavored with a combination of Blackberry, Brandy and Vanilla. The smoke is a mild, cool experience with the Blackberry the predominant flavor, the Brandy in the background and rounded off with the Vanilla. Aro, Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
13 Drucquer & Sons First Amendment Click for details The First Amendment to the Drucquer catalog in 40 years, this blend celebrates the collective right to free expression with an enduring formula of Red and Bright Virginia tobaccos and fine air-cured leaf, seasoned with Cypriot Latakia and Louisiana Perique, then pressed and aged in cakes and sliced. First Amendment is rich and satisfying, with notes of dark chocolate, malty Assam tea, black walnut, hints of a deep, earthy sweetness, and a complexity whose nuances are as endless as those of our time-tested and essential freedoms. Va, Lat, Per 2 lbs 10.1 oz 13 2 yr 3 mo 3 yr
1 Watch City Cigar Flake # 558 Click for details Flake #558 (The measured distance in miles between Watch City Cigar and Richmond, VA, plus a couple extra miles for good measure!) This is another of our Crumble Flakes. (A mixture of cut leaf with some whole leaf added, pressed and sliced thick). Similiar to our Old Dominion this rich, dark flake substitutes a rich stoved Virginia for the Matured Virginia. A wonderfully complex flake with a naturally sweet aftertaste is the result. Just a bit less Perique than Old Dominion. Va, Per 2 oz 1 5 yr 5 mo 5 yr 5 mo
1 Dunhill Flake (new label) Click for details Medium strength flake of selected grades of Lemon and Bronze Virginias. One of Dunhills most expert blends of highest quality. New label due to idiot laws banning the word light in connection with tobacco. Formerly called Light Flake. Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 Watch City Cigar Flake 556 Click for details 556, the approximate distance in miles between Watch City Cigar and Richmond, Virginia, is a mouth filling flake of red, bright and stoved Virginias dosed with St. James perique for roundness. Va 1.5 oz 1 7 yr 7 yr
1 Davidoff Flake Medallions Click for details Curly cut of finest Virginias and Perique tobaccos with a core of black Cavendish. Va, Cav, Per 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 4 mo 10 yr 4 mo
2 HU Tobacco Flanagan Flake (United Passion) Click for details Ethereal Oriental from the best Bulgarian growing areas and strong darkfired Kentucky characterize the Flanagan Flake. Sweet Zambia, a touch of Perique and handstripped Virginias from India complete this strong blend perfectly. A full-bodied - powerful and at the same time elegant Flake for friends of spicy, natural tobaccos. No added flavor! Or, Per, Va 3.6 oz 2 5 yr 3 mo 5 yr 3 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye French Vanilla Click for details Developed and processed with similair leaf tobacco as the Vanilla Creme. Twice as much Vanilla flavor has been added to provide a higher aroma and slightly sweeter taste. Aro, Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
4 McClelland Frog Morton Click for details The name Frog Morton comes to us from the works of JRR Tolkein. Frogmorton: A village in the Eastfarthing of the Shire. Frog Morton is a unique blend of Virginias and Latakia. Ribbon cut and hand blended, this first blend in the series has many loyal fans. A perfect cross-over blend for those looking to begin enjoying Latakia. The Latakia is married with an aromatic flavoring to arrive at a pleasant mix of smokey and sweet. Providing very little bite, this is a good all-day smoke. Va, Aro, Lat 8.6 oz 4 7 yr 11 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 McClelland Frog Morton Across the Pond Click for details The most recent inclusion in the Frog Morton series, Across the Pond is much like the original. While containing Virginias and Latakia, Oriental is the component that sets this blend apart from the others. The trip across the pond to find these condiment leaves were well worth the trip. Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 10 yr
1 McClelland Frog Morton on the Town Click for details A rather mellow smoke, Frog Morton on the Town draws deep rich flavor from its base of golden and red Virginias and a pleasant smoky, earthy undertone from the Latakia. A light flavoring from Basma gives the blend a unique, almost vanilla like flavor. Va, Aro, Lat 3.5 oz 1 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
2 McClelland Frog Mortons Cellar Click for details A mellow, fragrant Latakia blend aged with stave cubes cut from barrels used to mature and flavor Frog Mortons own special whiskeys. Lat, Aro, Va 5.3 oz 2 9 yr 9 yr 2 mo
1 Tsuge Fujin: The Wind God Click for details Fujin (the wind god) is a medium-bodied blend not for the timid. Golden Virginias meld with a healthy share of Perique, bold, dark air-cured Burleys and a helping of spicy dark-fired Kentuckys for a blend thats a perfect late-night repast. Bur, Per, Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 10 mo 8 yr 10 mo
1 Russ and Mike Full Latakia Click for details Russ Ouellette loves Oriental tobaccos, and Mike McNiel has access to some of the finest available, so it should be no surprise that they would get together to create a rich Latakia blend, noticeably influenced by exotic leaf. Mike & Russ - The Mind Meld Full Latakia contains a large dose of Cyprian Latakia which is supported by some of McClellands finest matured Virginias and a combination of fragrant Orientals. The blend is smoky, tangy with floral undertones and a mellow sweetness. Its a cool blend with plenty of robust flavor and subtle nuances that change constantly through each bowl. Lat, Aro, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 6 mo 8 yr 6 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake Click for details Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake is for lovers of pure pressed Virginias. Created in the heart of Lakeland, the hot-pressed blended Virginias take on a delicious and distinctive dark color that creates a pipe smokers dream. Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
5 Hearth & Home Fusiliers Ration Click for details Hearth & Home - Fusiliers Ration (Marquee Series)  

Our own Master Blender Russ Ouellette is at it again! This time hes blended up a concoction that represents his own interpretation of the classic Bengal Slices blend that many of us have fond memories of. This blend starts with dark, smoky Cyprian Latakia, and also contains some of the most amazing Oriental leaf, a variety of Virginias from around the world and a touch of unflavored black Cavendish. Then it is lightly scented it with an old fashioned top dressing and hot pressed to marry the flavors and mature the blend. Cav, Lat, Or, Va 8.7 oz 5 7 yr 6 mo 8 yr 11 mo
1 Barling Garnet Click for details Original Syrian latakia blended with different Virginia grades, Java tobaccos, burley and Louisiana perique. A smoky, medium-strong mixture. Traditional English. Va, Lat, Per 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 4 mo 6 yr 4 mo
1 GL Pease Gaslight Click for details Gaslight is a rich Latakia mixture, structured with layers of mature red virginias and spiced with orientals. Its pressed and aged in cakes, then cut into one ounce bars of about 1 x 1 x 2. Lat, Or, Va 2 oz 1 10 yr 7 mo 10 yr 7 mo
1 Drew Estate Gatesby Luxury Flake Click for details Drew Estates Gatsby Luxury Flake is a flake made of select Virginias and Burleys which are firmly pressed then sliced and topped with a pleasant, rich fruit note for a smooth sweetness and a wonderful room note. If you appreciate lightly aromatic flakes, you wont want to pass this up Va, Aro, Bur 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 2 mo 7 yr 2 mo
1 Wilke Pipe Tobacco Gentrys Blend Royal Blend #2 Click for details The smoky, woody, earthy, musty, sweet Cyprian Latakia may be the lead component, but it gets plenty of support from the other tobaccos. The very nutty, earthy, woody, slightly spicy, molasses sweet burley sits in the second slot in the proceedings. The grassy, citrusy, lightly dark fruity, woody Virginia is in third place. The effect of the sugary black cavendish is very obvious as it tamps down many of the potential rough edges that Latakia can supply. The strength and nic-hit are a couple of steps past the center of mild to medium, while the taste almost reaches the medium mark. No chance of bite or harshness. Burns cool and clean at a moderate rate with a very consistent sweet and savory, nutty campfire flavor that also translates to the lightly lingering after taste. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. An all day smoke with some depth and a little complexity.

-JimInks Va, Bur, Cav, Lat 4 oz 1 2 yr 11 mo 2 yr 11 mo
2 GL Pease Geometrie Click for details The aged sun cured Basma and Izmir provide a wealth of floralness, earth, wood, vegetation, herbs, a fair amount of sourness, some spice, mild buttery sweetness, light incense and bitterness as the lead components. The mature red Virginias produce some tangy dark fruit, earth, wood, bread, tart citrus, mild sugar, light grass, floralness, a pinch of spice, and a bare hint of vinegar. They are a slot below a full support role, and their inherent sweetness is the most obvious contribution. The strength is two and a half steps past the medium threshold. The taste edges past that mark. The nic-hit is a notch below the overall strength level. Won’t bite or get harsh. It does have a few rough edges. The fairly dense plug is mildly moist, and not hard to cut, though there area few veins to cut through. As is my custom, I did not dry it for review nor did I see a need to do so. I recommend cutting the plug down the side as the individual varietals are layered if you want a more consistent smoking experience. Burns cool, clean and slow with a mostly consistent, moderately sweet and rather sour, floral, mildly spicy, savory flavor that extends to the pleasantly lingering after taste. The room note is a tad pungent. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires some relights. Not an all day smoke, but it is repeatable. Three stars. Va, Or 4 oz 2 1 yr 6 mo 1 yr 6 mo
2 J. F. Germain & Son Germains Plum Cake Click for details The name of this tobacco originates from the early days, when all tobaccos were pressed into cakes before cutting. Four types of Virginia tobaccos are blended with Cavendish and a specially-prepared Black Tobacco. Va, Cav 3.6 oz 2 6 yr 3 mo 10 yr 7 mo
1 Savinelli Giubileo dOro Click for details Savinellis Giubilieo dOro is an elegant flake made of sweet Virginias from the US and Brazil with excellent Cyprian Latakia. The tobaccos are pressed and sliced into flakes. Giubilieo dOro is on the gentler side of the latakia scale, and blended so expertly that all the tobaccos are in perfect harmony. Named for one of Savinellis most treasured line of pipes, this smooth and zesty flake certainly lives up to the name.

Whether you fold and stuff or fully rub out these flakes, youre in for a treat. The sweetness and tang of the superb flue-cured tobaccos take the forefront, but a creamy, leathery note from the Latakia is always present, while never assaulting the palate. Mellow enough to be enjoyed at any time of day, Giubilieo dOro will be a welcome companion. Pop the tin, sit back, and enjoy the reverie that only a superlative tobacco can deliver. Va, Lat 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 3 mo 6 yr 3 mo
2 Peterson Gold Blend Click for details A subtle, delicate, mellow tobacco. A composition of jet Black Cavendish, bright and dark Virginias and fragrant Burley. An extremely pleasant note of Hickory nut, vanilla and a touch of cinnamon is added. Aro, Cav, Va 1.9 oz 2 8 yr 1 mo 8 yr 7 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Golden Ash (106) Click for details 4 oz 1 6 yr 3 mo 6 yr 3 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Golden Days of Yore Click for details Cornell & Diehl hearkens back to those golden days with Golden Days of Yore — a festive mix of red and bright Virginias, Black Cavendish, dark-fired Kentucky, Katerini, and more. A unique Aromatic mixture, its all married together with hints of ginger, nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, and chocolate — topped with a dash of the best dark rum from Santas secret stash. Va, Aro, Cav 2 oz 1 3 yr 10 mo 3 yr 10 mo
1 Orlik Golden Sliced (red) Click for details An all time favorite and a classic VA flake. The highest grade Golden Virginias are aged to perfection then pressed and sliced to deliver a naturally sweet flavor. Mellow and cool burning. The blender site claims there is a touch of Perique in this blend, but you really cant taste it. Va 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 6 mo 11 yr 6 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company GoldenAge Click for details Va, Aro 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 Pipeworks & Wilke Gramercy Park Click for details The mild and subtle flavors and aromas from fruits and liquers are combined in a golden and dark toasted Cavendish mixture to create a tastefully satisfying blend. Guaranteed to become one of your favorites. Aro, Cav 2 oz 1 4 yr 5 mo 4 yr 5 mo
1 Drew Estate Grand Central Click for details If everyone passing through Grand Central Station had a pipe full of Drew Estates new Grand Central it would be an even cooler place to hang out. Amidst the hustle and bustle, your sense of smell would be tantalized by the subtle sweet aroma of apricots wafting about. Bur, Aro, Cav, Or 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 9 mo 7 yr 9 mo
1 Twins Smokeshop GraniteState Click for details Aro, Cav 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 6 mo 11 yr 6 mo
2 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Grasmere Flake Click for details A blend of the finest Virginias & burleys. This medium flake has an overall top-note flavour of English rose and geranium.
This is a fairly heavily scented blend, but less so than Ennerdale. The scent is different, and more akin to Kendal Flake with the rose and geranium. But where KF was softer, this one is bolder in overall flavor and nicotine. Shares more of a burley presence with Brown Flake but is better behaved and not as robust or youthful in taste. Much more flavor and body (and mouthfeel) than Glengarry or Bright CR but also with more scenting. Nicotine level is fairly high, as with most G&H flakes. 
The most telling thing I can say is that while there are remarkable similarities across many of G&H flakes, they are all different. I have most of them in my rotation and I smoke them at different times for different reasons and with different outcomes in mind. If you like Kendal Flake and Ennerdale, meet their middle brother. If you like Brown Flake and Best Brown #2, ditto, but its their more flamboyant middle brother with the scenting. This blend has hit my rotation. As with most of these types of blends, it is excellent... even if I cant really pinpoint what makes it so. Thanks, SouthBound, for the opportunity. Va, Aro, Bur 7 oz 2 5 yr 10 mo 6 yr
1 Missouri Meerschaum Great Dane Click for details A deep, sweet Cavendish blend with notes of dark cherry and fragrant vanilla Cav, Aro 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 3 mo 10 yr 3 mo
2 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Great Outdoors Click for details Va, Aro, Lat 3 oz 2 10 yr 7 mo 10 yr 11 mo
2 GL Pease Haddos Delight Click for details Haddos Delight is a stout blend of several Virginia tobaccos with a generous measure of long-cut Perique. Unflavored Green River black Cavendish and a little air-cured white Burley ribbon provide fullness, body, and a bit of extra strength. Bur, Cav, Per, Va 10 oz 2 5 yr 6 mo 5 yr 6 mo
1 Rattray Hal O the Wynd Click for details This is a stronger, sharp aged red Virginia blend that will perk you up quickly. Always ranked near the top for fantastic Virginias to smoke now and save some for the cellar. Rumor has it this blend contains a touch of Perique, which might explain the sharp edge. Va 1.8 oz 1 4 yr 11 mo 4 yr 11 mo
1 MacBaren Halberg Red Click for details High grade leaf is expertly blended, and is subtly sweetened with a combination of light, creamy vanilla notes with a hint of fruit to elevate but not mask the superb tobacco used in the blend. Bur, Cav, Va 3.5 oz 1 9 yr 4 mo 9 yr 4 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Hansom Flake Click for details Heres something youll only find at P&C! Samuel Gawith Hansom Flake starts with select grades of Virginia that are naturally sweet. Then, a good measure of Perique is added more for sweetness and depth than spice. A special Lakeland essence is added before pressing to enhance the natural tobacco flavors, and the pressure embeds the top note deep into the leaf. The result is a blend with a mellow sweetness, smooth flavor, and a singular aroma. For something different than other Samuel Gawith blend, Samuel Gawith Hansom Flake will deliver. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 3 yr 11 mo 3 yr 11 mo
1 Drew Estate Harvest on Hudson Click for details Mild and wonderfully flavorful, with notes of freshly cut apples and a smooth blend of Virginia, Burley and Cavendish tobaccos. Bur, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 3 mo 10 yr 3 mo
3 Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop (107) Click for details Predominantly a mixture of Burleys, with a touch of Red Virginia and Perique. Bur, Per, Va 8 oz 3 8 yr 10 mo 10 yr 4 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Hearthside Click for details Cornell & Diehls Wintertime Reserve: Hearthside is a complex, smoky crossover blend of select Virginias and Latakia, layered with notes of dark chocolate and vanilla. Pressed and sliced into delicate flakes. Perfect for sipping by the fire with a wee dram. Va, Lat 4 oz 2 4 yr 9 mo 4 yr 9 mo
1 MacBaren HH Acadian Perique Click for details This blend includes Virginias, Burleys, Original Cavendish, Dark Fired Kentucky, Orientals and, of course, a fair amount of Acadian Perique. The HH Acadian Perique has no top flavor at all which means that you will only enjoy the tobacco taste. When smoked, you will experience no tongue bite and this blend will smoke to the bottom, leaving only grey ashes. It is a rich, flavorful and very satisfying smoke. Or, Per, Va 3.5 oz 1 4 yr 9 mo 4 yr 9 mo
3 MacBaren HH Latakia FLake Click for details Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake starts with fine Cyprian Latakia and specially selected Virginias with superb small-leaf Orientals to which a touch of Burley is added. It is pressed into a flake and sliced, so it can be prepared to suit the tastes of the smoker. Lat, Bur, Or, Va 8.8 oz 3 7 yr 7 mo 9 yr 11 mo
2 MacBaren HH Old Dark Fired Click for details A bold flake of dark-fired burleys in a well balanced unity with Flue-cured Virginias. This flake is Hot Pressed, meaning that during the pressing, heat is added by steam to the tobaccos which causes the tobacco to intensify the marrying process giving us a bolder tobacco. The robust, earthly flavour of the dark-fired burleys shines through in the taste, and you will experience a deeply satisfying smoke indeed. Bur, Va 7 oz 2 9 yr 2 mo 10 yr 7 mo
1 MacBaren HH Rustica Flake Click for details A sister plant to Nicotiana Tabacum, the Caribbean leaf from which all modern Virginias, Burleys, Orientals, and other varietals originate, Nicotiana Rustica is a historic species of tobacco native to the Americas. English settlers discovered the indigenous Powhatan population smoking N. Rustica tobacco when they arrived in North America in 1607, and the leaf grew in popularity among the settlers as well. Given its high nicotine content, however, Nicotiana Rustica quickly faded from the publics interest once the settlers secured N. Tabacum seeds from the Caribbean and began growing them in Virginian soil.

HH Rustica celebrates this historic strain of tobacco, elevating the hearty leaf with choice N. Tabacum varietals like naturally sweet Dark Virginias and cool-smoking Burley. Like all flakes in the HH line, its heat-pressed and finely sliced, resulting in an elegant balance of the traditional and the modern. Because of the high nicotine content of N. Rustica, HH Rustica is the strongest tobacco in Mac Barens portfolio, and is among the strongest pipe tobacco blends in the world. Despite its strength, however, it maintains a delicate complexity and nuanced flavor, offering deep, earthy base notes and a rounded finish, especially enjoyable after a full meal.

Combining varieties of both N. Tabacum and N. Rustica, HH Rustica is a full, robust mixture that presents a scintillating vignette of the history of tobacco in the Americas. Only 7100 tins of this special edition blend were produced worldwide. Bur, Va 3.5 oz 1 4 yr 5 mo 4 yr 5 mo
3 MacBaren HH Vintage Syrian Click for details A little under half of the volume, is a smooth and yet powerful Latakia from Syria. This tobacco gives the blend the overall smoky taste. To add a spicy note to the blend, Turkish Oriental has been added. Lat, Or, Va 10.5 oz 3 8 yr 4 mo 9 yr 10 mo
2 Rattray Highland Targe Click for details The outstanding feature is the pronounced flavor of robust Latakia. This tobacco has earned proper recognition by those smokers who have a particular liking for this type of leaf. Lat, Va 5.3 oz 2 5 yr 9 mo 7 yr 4 mo
2 Sutliff Tobacco Company Hill of Slane Click for details Jim Inks:The various grades of Virginias provide light tart and tangy citrus, grass, bread, sugar and floralness as the lead component. The nutty, earthy, woody burley is a supporting player. The sweet Irish Cream offers mild vanilla, a few nuts, and a light, bitter cocoa note. It tones down the tobaccos quite a bit, but doesn’t totally drown them out. The strength and nic-hit are mild. The taste falls a step short of the center of mild to medium. There’s no chance of bite or harshness. Has a few very light rough notes. Burns cool, clean and slightly slow with a very consistent creamy, tangy, mildly fruity, nutty, lightly bitter flavor that extends to the moderately lingering, pleasant after taste. Has a pleasant room note, too. Barely leaves any dampness in the bowl, and requires a couple more than an average number of relights. A fairly easy going all day smoke. Three stars. Va, Bur 3 oz 2 1 yr 7 mo 1 yr 7 mo
1 Peterson Holiday Blend 2015 Click for details The Peterson Holiday Season 2015 is finally here! The blend mixes the holiday flavors of Cognac and winter berries to compliment the creamy black Cavendish, Virginia and Burley. It’s the taste of winter that we, as pipe smokers, have come to love. Whether it’s Christmas time, or you’re just wishing for it, this will help you feel like St. Nicholas is knocking at your door. Cav, Aro, Bur, Va 3.5 oz 1 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 1 mo
1 MATCH Holiday Mixture Click for details This is a match to the old Holiday Mixture. This classic American English-style tobacco is a combination of Burleys, including cube-cut, Virginia, Latakia, Perique and a natural black Cavendish for a cool-smoking, flavorful experience. Bur, Cav, Lat, Per, Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 8 mo 6 yr 8 mo
1 Peterson Holiday Season 2013 Click for details Topped with a hint of delicate black Cavendish and nutty Burley matched with expressive flavours of honey, plum and cinnamon. The result is a divine tobacco created on a base of sun drenched mature Virginias combined with different cuts to guarantee a taste of complete harmony. --(Submitted by wsclifton) Va, Aro 3.5 oz 1 11 yr 3 mo 11 yr 3 mo
1 Peterson Holiday Season 2014 Click for details The taste of loose cut Virginias, Cavendish and ready rubbed Burley tobaccos with a touch of Vanilla and a hint chocolate all come together and guarantee a slow and pleasurable smoking experience.  Holiday Season 2014 will be your perfect companion during the festive season. Va, Aro, Bur, Cav 3.5 oz 1 10 yr 10 yr
1 McClelland Holiday Spirit 2013 Click for details Dark rum, pecan & cocoa Bur, Aro, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
1 McClelland Holiday Spirit 2014 Click for details This mild, smooth blend of Burley, Virginia, and Cavendish tobaccos is flavored with dark rum, pecan, and cocoa. It brings a warm glow to the coldest winter day. The aroma of a favorite holiday confection wafts from the bowl bringing pipe smoking contentment Cav, Bur, Va 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 10 mo 9 yr 10 mo
1 McClelland Holiday Spirit 2016 Click for details Its here again! McClelland releases their Holiday Spirit aromatic blend well in advance of the Christmas season this year, so you can lay in your supply in advance. This warn and mellow blend of Burley, Virginia and black Cavendish is finished with notes of dark rum, pecan and cocoa for a soothing experience that will evoke the feel of the holidays. Get yours while you can, as this is always a limited edition. Bur, Aro, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 McClelland Holiday Spirit 2017 Click for details McClelland is releasing their 2017 version of Holiday Spirit to give you ample opportunity to get it and give it time to mellow and mature before the 2017 holiday season. This smooth blend of nutty Burley, zesty Vrginia and silky black Cavendish is treated to a warm and wonderful mixture of dark rum, pecan and cocoa notes for a pleasant taste and terrific aroma. Bur, Aro, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 Scottys Blends Honey and Chocolate Click for details Scottys Honey and Chocolate comes to the rescue for tjhose of you who miss Mac Barens tobacco of the same name. This blend of Virginia, Burley and black Cavendish is finished with a warm chocolate flavor, which is then sweetened with a touch of honey. The flavor is mellow and smooth, and the aroma is comforting. This is a perfect way to wind down after a hard day. Va, Bur, Cav 1 oz 1 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
2 Seattle Pipe Club Hood Canal Click for details Seattle Pipe Club Hood Canal is a pressed crumble cake that is perfect for the cool weather. You will notice the robust flavor that comes from a good amount of Latakia with some Virginia, Orientals, and Perique with a fair dose of rich, earthy Burley. This new addition to the Seattle Pipe Club line-up will have you coming back for more each time. Make Hood Canal a part of your regular daily routine. Bur, Lat, Or, Per, Va 4 oz 2 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 11 mo
1 GL Pease Horizons Click for details The third entry in master blender Greg Peases Zeitgeist Collection, Horizons Flake is an approachable, contemporary, and medium-bodied English blend thats excellently balanced to provide a consistent and delightful all-day smoke. Comprising a mixture of matured Red Virginias, Flue-cured Virginias, Turkish Latakia, and Oriental leaf, all pressed and sliced into flakes, Horizons boasts a sophisticated flavor profile that admirably balances rich smokiness with a gentle sweetness and an enticing spice. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 4 mo 4 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl House Reserve Fall Edition Click for details Cornell & Diehls tribute to dedicated brick-and-mortar tobacconists, House Reserve 2021 offers a familiar, inviting aroma right out of the tin. Stoved and unstoved Red and Bright Virginias are carefully blended, cased, pressed and sliced to create this old-school flake tobacco — a special selection for the tobacconist.

Note: House Reserve is available for retail only in brick and mortar stores; it cannot be sold online. Contact your LDG Rep for more information. Va 2 oz 1 2 yr 5 mo 2 yr 5 mo
2 Peterson Hyde Park Click for details Hyde Park is a traditional English blend of bright and dark fired Virginias, sun cured Indian and Burleys tobaccos. This luxurious smoking experience is achieved by the addition of rum and maple sugars to pressed mahogany tobacco Bur, Va 3.3 oz 2 8 yr 11 mo 10 yr 3 mo
1 Peterson Irish Dew Click for details Peterson Irish Dew is a uniquely flavorful aromatic, made of ripe, sweet Virginias and Burley that has been toasted to remove any harshness. These are pressed into cakes with tangy whiskey and pleasant fruit blossom flavors. The cakes are sliced and tumbled out for easy packing. Irish Dew is lightly sweet with a wonderful aroma. Bur, Aro, Va 1.4 oz 1 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 1 mo
4 Peterson Irish Flake Click for details A full bodied blend made of equal proportions air-cured, flue cured, and dark fired. True to the pure, unspoiled tobacco taste and recommended for the experienced pipe smoker. Va 7.2 oz 4 6 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 Peterson Irish Oak Click for details A rich blend of Cavendish, Zimbabwean, Orange, Thailand Burley & Black Perique, matured in Oak Sherry Barrels. Made in Ireland. Cav, Bur, Per, Va 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
1 GL Pease JackKnife Plug Click for details Dark-fired Kentucky Leaf and ripe red Virginia tobaccos, with their deep, earthy flavors, are layered on a central core of golden flue-cured for a hint of bright sweetness, then pressed and matured in cakes, and finally cut into 2oz blocks. Slice it thick and rub it out for a ribbon cut, thin for a shag or chop it into cubes. The choice is yours. Va, Bur 2 oz 1 10 yr 5 mo 10 yr 5 mo
1 HU Tobacco Janneman Flake Click for details Spicy fire-cured Virginia and a dash of Perique form the basis of this dark-pressed flake. Sliced in long stripes, the Janneman Flake offers a voluminous yet creamy smoking pleasure. A tribute to the pater noster of the PRF Forum, Janneman. Va, Per 3.5 oz 1 5 yr 3 mo 5 yr 3 mo
1 Savinelli Janus Click for details Savinellis Janus is an ambrosial mixture of bright Virginias, Orientals, and Perique, fascinatingly nuanced and exotic. Va, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 4 yr 4 mo 4 yr 4 mo
1 McClelland Joie de Vivre Click for details Joie de vivre, that magnificent ability to see the joy in everything, and the very embodiment of the festive spirit of New Orleans, is the inspiration for this singular, eminently cellar worthy blend. A foundation of fragrant Latakia and sweet red Virginia is joined by equal amounts of Perique and Katirini Turkish to enhance complexity, and then finished by a dash of unsweetened Black Cavendish for extra smoothness. Estimated peak: 8-12 years from tin date. But its delicious right now! Va, Cav, Lat, Or, Per 2 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 Stanwell Jubilee Click for details Jubilee is a remarkable non-aromatic blend which combines matured Virginia and Burley tobaccos, which are then further aged after blending. A touch of dark-fired Kentucky and fine, small-leaf Orientals are added for a smooth, natural flavor that smokes gently. Bur, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 11 mo 7 yr 11 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Kajun Kake Click for details This marvelous blend starts out as beautiful deep red Virginia which is then processed into Red Virginia Cavendish. Perique is them added before pressing the blend into an old fashioned crumble cake. Va, Cav, Per 2 oz 1 10 yr 4 mo 10 yr 4 mo
2 Sutliffe Private Stock Kasimir Click for details Kasimir brings back an American classic tobacco style. Many different brands used to have a blend that included Latakia and cube cut Burley, but most of them have disappeared. Kasimir brings back this type of blend, full of rich flavor, and a wonderfully cool burn.
Burley, Latakia, Oriental, Turkish, Virginia
Style: English Bur, Lat, Va 3 oz 2 10 yr 10 yr 2 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Kendal Dark Vanilla Click for details Gawith, Hoggarth & Co.s Kendal Dark Vanilla uses the same base tobaccos as their Kendal Dark Menthol - dark air-cured Virginia and rich, smoky dark-fired Kentucky. This is cut into a fine shag, so extra attention should be paid while packing, as keeping the tobacco too loose can result in a fast, hot burn. These premium-quality tobaccos are finished with a light amount of creamy vanilla flavor to take the edge off the bold taste of the robust leaf. If youre looking for a strong blend with a bit of finesse, try G&H Kendal Dark Vanilla. Va 3 oz 1 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
3 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Kendal Flake Click for details The 1982 Centennial blend celebrates our familys 100-year anniversary in the tobacco business and I believe you will truly enjoy this mixture. The 1982 is a slow burning mixture, comprised of golden Virginias, sweet and soft mild Black Cavendish, light Burleys and blended with small plugs of navy flake to ease the burning. French Vanilla and Black Berry top dressing is added as a final step, creating an outstanding room note and a distinctive taste experience. --(Submitted by wsclifton) Va, Aro, Bur, Cav 7 oz 3 6 yr 4 mo 8 yr 6 mo
2 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Kendal Flake Click for details A stronger tobacco with light side proportions of 68% Virginia and a dark side of nearly 1/3, including 16% dark-cured Indian leaf, provide a medium strength smoke. The dominant flavor is one of scented almond and this complex top note is achieved by the combination of over 10 different flavors. Va 3 oz 2 7 yr 4 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Kendal Gold Vanilla Click for details Gawith Hoggarth & Co.s Kendal Gold line features bright, sweet shag-cut Virginias that are smooth and easy on the palate. Kendal Gold Vanilla takes that same superior quality leaf and adds a warm and subtle amount of vanilla to add a bit of sweetness to the flavor and for a great, mellow room note. Va, Aro 1 oz 1 8 yr 1 mo 8 yr 1 mo
1 GL Pease Kensington Click for details Kensington is a Balkan style blend with restraint. Bright and red Virginias are combined with richly flavored leaf from the orient and Cyprian Latakia in perfect measure for a wonderfully balanced smoke. Slightly sweeter than Charing Cross. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 10 yr 1 mo 10 yr 1 mo
1 GL Pease Key Largo Click for details Deep, Earthy and Creamy. A distinguished broken flake of Red Virginia tobaccos, small leaf orientals, and a measure of Cyprus Latakia, spiced with velvety cigar wrapper leaf. Key Largo develops throughout the bowl, offering a satisfying and sturdy smoke. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 3 yr 3 mo 3 yr 3 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl King Cake Click for details In the New Orleans Mardi Gras tradition, no confection is quite as synonymous with the season as the colorful King Cake. Beginning on Epiphany, January 6, the streets explode with parties and festivals, bringing together family and friends in the spirit of Mardi Gras. With that very same intent, Cornell & Diehl created this Cellar Series blend to honor the New Orleans staple. Experience Mardi Gras like never before with King Cake.

The dark and lighter Virginias offer some citrus, mildly tangy dark fruit with some grass and a little earth with a small spice hit. They form the base of the blend, and sport a slight fermentation. The woody, dry, smoky, lightly buttery sweet Izmir plays a strong second lead. The unsweetened black cavendish adds a little brown sugar in the background for some smoothness. The raisiny, figgy, plumy perique is lightly more noticeable than the black cavendish. The hazelnut topping is mild, and is less prevalent than the plum and sweet rum. The aroma of the hazelnut when you open the tin is stronger than it is in the smoking experience. The toppings do tone down the tobaccos just a little, and hold on to the finish.The nic-hit is mild to medium. The strength and taste levels lean a little closer to medium than they do to mild. Doesn’t bite, and has no harsh notes. This crumble kake is easy to break apart to suit your smoking preference, but no matter how you do it, it’ll burn cool and clean at a slightly slow pace with a fairly smooth, mostly consistent deep, complex flavor. Leaves a little moisture in the bowl, and requires just a little more than an average number of relights. Has a pleasant after taste, and room aroma. As the taste has a bit of depth, I would not say this is an all day smoke, but it’s repeatable. Va, Cav, Or, Per 2 oz 1 4 yr 1 mo 4 yr 1 mo
3 J. F. Germain & Son King Charles Mixture Click for details A blend of Latakia, oriental and Virginian tobaccos. Made without the addition of flavoring this mixture has a completely natural tobacco taste. Lat, Or, Va 5.4 oz 3 4 yr 11 mo 8 yr 11 mo
1 Ken Byron Ventures King’s Ransom: Rich Dark English Click for details A medium-full amount of Latakia (40%) smoothed out by a generous portion of unflavored stoved Virginia with matured Red Virginia, Orientals, and a dash 0f Perique.

2oz in a heat sealed bag with a jar label Lat, Or, Per, Va 2 oz 1 4 yr 8 mo 4 yr 8 mo
1 Hearth & Home Knotty Pine Click for details Time and pressure can work miracles on pipe tobacco and with Latakia-based blends, those impacts can be even more dramatic. Hearth & Home Slow-Aged Knotty Pine starts as a broken flake made of Latakia, Virginia, Orientals, and a touch of Burley for body. Then, the broken flake is re-pressed into a crumble cake, but with a significant twist. The tobacco is placed in a holding press for a month to allow the tobaccos to marry for additional smoothness, and the Virginias continue to mature. This blend has a very noticeable old fashioned flavor and aroma. If youre a Latakia fan, this is a blend you wont want to miss. Lat, Bur, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 3 yr 11 mo 3 yr 11 mo
1 GL Pease Lagonda Click for details A luxurious blend comprising portions of Cyprus latakia, ripe red virginias and fine oriental leaf, with some bright added for a little gentle sweetness. Pressing and aging in cakes integrates the flavors and partially ferments the tobaccos. The cakes are then sliced and tumbled into ribbons, ready for your enjoyment. Lat, Or, Va 2 oz 1 9 yr 8 mo 9 yr 8 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Lakeland Dark Click for details Samuel Gawiths Lakeland Dark is a powerful mixture, as it should be; it is in essence a tonquin-less variation on the famed (and very robust) 1792 Flake. Dark, smooth, and strong, its well suited to a satisfying after-meal smoke.

1792 is one of Samuel Gawiths most popular blends , but not everyone loves the Tonquin topping . Lakeland Dark Flake is comprised of dark air cured Virginia and Kentucky Tobaccos . Cold pressed for a few hours before a good three hours in the steam press at full heat . The resulting Tobacco is then sliced and tinned , unlike 1792/Cob Flake . This strong and very powerful smoke is smooth and creamy . Va 3.6 oz 2 6 yr 3 mo 7 yr 3 mo
1 Charles Fairmorn Lancers Slices Click for details This almost black flake tobacco combines the best grades of naturally sweet Virginia and smoky Latakia, matured together under pressure. A wonderfully smooth and mild yet full-bodied mixture. Very reminiscent of the old Bengal Slices. Va, Lat 4 oz 1 10 yr 2 mo 10 yr 2 mo
1 Brebbia Latakia Flake #9 Click for details Natural sweet Virginia and a generous amount of Syrian Latakia that is pressed and aged. Lat, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 John Patton Latakia Junction Click for details If youre a lover of Latakia, you have got to give this one a try. 50% Latakia, 30% Virginias, with smaller amounts of Turkish and Cigar Leaf make this a smokey and sweet choice that is both tasty and smooth. Lat, Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 4 mo 7 yr 4 mo
1 MacBaren Latakia Rolls Click for details Encased in a wrapper of whole Virginia leaves, Mac Barens limited-edition Latakia Rolls features a core of spicy Dark-Fired Kentucky and naturally sweet Virginias, alongside a significant percentage of smoky Latakia. The blend is then rolled by hand and stored for five days in wooden crates before being sliced into fine coins. Like nearly all of Mac Barens spun-cut mixtures, maple sugar is used as an adhesive to bind the rope together, but it is otherwise quite pure in natural flavor, elevating each individual component to the attention of the palate.

Latakia Rolls beautifully showcases the natural character of each varietal, offering a pleasant balance of sweet, spicy, and smoky notes; the incense-like character of the Latakia complements the Dark-Fireds tart, mesquite flavors to produce a smoke thats incredibly complex yet smooth on the draw. No one flavor or component dominates, the cut instead offering a more blended, married profile regardless of how its prepared in a pipe. Whether folded and stuffed, stacked, or rubbed out into a fine shag, Latakia Rolls is the all-day, spun-cut English blend weve all been waiting for. Va, Lat 3.5 oz 1 3 yr 8 mo 3 yr 8 mo
1 GL Pease Laurel Heights Click for details Rich, ripe, red leaf forms the base of this wonderful Virginia blend. The flavors are deep and round, with a smooth, natural sweetness, and subtle notes of orange peel, roasted oats, leather and peat. The smoke develops richness as it progresses. Va 2 oz 1 3 mo 3 mo
1 Borkum Riff LE 11 N TRINIDAD RUM Click for details A long-standing brand of pipe tobacco in the US, Borkum Riff, has been making waves with a number of new blends that our customers are enjoying in large quantities. Well, it seems that Borkum Riff is on a roll with the introduction of a limited edition blend that will likely sell out quickly. Borkum Riff 2013 Limited Edition- Trinidad Rum uses select air, flue and fire-cured leaf from three continents and combines them with real rum from the island of Trinidad along with carefully chosen fruit notes to make a singular experience. Va, Aro 3.5 oz 1 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 Borkum Riff LE 36 DEGREES NORTH Click for details Borkum Riff Limited Edition for 2014, also known as 36oN (36 degrees north) begins with ripe, sweet Virginias and golden Burleys along with smooth black Cavendish, to which Californian wine has been added for a subtle influence on the flavor and an enjoyable room note. As with all of these Limited Editions, theyll move fairly quickly, so get yours while they last. Va, Aro, Bur, Cav 3.5 oz 1 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 McClelland Legends Click for details A generous portion of rich, top-quality Cyprian Latakia provides support and structure for dark stoved and red Virginias, deftly combined with Orientals, including Mahalla and the finest Drama. Reminiscent of the legendary, complex blends of times gone by, this is a smooth, deeply smoky ribbon-cut blend that tastes at once bold and subtle. It is creamy with soft, quiet background hints of plum and currant. Blended by Fred Hanna. Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 7 yr
1 Scandinavian Tobacco Group Leo Click for details Leo pipe tobacco was the winner of the 2012 Peoples Choice award at the John Cotton throwdown. This traditional English mixture, blended by Mr. Leonard Wortzel of Lane Limited fame, has a more Oriental feel to the smoke. If you enjoyed the old John Cotton blend you are sure to love this blend, too! We purchased the remaining stock from Lane, so if you are a fan of LEO or you are looking for a smooth, medium bodied Oriental/Latakia blend, stock up. Or, Lat 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
2 Drucquer & Sons Levant Mixture Click for details The fullest of the range, Levant Mixture is a rich, luxurious blend of Balkan and New-World tobaccos, comprising generous portions of small leaf Turkish and Cyprian Latakia, ripe red Virginia leaf, and a little bright for a subtle sweetness. A blend of eminent distinction.

The very richly smoky, woody, earthy, musty, incense-like, sweet Cyprian Latakia is the star component. The buttery sweet, dry, herbal, vegetative, floral, woody, earthy, mildly sour and spicy Turkish is an omnipresent supporting player. The tangy ripe dark fruit sweet, earthy, woody, bready red Virginia is a secondary force, and also provides a touch of spice and mildly fermented “barbecue”. The gentle addition of the bright Virginia offers light sugar along with some citrus and grass for a little nuance. The nic-hit is just past the mild to medium threshold. The strength and taste levels are a step shy of being full, but they reach that level by the time you’re at the half way point. Won’t bite, and has no dull or harsh spots. Well blended with some obvious and not-so-obvious complexity, you’ll likely notice all the previously noted aspects in every puff. Burns at a slightly less than moderate pace, cool and clean with a smooth, very consistently deep campfire flavor from start to finish. Requires an average number of relights, and leaves little moisture in the bowl. The after taste and pungent room notes will linger. It’s not an all day smoke. While it is a fulsome smoking experience for Latakia aficionados, it won’t bring you to your knees, and if it fits your personal preference, is repeatable. Three and a half stars.

-JimInks Va, Lat, Or 7 oz 2 2 yr 6 mo 3 yr
1 Pipeworks & Wilke Lizzie Blood Red Virginia Click for details The grassy, tart and tangy citrusy, lightly tart lemony Virginia also has some earth, wood and a hint of tangy dark fruit as the lead component. The mildly spicy, raisiny, plumy, earthy perique is a secondary player with the plum peeking out a tad more than the other aspects of this varietal. The moderately applied, lightly tangy blood red orange topping synergistically works with the tobaccos to create a harmonious, mildly complex experience, and doesn’t sublimate the varietals very much. The strength and taste levels are a step past the center of mild to medium. The nic-hit is in the center of mild to medium. No chance of bite, harshness or rough edges. Burns cool and clean at a reasonable pace with a very consistent sweet and mildly spicy, rather smooth flavor from start to finish. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Has a short lived, pleasant after taste, and room note. A comfortable all day smoke. Va, Per 2 oz 1 4 yr 5 mo 4 yr 5 mo
2 Drucquer & Sons Loch Ness Click for details Artfully developed by Gregory Pease, Loch Ness is a Scottish-style crumble plug mixture comprising ribbons of small-leaf Oriental, smoky Cypriot Latakia, and rare Louisiana Perique, elevated by bright lemon and matured red Virginia tobaccos. Once blended, the loose mixture is pressed and aged in cakes to meld flavors, then cut into plugs — combining the flavor-enhancing benefits of the pressing process with an easy, straightforward preparation for the pipe.

I blended Loch Ness in the Scottish tradition with a wee twist. In the bowl, rich full flavors offer hints of dark fruit with spicy overtones. Destined to be drenched in folklore like its namesake, Loch Ness will soothe even the most ferocious beasts. - Gregory Pease

In the tin, Loch Ness aromas are markedly decadent, punctuated by notes deep and opulent with an alluring hint of smoky zest. On the palate, the blend is rich and complex in flavor, balancing a tangy sweetness with piquant spice, hints of dark, stewed fruits, and a creamy, rounded finish. Medium in strength with fathoms of body and leagues of complexity, Loch Ness is the perfect all-day smoke for the lover of traditional Scottish and English pipe tobaccos.
The musty, incense-like Cyprian Latakia offers a wealth of earth, wood, smoke, floralness, some sweetness, and a pinch of spice as it takes a very small lead most of the time. The small leaf, musty, incense-like Oriental provides plenty of earth, wood, herbs, floralness, vegetation, tingly spice, rich buttery sweetness and some sourness as it competes with the Latakia for attention. Thats chiefly due to its floral, spice content, which occasionally surpasses the Lat a tad. The bright Virginia produces a lot of tart and tangy citrus, grass, some sour lemon, floralness, sugar, bread/toast, vegetation, light acidity and spice in the third position. The earthy, woody, tangy dark fruity, bready, sugary red Virginia also has a touch of vinegar, tart citrus, and spice. It almost shares the third slot with the bright. The earthy, woody, stewed fruity (raisins, dates, and plums), peppery Louisiana perique is just above the condiment level. I do notice a very light sweet casing. The strength, nic-hit and taste rankings are medium. There’s no chance of bite or harshness. It does have a few very small rough edges that are typical for blends in this genre. This mildly moist crumble cake easily breaks apart to suit your preference. Well balanced and complex, it burns cool, clean and a tad slow with a fairly consistent zesty, deeply rich, fruity, sugary sweet, savory, floral, tingly spicy, mildly creamy, campfire flavor that extends to the pleasantly lingering after taste. The room note is a bit stronger. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires a couple more than an average number of relights. Three and a half stars out of four.

-JimInks Lat, Or, Per, Va 7 oz 2 2 yr 6 mo 2 yr 6 mo
1 Dunhill London Mixture Click for details Skillfully blended Latakia with Virgina and Turkish. Pleasant aroma and a flavor never tiring. Va, Or 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl London Squire (012) Click for details 4 oz 1 5 yr 2 mo 5 yr 2 mo
1 4 Noggins Lord Metheleys Click for details A well rounded blend of flavorful Virginias, mellow Burleys, and Black Cavendish give Lord Methelys the fragrance of a berry filled pie just out of the oven. A true aromatic with no tongue bite makes this a great all day smoke. Developed for the real Lord Methely of West Yorkshire, UK. Aro, Bur, Cav, Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 4 mo 7 yr 4 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Louisiana Flake Click for details A dark flake VaPer. Very pleasant nutty/chocolate flavor. Va, Per 1 oz 1 3 yr 9 mo 3 yr 9 mo
1 Peterson Luxury Blend Click for details A smooth and exquisite blend of three different Virginias, sweetish Black Cavendish, fragrant Burley and a fabulous aroma of orange, honey and a touch of the all time favorite vanilla flavor. Aro, Bur, Cav, Va 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
2 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake Click for details A blend of ripe Virginia tobacco spiced with pure Louisiana Perique. The distinctive aroma of Perique combined with the natural sweetness of Virginia tobaccos provides a wonderful characteristic taste with a center of mellow, fermented Black Cavendish. Only available in bulk, generally. Va, Cav, Per 8 oz 2 4 yr 10 mo 8 yr 3 mo
1 John Aylesbury Luxury Flake Click for details The basis of this really fine Danish-type blend is made exclusively from Virginia top qualities. A Navy Cut with a refined and smooth taste with the original Virginia tobacco-sweetness. A tobacco that will please more than the Flake aficionados. Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 3 mo 7 yr 3 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake Click for details Luxury Navy Flake is made with very mature Old Belt flue-cured Virginias spiced with Louisiana Perique. Only available in bulk, generally. Va, Per 8 oz 1 5 yr 7 mo 5 yr 7 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake Click for details First class Virginias and a touch of Cavendish make up these delightful slices. Sweet and spicy top flavor, medium strength. Only available in bulk, generally. Va 4 oz 1 10 yr 2 mo 10 yr 2 mo
1 Federal Cigar LuxuryFlake Click for details Va 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 2 mo 11 yr 2 mo
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company Majestic English Click for details Sutliff Majestic English is a robust Latakia blend that also includes superb Virginias, air-cured Orientals, mellow Burleys, and zesty, sweet Perique. More Latakia-laden than most of Sutliffs blends, Majestic English is a phenomenal late-night repast or a perfect choice for a lazy weekend afternoon on the deck. Bur, Lat, Or, Per, Va 2 oz 1 5 yr 6 mo 5 yr 6 mo
1 HU Tobacco Makhuwa (African Line) Click for details The Makhuwa - is a good medium-strength Burley-mixture. The base of this blend is a strong, chocolaty Malawi Burley blended with some Red Virginia, Louisiana Perique and a Virginia / White Burley Cube Cut. The Makhuwa stands out by its deliciously spicy, sweet and subtly nutty flavors. The Makhuwa - a robust, nutty spicy Mixture for lovers of distinctive blends. Bur, Per, Va 3.5 oz 1 5 yr 3 mo 5 yr 3 mo
1 Dan Tobacco Mallard Flake with Perique Click for details Dan Tobaccos Mallard Flake has been popular around the world for some time, so when we were able to get a limited edition of this new classic, we jumped on it.

Mallard Flake with Perique takes the flavor profile of the original and adds a bit of deeper sweetness and a bit of spice to the blend. Its not over-the-top in strength, but there just enough of a boost in the oomph to intrigue any Virginia/Perique fan. Availability is limited, so get yours now! Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 1 yr 4 mo 1 yr 4 mo
1 GL Pease Maltese Falcon Click for details Stylish, dark and alluring. Generous quantities of Cyprian Latakia are blended with matured red Virginias, exotic orientals, and just a little bright flue-cured leaf to offer a deep, full-bodied yet silky smoke with an intriguing sweetness. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 5 yr 4 mo 5 yr 4 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Maple Street Click for details Va, Aro 3 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
2 Esoterica Tobacciana Margate Click for details A classical English mixture done in the old style of many of the fine tobaccos that have now disappeared from the market place. Choice Orientals and generous quantities of premium Cyprian Latakia keynote this rich, full bodied blend. A well balanced, robust and eminently satisfying smoke. Lat, Or, Va 4 oz 2 4 yr 9 mo 5 yr 7 mo
1 Federal Cigar Market Square Click for details Va, Aro 1 oz 1 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
2 Rattray Marlin Flake Click for details A companion to Old Gowrie containing Flue Cured Virginias. A shade darker, greater strength, different aroma, but otherwise a tobacco in the same tradition. Va 5.3 oz 2 5 yr 8 mo 7 yr 3 mo
1 Hearth & Home Mazatec Click for details Mazatec is earthy, slightly sweet and a bit smoky, in fact, the general character of the tobacco has been described as mushroomy. This slightly aromatic Latakia blend is complex, rich and satisfying. Try something different! Bur, Aro, Cav, Lat 1 oz 1 9 yr 2 mo 9 yr 2 mo
1 Drew Estate Meat Pie Click for details We made a blend and called it Meat Pie! Daring to be just a little different, imagine we just re-wrote some classic turn-of-the century novel. A Pungent, Smoky, Medium bodied smoke that is the epitome of the word classic
Contents	Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia Lat, Or, Va 1.5 oz 1 9 yr 5 mo 9 yr 5 mo
1 Scandinavian Tobacco Group Medal of Valor Click for details ??When I first took up the pipe in the mid-seventies, I was fascinated by the varieties of tinned pipe tobaccos. These were brands I never saw in a drugstore or supermarket, and one tin jumped out at me because of the gorgeous design of the label. It was a Lane tobacco, and I bought a tin. It was a rich, medium-bodied Latakia blend with a different flavor because it contained Dubec and Mahalla. I enjoyed it greatly, but then it was gone.

Flash forward to today. Our friends at Lane have revived this great old blend, so Medal of Valor (and, yes, for those of you who remember the original, the name has changed slightly) is back with that same blend and beautiful tin art. If you tried it in the past, you’re in for a stroll down memory lane. For those who never tried it, you have a treat in store.

-Russ Lat, Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 GL Pease Meridian Click for details Balanced, poised and sophisticated. Cyprus Latakia is layered with fine Virginia tobaccos and small leaf orientals, then pressed, sliced, and tumbled into ribbons. More savory than sweet, with classic structure, medium body, and captivating complexity. Meridian is the perfect companion for a mid-day stroll, or with the afternoon tea. Lat, Or, Va 2 oz 1 6 yr 3 mo 6 yr 3 mo
1 L.J. Peretti Midnight Click for details English tobacco. All black tobaccos, mild and smooth, rich and spicy. Cav, Lat 1 oz 1 8 yr 9 mo 8 yr 9 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Mississippi Mud Click for details An unusual blend of Perique, Latakia & unsweetened black Cavendish. A truly cool smoke with a flavor unlike any other. Per, Cav, Lat 2 oz 1 10 yr 4 mo 10 yr 4 mo
1 Seattle Pipe Club Mississippi River Click for details Mississippi River is a smooth, medium blend of pressed red and stoved Virginia tobaccos with a unique balance of Louisiana Perique and Cyprian Latakia which makes this krumble kake tobacco a complex and rich smoke with a lovely sweet finish that lingers nicely on the palate. This Seattle Pipe Club Blend was created by our master blending guru, Joe Lankford and is very gentle on the tongue for an all day smoke. Va, Lat, Or, Per 2 oz 1 8 yr 6 mo 8 yr 6 mo
1 Seattle Pipe Club Mississippi River Special Reserve Click for details Recently, Joe Lankford was offered some very special, well-aged Virginias. Instead of creating a whole new blend, he thought that he would use them to make a limited edition version of his wildly popular Mississippi River. Seattle Pipe Club Mississippi River Special Reserve is everything you love about the original but with very rare flue-cured tobaccos included for richer, smoother flavor.

Whenever we run any kind of special on the best-selling Seattle Pipe Club blends, our shelves empty out really fast. Well, for those of you who like the SPC pressed blends, we have a deal youre definitely going to love. Our Seattle Pipe Club Press Kit gives you tins of two already popular blends and one new release for only $44.99! Va, Lat, Or, Per 4 oz 1 5 yr 7 mo 5 yr 7 mo
1 Missouri Meerschaum Missouri Pride Click for details A classic American style blend, highlighted by mild, nutty Burley plus Virginias. Bur, Va 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 3 mo 10 yr 3 mo
3 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Mixture #12 Click for details A blend of flue-cured bright virginias and latakia coarse cut. With this blend you not only have to like latakia you have to positively crave the taste. As this blend contains 45% latakia!! Lat, Va 8 oz 3 6 yr 6 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Molto Dolce Click for details Aro, Va 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Morleys Best (101) Click for details This is a combination of three Burleys (rough cut, white & cubed), Virginia flake and Cyprian Latakia. Bur, Lat, Va 2 oz 1 2 yr 7 mo 2 yr 7 mo
1 4th Generation Morning Blend Click for details Comprising black cavendish, burley and Virginia tobaccos, Erik Stokkebye 4th Generations Morning Blend is an aromatic tobacco mixture that features a bourbon topping and other sweet notes, pairing perfectly with a cup of coffee to start the day. Cav, Bur, Va 2 oz 1 1 yr 7 mo 1 yr 7 mo
2 Seattle Pipe Club Mount Rainier Click for details Seattle Pipe Club Mount Rainier is a sturdy, medium-bodied Latakia blend that keeps it simple - sweet, bright, Virginias are combined with excellent Orientals and a fair amount of Cyprian Latakia. This is a cool-smoking pipe tobacco with a smoky flavor and robust aroma. Va, Lat, Or 3.6 oz 2 6 yr 9 mo 7 yr 2 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Mountain Camp (064) Click for details The same tobaccos as Bayou Night with the proportions of Perique and Latakia exchanged, making this a heavy Latakia blend for the English smoker. Lat, Bur, Or, Per, Va 2 oz 1 2 yr 7 mo 2 yr 7 mo
1 Russ Ouellette Mountain Pass Click for details Mountain Pass is a wonderful cool-weather blend, perfect for a stroll outside. This Latakia-based pipe tobacco is enhanced by plenty of exotic Izmir, which adds an intriguing zesty note, and its complemented by enough sweet Virginia to keep the flavor from becoming heavy. If youre a fan of rich English style blends, youll want to load up on Mountain Pass for your next hiking trip. Lat, Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 11 mo 7 yr 11 mo
2 Dunhill My Mixture 965 Click for details For the connoisseurs of full-bodied tobacco. Choicest small Latakia impart a rich nutty flavor and coolness. Macedonia Bright is added for sweetness. The Brown Cavendish completes the blend that all confirmed pipe smokers love. Lat, Cav, Or 3.3 oz 2 8 yr 9 mo 10 yr 10 mo
1 Federal Cigar Navy Flake Click for details Va 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
1 MacBaren Navy Flake Click for details A mild flake blended from the finest Burley tobaccos with added ripe Virginias and Cavendish. Navy Flake is light burning, making the lighting of the pipe very easy. Bur, Cav, Va 3.5 oz 1 8 yr 3 mo 8 yr 3 mo
1 McClelland New Century Click for details First blended in 1996, this is one of the finest medium Balkans weve ever produced. Rich and spicy with top-grade Basma, the finest Latakia and stoved sweet Virginias, it is truly a marvel to smoke. Blending skill and nature combine for a memorable experience. Or, Lat, Va 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 7 mo 6 yr 7 mo
2 Dunhill Nightcap Click for details A rich blend for late in the day. It is a slow, lasting smoke. Just prior to packing, expensive Perique tobacco is added to enhance to bouquet. Lat, Or, Per, Va 3.6 oz 2 8 yr 12 mo 10 yr 1 mo
1 Peterson Nightcap Click for details When Dunhill announced it would no longer be producing tobacco, pipe smokers rued the loss of some of their favorite mixtures. Thanks to Peterson, however, those beloved blends are still available. Theyre the same recipes and feature the same tin art as Dunhills, just re-branded for Peterson.

Peterson here offers Nightcap — a rich blend of Virginia, Oriental, and Latakia tobaccos, intended to be smoked late in the day. Its a smoky, delightfully satisfying mixture, with a hint of Perique added to enhance the bouquet. Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 3 yr 3 yr
1 Captain Earles Nightwatch Click for details Nightwatch is deep, rich and full of smoky Latakia. This old fashioned Crumble Cake is the perfect blend for those quiet, contemplative moments whether standing the night watch on the deck of a clipper ship or in the comfort of your study. Lat, Or, Va 2 oz 1 1 yr 8 mo 1 yr 8 mo
1 John Cotton No 1 & 2 Click for details A popular, classic rises from the ashes!
John Cottons Nos. 1 & 2 was a staple for many pipe enthusuasts until it disappeared in the eighties. Through careful research and sampling vintage tins, which jogged the memory of master blender Russ Ouellette, this smooth and smoky blend has returned for a whole new generation of pipe lovers to try.
This is a mild to medium-bodied blend of ripe Virginias, fragrant Orientals, spicy Turkish leaf and Latakia. Theres enough Latakia to let you know its there, but the marriage of the Cyprian leaf and the various Orientals produce an exotic flavor, and the Virginias add just the right amount of sweetness for beautiful balance. John Cottons Nos. 1 & 2 can be enjoyed anytime, and will never overwhelm the palate. Va, Lat, Or 0.1 oz 1 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. No 20 Latakia Mixture Click for details Latakia Mixture is a blend that largely consists of Virginias, with small amount of dark-fired and air-cured leaf. A moderate amount of Latakia is added for body and for depth of flavor. Va, Lat 1 oz 1 8 yr 1 mo 8 yr 1 mo
2 Newminster No 403 Superior Round Slices Click for details Newminster No. 403 Superior Round Slices starts with a core of dark-fired Kentucky, around which premium flue-cured leaves are wrapped and spun into a rope. Its sliced into coins that are very easy to prepare. The flavor is typically sweet Virginia with an undertone thats spicy and slightly smoky - slightly on the full side of medium bodied. Va 8 oz 2 4 yr 7 mo 5 yr 11 mo
1 Pipeworks & Wilke No. 191 Click for details Hard one for me to rate. Im splitting the difference and awarding this one 3 stars. I give it 2 for my personal taste but a 4 for accomplishing what few aromatics do, in my opinion. This review is based on a 5 bowl sample that Carole sent with my 4 2-oz sampler.

This is classified as a honey and vanilla aromatic and that was spot on. Interestingly, I tasted no vanilla at all. The vanilla came out in the room note. The flavoring I tasted was the honey. The problem is I dont like honey very much, at least not in tobacco. :) I smoked it because Carole was nice enough to send it and I finished it because, as I mentioned, it does what few aromatics do - it couples a high amount of tobacco taste with a hint of the aromatic flavoring. The tobacco taste ruled the roost and was tinged with just enough honey flavoring to satisfy a honey lovers sweet tooth. Very intriguing tobacco. I did not care for it and I wont buy any but if you love honey in your tobacco, I recommend you jump on this one immediately. Its a pipe tobacco lovers aromatic and nothing short of a stroke of absolute blending genius. For that, it deserves 4 stars and my highest recommendation. Bur, Aro, Cav, Va 2 oz 1 4 yr 5 mo 4 yr 5 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. No. 25 English Click for details No. 25 mixture - this blend is another one for the smoker devoted to Latakia. bright Virginias (53%) are blended predominantly with light burleys (17%) but the introduction of some dark sun-cured (10%) helps to both cool and sweeter the smoke. finally, the addition of Latakia (20%) gives the blend its main character. Va, Bur, Lat 2 oz 1 5 yr 8 mo 5 yr 8 mo
1 Newminster No. 400 Superior Navy Flake Click for details Newminster No. 400 Superior Navy Flake is a solid, easy-smoking all-Virginia flake with the characteristic citrus and hay flavors that one would expect from a quality pressed Virginia. Its pleasant and enjoyable right now, and should age very well.

The Virginia is mildly tart and tangy citrusy, lightly grassy, woody and earthy with a drop of caramel, some butter, bread and honey notes, and is just a little sugary with a pinch of spice and floralness. The flakes easily break apart for a fairly smooth, very moderate burn rate. The taste may be fairly one dimensional, but its an all day sweet smoke that wears well while you go about your business. Sports little nicotine, and its the sweetness that raises it a little beyond the mild threshold in terms of strength and taste. Wont bite or get harsh, but does have a few minor rough edges. The cool, clean flavor is very consistent to the finish, requiring an average number of relights, and leaves virtually no moisture in the bowl. Has a very pleasant, lightly lingering room note and after taste. Normally, one dimensional products get two or two and a half stars from me, but I give this three because its a welcome presence for the smoker that is looking for this particular kind of tobacco to smoke, especially at this price point. Makes a nice companion for tea or coffee, too.

-JimInks Va 4 oz 1 2 yr 5 mo 2 yr 5 mo
1 Pipeworks & Wilke No. 524 Click for details This traditional British mixture consists of matured pan-fired Virginia, Syrian Latakia, and Turkish Yenidje. A rich full bodied blend. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 4 yr 5 mo 4 yr 5 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. No. 7 Broken Flake Click for details Dark-fired Virginias and Burley tobaccos are combined with light natural flavorings. Va, Aro, Bur 4 oz 1 3 yr 9 mo 3 yr 9 mo
1 Newminster No. 9R Rich Vanilla Click for details Newminster No. 9R Rich Vanilla is a Virginia-based Cavendish, made in the traditional manner which has been treated with a creamy, rich vanilla flavor that is gentle to the palate and wonderful in the room note. Va, Aro, Cav 2 oz 1 7 yr 7 mo 7 yr 7 mo
2 Astleys No.99 Royal Tudor Full Latakia Click for details A traditional English mixture of Virginia, Turkish combined with a substantial proportion of Latakia. Lat, Or, Va 3.6 oz 2 4 yr 8 mo 6 yr 3 mo
1 Watch City Cigar Noreaster Click for details The smoky, woody, earthy, musty, incense-like, sweet Cyprian Latakia is a major player, though the nutty, earthy, woody, molasses sweet burley provides ample support. The nuttiness reminds me of Planters’ peanuts, and the interplay between it and the other components occasionally gives me the feel of an American English mixture. The Virginia offers citrus and grass, primarily acting as a base for the other tobaccos. The black cavendish is a minor addition that adds some creamy smooth brown sugar to tame the Latakia. The Orientals are also lightly present; smoky, woody, mildly floral, herbal, vegetative with a hint of dry and light sourness. The spice from the perique is faint, and when noticeable, seems to be more fruity (raisins, plum and figs) than spicy. The woody, earthy, herbal, vegetative, sweet cigar leaf is about as obvious as the perique, meaning that I don’t always taste it. Fairly complex though some of the flavors are subtle, but mostly consistent to the finish with a little sweetness and some savoriness. No chance of bite or harshness. The strength and taste levels are medium. The nic-hit is just past the center of mild to medium. Burns a little slow with no dull moments, though it loses just a touch of sweetness in the last quarter. Leaves just a little moisture in the bowl. Needs some relights. Has a pleasant, lightly lingering after taste. The room note reminds me of sitting around the camp fire at night. Three and a half stars. Cav, Bur, Lat, Per, Va 2 oz 1 4 yr 6 mo 4 yr 6 mo
1 Boswell's Pipe & Tobacco Northwoods Click for details Full bodied and full flavor a deeply complex English but with a smooth and mild base of Latakia along with Toasted Virginias. J.M. had blended Northwoods for himself to smoke, but then the customers started asking him what he was smoking and his answer was have a bowl. Northwoods has become one of our most popular English blends. Va, Lat 4 oz 1 9 yr 7 mo 9 yr 7 mo
4 Peter Stokkebye Nougat Click for details Peter Stokkebyes best selling blend. Superior Golden African Virginias are combined with Burleys and mild Black Cavendish then finished with a unique vanilla and chocolate essence to achieve the superb taste favored by millions. Aro, Bur, Cav, Va 1 lbs 4 9 yr 5 mo 9 yr 9 mo
2 Peterson Nutty Cut Click for details A mixture of golden, red and dark Virginia tobaccos blended with Burley and Black Cavendish. Enhanced with flavourings of Macadamia nuts, coconut and rum. Va, Aro, Bur, Lat 3.6 oz 2 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Nutty Irishman Click for details Imagine a bottle of Frangelico and a bottle of Irish Mist having a head on collision and youll have an idea of the flavor and aroma of Nutty Irishman, though the end product has a uniqueness that goes beyond the characterization. Cav, Bur 2 oz 1 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
1 GL Pease Odyssey Click for details Odyssey is huge - the biggest of the Pease blends. Its loaded with Latakia and harmonized by exotic Orientals. Wonderful red and jet-black stoved Virginias provide a perfect counterpoint. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 9 yr 10 mo 9 yr 10 mo
1 Watch City Cigar Off the Rails Click for details Ernie says: The batch of Red Virginia they shipped was fantastic...loaded with natural sugars, so this blend definitely has aging potential.

This is a wonderful naturally sweet tobacco aroma. Think Hay, and that stinky little edgy aroma from the orientals combined with what @Ozark Wizard would call a Threat of Perique. The unsweetened (true) Cavendish adds a slight caramel undertone. Id wager that this blend will peak in 5 to 6 years if stored properly. Va, Bur, Cav, Or, Per 8 oz 1 5 yr 4 mo 5 yr 4 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Old Court Click for details An honorable mixture of burley and Latakia, spiced with a prudent amount of perique, and sweetened with a conservative touch of broken Virginia flake, this blend should serve you well when theres plenty on the docket. Cav, Bur, Lat, Per, Va 2 oz 1 2 yr 7 mo 2 yr 7 mo
1 Watch City Cigar Old Dominion Click for details Virginia Flake with Perique.
This is a beautiful flake of Bright, Red and Matured virginias with St. James Parish Perique. For those of you wanting a naturally sweet medium mellow Virginia flake, this is it! Va, Per 1.5 oz 1 7 yr 7 yr
5 Peterson Old Dublin Click for details This mixture is based on the cool, smoky aroma of Cyprian Latakia with Golden Virginia, aromatic Black Cavendish & sweet Greek Oriental Basma grades. Made in Ireland. Lat, Cav, Or, Va 9 oz 5 8 yr 6 mo 10 yr 4 mo
1 Rattray Old Gowrie Click for details Old Gowrie is a Virginia tobacco prepared in the old-time manner as a broken flake or rubbed out for those who favor a finer cut. Its essential charm is its coolness and tranquilizing properties which has led it to find its way all over the world. Va 1.8 oz 1 4 yr 2 mo 4 yr 2 mo
2 Dan Tobacco Old Ironsides Click for details This hardy blend celebrates the oldest battleship in the U.S. Navy, the U.S.S. Constitution. This blend is a Latakia lovers dream. A high percentage of Cyprian Latakia is complimented by Kentucky, Oriental, and Virginia tobaccos. Cake aged for twelve weeks, this flake cut blend is full and cool smoking. Lat, Bur, Or, Va 3.6 oz 2 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Old Joe Krantz (126) Click for details Dark and cube cut Burley with Red Virginia ribbon and Perique creates a smooth, all day smoke. Bur, Per, Va 2 oz 1 10 yr 1 mo 10 yr 1 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Old Vienna Click for details Aro, Va 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 5 mo 10 yr 5 mo
1 Peretti Omega Click for details Rich and full flavored, it is ideal for relaxing in the evening after a fine meal. This blend is pleasantly spiced with the gentle flavor of Latakia and superb Turkish. Lat, Or, Va 2 oz 1 4 yr 9 mo 4 yr 9 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Opening Night Click for details A delicious blend of the finest Red and Bright Virginias pressed to perfection and sliced into flakes. Va 2 oz 1 3 yr 2 mo 3 yr 2 mo
1 Two Guys Optimus Click for details Aro, Va 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 Pipes & Cigars Out of Office Click for details If you spent the evening overindulging, one way to handle big head syndrome is the hair of the dog that bit you. Heres the most pleasant way to do it - Out of Office Up All Night. This slow, cool smoking blend is made of premium Burley that has been finished with a light, sweet note of rum. Save some money and imbibe without the aftermath with Up All Night. Bur, Aro, Va 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 McConnell Paddington Click for details The Virginias provide a lot of tart and tangy citrus, grass, hay, earth, some tangy dark fruit and wood, and light, dry floral and spice notes. I believe a pinch of dark fired is present as well, chiefly due to a slight smoky nuance that I have also detected in the original. The fermented plum topping is the star as it sublimates the tobaccos to a fair degree, though it does allow the varietals to speak to your taste buds. I also sense an added light fruit topping in the mix. The toppings are similar to Orlik’s Royal Yacht, but lack a little of the depth, sweetness, and delicate balance employed in that manufacture. The same can be said for the tobaccos to a mildly lesser extent compared to the Murray’s and Orlik brands. However, the toppings are a little closer to the Murray’s version than they are to the Orlik. The strength and taste levels are a couple of steps past medium, and both fall just short of the Orlik version of RY thresholds. The nic-hit is a rung short of medium. No chance of bite or harshness. Burns cool and clean at a reasonable rate with a very consistent flavor that continues on to the lingering after taste. Has a strong room note. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Not an all day smoke. Three stars for its own merits, and two and a half stars as a match. I gave four stars to the Orlik version. Va 1.8 oz 1 3 yr 1 mo 3 yr 1 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Palmetto Balkan Click for details The tart and tangy, zesty sun cured 2018 Basma and 2019 Izmir provide a lot of earth, wood, herbs, vegetation, floralness, some dry, bitter sourness, mild incense, spice, and a light buttery sweetness with a hint of smoke. They are the lead components. The Cyprian Latakia was processed to create a Syrian Latakia-like effect. It offers a fair amount of earth, wood, some leathery smoke, floralness, and tart wine sweetness with light spice and mustiness. It’s a supporting player. The Carolina Red Virginias produce some tangy ripe dark fruit, earth, wood, bread, sugar, a little floralness and vegetation, light tart and tangy citrus, grass, a few pinches of spice, and hints of cream and vinegar. They are a couple of steps behind the Latakia in the proceedings. The strength and taste levels start out mild to medium, and gain a little potency after the first quarter of the bowl. The strength is medium. The taste is a slot past that. The nic-hit is a notch below the strength level. There’s no chance of bite or harshness, and has very few rough notes. Well balanced with some nuance, it burns cool and clean at a reasonable rate with a very consistent floral, herbal, dryly sour, spicy, mildly smoky, sweet, savory campfire flavor that extends to the short lived dry after taste. The room note is a little stronger. Leaves little dampness in the bowl. Requires an average number of relights. Can be an all day smoke. Three stars. Va, Lat, Or 1 lbs 2 6 mo 6 mo
1 Wilke Pipe Tobacco Peanut Butter and Chocolate Click for details Wilke Peanut Butter and Chocolate The very rich peanut butter topping is a little more obvious than the subtly deep, creamy chocolate. They are the stars of this blend as they synergistically meld with the tobaccos without totally drowning out them out. There are some nuts, earth, wood, very light molasses, and spice from the Maryland burley along with a touch of tart and tangy citrus, honey, bread, sugar, floralness, and grass from the Virginia. The Virginia is a condiment. The strength is a couple of steps past the mild mark. The taste is in the center of mild to medium. The nic-hit is very light. There’s no chance of bite or harshness, and only has a small hint of a rough edge. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with a very consistent, rather smooth peanut butter chocolate flavor that extends to the lightly lingering pleasant after taste, and appealing room note. Barely leaves any dampness in the bowl. Requires an average number of relights. It’s a easy-going all-day smoke that won’t wear out its welcome during your smoking day. Bur, Aro, Va 4 oz 1 2 yr 11 mo 2 yr 11 mo
1 Boswell's Pipe & Tobacco Pennsylvania Dutch Treat Click for details Full and rich and superbly made with a Cavendish blend, along with burley with a pinch of cherry.  Bursting with rich flavors and smoothness. PA Dutch is one of J.M.s favorites to smoke, which he masterfully blended back when he was 20 years old. Cav, Bur 4 oz 1 9 yr 7 mo 9 yr 7 mo
3 Peterson Perfect Plug Click for details This excellent plug tobacco comprises selected Virginia leaf from Africa and Brazil blended with Burley leaf from Malawi. The tobaccos are lightly cased before drying and pressing and are then heated and stored for two weeks before cutting. The result is a full bodied yet fruity blend, sure to appeal to the experienced pipe smoker. Va, Aro, Bur 5.4 oz 3 8 yr 10 mo 10 yr 8 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Perfection Click for details A variety of Brown & Bright Virginias with a touch of Latakia & fine Turkish, steamed, then a hint of Vanilla has been added. Va, Aro, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 3 mo 8 yr 3 mo
1 Robert McConnell Piccadilly Circus Click for details A classic blend of Latakia, Virginia, and Oriental tobaccos makes McConnells Piccadilly Circus a traditional English mixture thats cool and mellow with just the right amount of boldness.

Notes: Dunhill London Mixture clone, and was originally called City of London. Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 2 yr 4 mo 2 yr 4 mo
1 Seattle Pipe Club Pike Place Click for details Joe Lankford has been a busy man. After the wildly successful releases of Deception Pass and Potlatch, hes pleased to bring you one of his most intriguing blends to date - Seattle Pipe Clubs Pike Place.
SPC Pike Place is a Balkan style blend...or is it? It certainly contains a good dose of smoky Cyprian Latakia, which are supported by fragrant, sun-cured Orientals and some zesty, sweet Perique. Where Pike Place makes a real departure from the norm is that instead of using Virginias to balance out the blend, Joe has substituted flavorful, high-grade Burley. The blend is a heartier, earthier type of Latakia blend with a fuller body. Its an ideal after dinner/late night repast that will help the cares of the day to melt away. Its rich, smoky, with leathery and nutty notes, and an exotic aroma unlike anything youre ever experienced. When you want a bold but smooth tobacco, youll want to take a trip to Pike Place. Bur, Lat, Or, Per 2 oz 1 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
1 Pipeworks & Wilke Pipemaker's Choice Click for details 2 oz 1 4 yr 5 mo 4 yr 5 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake (970P) Click for details A smooth, robust blend with LOTS of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and cavendish cut Burley. This is the blend for the Latakia lover. Lat, Bur, Cav, Or 4 oz 2 7 yr 1 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye Pistachio Click for details Blended with golden red Virginia tobaccos and a full touch of aromatic Black Cavendish. This lively combination of vanilla and pistachio flavors makes for one moderately sweet, mild smoking blend. Aro, Cav, Va 2 oz 1 9 yr 2 mo 9 yr 2 mo
3 Seattle Pipe Club Plum Pudding Click for details Say Hello to Plum Pudding. Ahhh, what an exquisite tobacco! This Seattle Pipe Club Blend was created by our own blending guru, Joe Lankford. Plum Pudding is simply a legend in our Club. Many members say it is their perfect tobacco. Delicious, smoky, spicy and positively addictive. Now our Club treasure is available to the world in limited quantities. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Lat, Or, Per, Va 6 oz 3 7 yr 3 mo 8 yr 4 mo
3 MacBaren Plumcake Click for details A mixture of fully ripe Virginia tobaccos, sliced, cask mellowed Burley tobaccos, dark spicy Cavendish, and just a touch of Latakia. To give Plumcake an elegant aroma the blend has been flavored with aged Jamaica Rum. Va, Aro, Bur, Cav, Lat 10.5 oz 3 7 yr 6 mo 8 yr 4 mo
3 Seattle Pipe Club Potlatch Click for details Seatlle Pipe Clubs Potlatch, created by SPCs master blender, Joe Lankford, is a stroke of genius. This distinctly different approach to the American-English genre will appeal to a broad range of pipe enthusiasts. The ingredients include nutty-sweet toasted black Cavendish, specially selected Burley, smoky Cyprian Latakia, zesty golden Virginias, fragrant Turkish and Acadian Perique. Blends of this type were incredibly popular at the peak of pipe smokings popularity, and are making a comeback among American pipesters. SPC Potlatch will transport you back in time. If you havent tried this amazingly complex blend yet, youre missing out. --(Submitted by wsclifton) Bur, Cav, Per, Va 12 oz 3 5 yr 12 mo 7 yr 11 mo
3 Planta Presbyterian Mixture Click for details Mellow blend of US-Virginia tobaccos and highquality Macedonian grades-exclusive, aristocratic pipe mixture.

This fine tobacco originally had no name. It was blended before the first World War especially for the Very Rev. Dr. John White, sometime minister of the Barony Kirk in Glasgow and Moderator of the General Assembly in Scotland in 1929. He introduced it to Stanley Baldwin, later Earl Baldwin, Prime Minister in 1923, 1924 and 1935. He liked it so much that regular supplies were sent down to him and it was he who suggested that it be called Presbyterian Mixture. As there continues to be controversy over the question of whether Presbyterian Mixture contains Latakia, the following quote from page six of the blenders 2008 catalogue should leave the matter settled: Extraordinarily soft blend of finest US Virginia grades and a number of selected Latakia leaf tips. Ideal mixture also for beginners with English tobaccos. Originally blended for mass market by William P. Solomon, whose recipe it still follows. Va, Lat, Or 5.4 oz 3 4 yr 6 yr 6 mo
1 Federal Cigar Pride of Portsmouth Click for details Aro, Va 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
2 John Middleton Inc Prince Albert Click for details The traditional Prince Albert in the red package. There is nothing else like it. Crimp-cut, nutty Burley, a mild smoking mixture. Bur, Va 3 oz 2 9 yr 10 mo 10 yr 3 mo
1 L.J. Peretti Prince of Wales Click for details A pleasantly mild English-type tobacco with a fine, long-cut Virginia base. It has Latakia and Oriental tobaccos for flavor and smoothness, plus a touch of Irish tobacco. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 6 yr 9 mo 6 yr 9 mo
2 Captain Earles Private Stock Click for details Private Stock is a blend of eight select tobaccos highlighted by rich Latakia and deep red Virginia. Stoved and pressed into a Crumble Cake, this is the perfect all day smoke for the connoisseurs of rich and complex English blends. Lat, Va 4 oz 2 5 mo 5 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Professor (813) Click for details 2 oz 1 5 yr 7 mo 5 yr 7 mo
1 Twins Smokeshop Proper Northern Gentleman Click for details Mild English Blend on the dry side Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 7 yr 9 mo 7 yr 9 mo
2 Seattle Pipe Club Puget Sound Click for details Seattle Pipe Club Puget Sound is a rich and enjoyable Latakia blend made of a good amount of Cyprian Latakia, rare Orientals, zesty bright Virginia and a dash of Perique to add a deep sweetness and a bit of spice. This is a contemplative pipe tobacco that will satisfy any time you have the chance to relax. Va 1.9 oz 2 7 yr 8 mo 8 yr 1 mo
4 GL Pease Quiet Nights Click for details Rich, deep, contemplative... Ripe red virginias, fine orientals, smokey Cyprus Latakia, and a pinch of Acadian perique are pressed and matured in cakes before being sliced. The sophisticated flavors and exotic aroma provide a wonderful backdrop for quiet moments of reflection, a good book, and if you are so inclined, perhaps a wee dram. Lat, Or, Per, Va 8 oz 4 4 yr 3 mo 10 yr 1 mo
1 Orlik Racing Green Click for details A blend of rich Virginias, mellow Burleys and a touch of black Cavendish gives Orlik Racing Green a smooth and sweet taste that would make a great all day smoke. --(Submitted by wsclifton) Va, Bur, Cav 1.8 oz 1 4 yr 5 mo 4 yr 5 mo
2 HU Tobacco RaiKo InBeTween (United Passion) Click for details Nearly half a measure of latakia is sustained by high grade Virginias, burley and unflavoured black cavendish. A discreet cocoa flavour delivers a satisfying, indulging taste without ever becoming overly sweet.

Notes: Formerly called RaiKo ChocoLat, the change is due to new German regulations. Lat, Bur, Cav, Va 3.6 oz 2 4 yr 1 mo 4 yr 1 mo
2 Seattle Pipe Club Rainier Levant Click for details Joe Lankford has fond memories of some of the blends that the legendary tobaccos from Drucquer & Sons. One particular favorite of his was Levant Mixture, and he missed it so much that he decided to develop his own tribute to it - introducing Seattle Pipe Club Rainier Levant. This is a rich and fragrant Balkan-style blend made of zesty red Virginia, earthy/spicy Turkish Orientals and plenty of Cyprian Latakia. Va, Lat, Or 4 oz 2 7 yr 1 mo 7 yr 2 mo
1 Ashton Rainy Day Click for details A savory blend of Virginia and Burley leaf with velvet Black Cavendish. Aged in whiskey barrels for precisely one month, this mixture smokes smooth and heralds a marvelous aroma of tropical fruit and hickory nuts. Va, Aro, Bur, Cav 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 Drucquer & Sons Red Lion Click for details A light-medium bodied blend based on bright and red Virginias, Cyprian Latakia, a bit of toasted black Cavendish, and just a touch of air-cured leaf. It offers an extremely smooth and balanced smoking experience that is soft on the palate, with a natural caramel-like sweetness and a comfortable, smoky complexity that is both familiar and new. A wonderful all-day blend, or an engaging change of pace from the heavier English styles. This tobacco was named after the lions head which appeared on the original Drucquer family crest, and which now graces our blend.

The base of the blend is the sugary, tart and tangy citrusy, lightly grassy, slightly floral bright Virginia, and the earthy, woody, bready, tangy dark fruit sweet red Virginias, which have a hint of vinegar and spice. The red is slightly more obvious than the bright. The smoky, woody, earthy, musty sweet Cyprian Latakia plays an important second lead to the Virginias. The spicy, raisiny and plumy, earthy perique is a background player. The toasted black cavendish provides a little caramel and brown sugar in a minor role. The nic-hit is a couple of steps past the center of mild to medium. The strength and taste levels barely reach medium. Won’t bite or get harsh, but does sport a few small rough edges. Well balanced with some complexity, it burns at an even, moderate pace, cool and clean with a smooth, very consistent sweet and savory flavor all the way through. Requires and average number of relights, and leaves little moisture in the bowl. The pleasant after taste, and lightly stronger room note are short lived. An all day smoke with enough body to continually hold your interest without wearing out your taste buds.

-JimInks --(Submitted by wsclifton) Va, Bur, Cav, Lat, Per 3.5 oz 1 3 yr 3 yr
1 Davidoff Red Mixture Click for details Davidoff Red Mixture is a smooth and pleasant aromatic blend of superb Virginias and a special, mellow black Cavendish which has been finished with a creamy vanilla flavor. The pleasant aroma and lightly sweet flavor will have you enraptured. Va, Aro, Cav 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 Wilke Pipe Tobacco Red Oriental Click for details The blended Turkish provides a wealth of earth, wood, floralness, tart and bitter sourness, vegetation, herbs, some spice, mild buttery sweetness, and smoke as the lead components. The maduro cigar offers a fair amount of earth, wood, smoke, peaty vegetation, floralness, toast, some spice, creamy sugar, fairly mild tangy citrus, cocoa, light coffee, dark fruit, and a touch of molasses as an important supporting player. The aspects of the red Virginia are a fair amount of tart and tangy dark fruit, earth, wood, bread, some sugar, mild tart citrus, floralness, a few blades of grass, and small touches of spice and vinegar. It is a slot or two behind the maduro cigar. The Royal Scot cavendish is barely noticeable, but it does add a slight vanilla note. The strength and nic-hit are a couple of steps past the medium threshold. The taste just passes that mark. No chance of bite or harshness. Has a few light rough notes. Burns cool and clean with a very consistent sweet and sour, fruity, floral, smoky, spicy, savory flavor that extends to the mildly lingering, pleasant after taste. The room note is a slot stronger. Leaves little dampness in the bowl. Requires an average number of relights. Not an all day smoke, but it is repeatable. Three and a half stars. Cav, Lat, Or, Va 4 oz 1 8 mo 8 mo
1 Rattray Red Raparee Click for details Exhilarating and elusive, quaint and seductive. Prepared from choice Red Virginias and heavily flavored with Orientals, giving it a red tinge. It burns in the pipe with the spontaneity of a fine cigar. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Or, Va 3.5 oz 1 7 yr 9 mo 7 yr 9 mo
4 GL Pease Regents Flake Click for details A generous measure of fine Izmir leaf is layered on a sturdy foundation of mature red and sweet bright Virginia tobaccos, then pressed and allowed to mature and ferment in cakes before being sliced and tinned. This is one for the lover of Oriental mixtures, with their exotic and enticing incense-like aroma and brilliant flavour. Rub up a flake or two, fill a cherished pipe, and prepare for an exceptional smoking experience. Va, Or 8 oz 4 4 yr 10 mo 8 yr 3 mo
1 MATCH Revelation Click for details This is a match to House of Windsor Revelation. The original was one of Albert Einsteins favorites, and this blend captures the essential character of the old classic, combining yellow and red Virginias, nutty cube-cut Burley, smoky Latakia and zesty Perique with a soft, dark fruit top note to create an distinctly old fashioned flavor and room note.  Fans of the original will find MATCH - Revelation to be a fine substitute. Va, Bur, Lat, Per 2 oz 1 5 yr 7 mo 5 yr 7 mo
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company Revelation Match Click for details An easy blend to enjoy at any time, Revelation Match from Sutliff blends a smoky Latakia element with Burley, Kentucky, Virginia, and Perique for complex flavor with a plum casing for accent.

This is a match to House of Windsor Revelation. The original was one of Albert Einsteins favorites, and this blend captures the essential character of the old classic, combining yellow and red Virginias, cube cut Burley, smoky latakia and zesty Perique with a soft, dark fruit top note. Lat, Bur, Per, Va 4 oz 1 2 yr 2 yr
1 Watch City Cigar Rhythm and Blues Click for details The various red Virginias provide a lot of tangy fermented dark fruit, earth, wood, some tart citrus, a little grass, sugar, bread, acid, stewed fruit, light spice and a touch of floral. The black stoved Virginia offers a lot of tangy stewed fruit, sugar, earth, some wood, spice, and dark fruit. The well balanced Virginias meld together so well that I can’t say one dominates the other. You will notice every aspect of the Virginias in every puff. Theres also a touch of raisins, plum and a hint of spice from a few pinches of perique. Not sure about the casings, but I sense a light red wine. The strength is a couple of steps past the center of mild to medium. The taste is a rung past that, falling a tad short of the medium mark. The nic-hit is in the center of mild to medium. No chance of bite, and barely has any rough edges. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with a very consistent, sweet and slightly savory campfire flavor that translates to lightly lingering, pleasant after taste. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Has a nice room note. A fairly easy going all day smoke. Va, Per 2 oz 1 8 mo 8 mo
1 Lane Limited RLP-6 Click for details Blended with just the right proportion of Golden Virginia and Burley`s, the basic blend of Toasted Cavendish tobaccos takes on a zesty dimension. This mixture gets better as you smoke it all day long. Cav, Bur, Va 2 oz 1 11 yr 2 mo 11 yr 2 mo
1 MacBaren Roll Cake Click for details A deluxe roll cake tobacco blended from spun, ripe Virginia, Cavendish and Burley tobaccos. A unique composition. Va, Bur, Cav 3.5 oz 1 3 yr 4 mo 3 yr 4 mo
1 Brebbia Rondo Mix 27 Click for details The same great blend as the Brebbia Classic English Mix No. 7 but with a new name and packaging! A classical English Mixture of various spicy tobaccos such as Syrian Latakia and Louisiana Perique. Cross cut, fully aromatic, cool burning. High class quality tobacco for the demanding pipe smoker. A unique smooth, mellow and long lasting blend.
Notes: English Mixtures #7 and #70, and Rondo Mixture #27, are all the same blend. Lat, Or, Per, Va 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 7 mo 6 yr 7 mo
1 Watch City Cigar Rouxgaroux Click for details Full disclosure: Ernie Q. and I created this blend, and had a fun time doing it. The red Virginias provide a lot of tangy fermented ripe dark fruit, earth and wood, along with a little bread, tart and tangy citrus and grass, and light vinegar and sugar. It also has very small floral, acidic notes as the lead components. The perique supplies an abundance of stewed plums, raisins and figs, earth and some spice as an important supporting player. The stoved Virginia offers a lot of tangy fermented, sugary stewed dark fruit, earth, and wood, and is just behind the perique in terms of its effect on the blend. The bright Virginia chips in with some tart and mildly tangy citrus and grass with a mild floral quality, sugar, and a touch of acidity and spice. There are no toppings, but a couple of Virginias were cased, one with red wine. The strength and nic-hit are medium, while the taste is a step past that mark. No chance of bite or harshness even when pushed. Has a few slight rough edges. Well balanced with a little complexity, it burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with a very consistent, deeply rich, tart and more tangy fruity sweet and spicy, lightly floral flavor that translates to pleasantly lingering after taste and room note. Can be an all day smoke for the veteran piper, and it’s certainly repeatable for smokers at any level of experience.

-JimInks Va, Per 8 oz 1 6 mo 6 mo
1 Watch City Cigar Rouxgaroux Click for details Watch Citys Rouxgaroux is based upon a bed of our Simply Red and a matured red Virginia. Rouxgaroux is an indulgent melange of flavors of stewed fig and plum. spiced with a generous amount of perique along with some stoved Virginia and a bit of bright Virginia for a unique floral note that drifts in and out through the bowl.

Full disclosure: Ernie Q. and I created this blend, and had a fun time doing it. The red Virginias provide a lot of tangy fermented ripe dark fruit, earth and wood, along with a little bread, tart and tangy citrus and grass, and light vinegar and sugar. It also has very small floral, acidic notes as the lead components. The perique supplies an abundance of stewed plums, raisins and figs, earth and some spice as an important supporting player. The stoved Virginia offers a lot of tangy fermented, sugary stewed dark fruit, earth, and wood, and is just behind the perique in terms of its effect on the blend. The bright Virginia chips in with some tart and mildly tangy citrus and grass with a mild floral quality, sugar, and a touch of acidity and spice. There are no toppings, but a couple of Virginias were cased, one with red wine. The strength and nic-hit are medium, while the taste is a step past that mark. No chance of bite or harshness even when pushed. Has a few slight rough edges. Well balanced with a little complexity, it burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with a very consistent, deeply rich, tart and more tangy fruity sweet and spicy, lightly floral flavor that translates to pleasantly lingering after taste and room note. Can be an all day smoke for the veteran piper, and it’s certainly repeatable for smokers at any level of experience. Va, Per 4 oz 1 1 yr 6 mo 1 yr 6 mo
1 CaptainBlack Royal Click for details Aro, Va 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 8 mo 11 yr 8 mo
1 MacBaren Royal Twist Click for details Among the most elusive of Mac Barens spun-cut mixtures is Royal Twist, a distinctive Virginia/Perique blend enhanced by Dark-Fired Kentucky. Despite strong popularity and demand, it was delisted in the 1960s due to shared name registrations and unfortunately was taken off the market. While it later returned as Mac Barens flagship Roll Cake, one of the blending houses most popular tobaccos of all time, the recipe had changed and no longer included Perique.

Crafted using its original 1960s recipe and packaged in 100g tins with vintage artwork, Mac Barens Royal Twist returns in a limited-edition run, available only at Smokingpipes. Select Virginias, Dark-Fired Kentucky, and Perique form the core of this complex mixture, elevated by a naturally sweet, whole-leaf Virginia wrapper for a nuanced, all-day smoking experience with just the right amount of peppery, smoky spice. Meticulously handspun into ropes, aged for weeks, and sliced into delicate coins, Royal Twist is a testament to Mac Barens proud spun-cut legacy.

Dont miss your chance to experience this special-edition revival of Mac Barens Royal Twist, the predecessor to the modern Roll Cake, blended as it was in the 60s. Va, Per 3.5 oz 1 3 yr 3 mo 3 yr 3 mo
1 Butera Royal Vintage Blended Flake Click for details A blend of rich, Red Matured Virginias, hand selected Orientals, flu-cured North Carolina whole leaf, and long-cut St. James Perique. Heavily pressed and aged in cakes. Va, Bur, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 3 mo 7 yr 3 mo
1 Butera Royal Vintage Latakia No.2 Click for details A full English mixture of Cyprian Latakia, Turkish, Orientals, Red and Orange Matured Virginias. A touch of Toasted Carolina is used to enrich the smooth, nutty flavor. Blended into Ribbon Form. Lat, Bur, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 Butera Royal Vintage: Latakia No.1 Click for details A hardy mixture with generous amounts of Mtn. Grade Cyprian Latakia, blended with ample portions of Turkish Basma. Bright North Carolina and rich, red flue-cured Virginias complete this blend. Lat, Bur, Or, Va 1 oz 1 8 yr 10 mo 8 yr 10 mo
1 Dunhill Royal Yacht Click for details Truly a luxurious tobacco. Virginias are carefully conditioned to insure sweetness. They are added to rich, heavier and cooler Virginias. A unique flavor is added to the final blend to enhance the subtle and piquant aroma. Va, Aro 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
1 Davidoff Royalty Click for details A classic English with a beautifully refined flavor. Mature Virginia and Oriental tobaccos spiced with a pinch of Latakia. Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Safe Harbor Flake Click for details For centuries sailors have known that few things calm rough waters like a pipe. This classic Burley-based flake will soothe many a mind and spirit. Bur 1.3 oz 1 9 yr 5 mo 9 yr 5 mo
1 Dan Tobacco Salty Dogs Click for details The dark Virginias offer richly tangy dark stewed fruit with a fair amount of tart and tangy citrus, and a very deep earthiness and wood. It also provides a light floral note. The sweetness has a mild fermentation aspect as pressed tobacco blocks tend to do. The perique is a minor player; much more raisins, figs, earth, plums, and dates than spice, the latter note is not always noticeable. The light application of sweet Caribbean rum does not detract from the tobacco taste, and I do not consider this to be an aromatic. Has no dull or harsh spots and wont bite even if pushed. The nic-hit is a step short of medium, getting just a little more potent in strength after the half way point, but it’s never overwhelming. Both the strength and taste are a slot past the medium threshold. The block may take a little cutting and it’s moist, but it’s not a chore. I tore it apart with my fingers, and peeled off thin layers, which I cut into small flake-like pieces before each smoke, leaving the block as intact as possible for as long as I can. It’s not very complex, but it burns cool, clean and slow with a deeply rich, very consistent creamy, fairly smooth, tangy sweet, earthy flavor that translates to the pleasantly lingering after taste and room note. I didn’t dry it any, but was able to burn it to finish though it left a little moisture in the bowl without dottle. Requires a fair amount of relights. Not quite an all day smoke, but if you use a small bowl, which I recommend, it’s easily repeatable during your smoking day.

-JimInks Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 3 yr 8 mo 3 yr 8 mo
1 GL Pease Samarra Click for details Samarra is a rich and complex mixture, without being heavy. Matured red Virginia provides the basic structure and a delicate sweetness. A generous portion of Cyprian Latakia is added for its smoky richness with exotic, fragrant oriental leaf. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 3 yr 11 mo 3 yr 11 mo
4 Samuel Gawith Sams Flake Click for details Sams Flake is a combination of Flue-cured Virginias and Turkish leaf which after blending is pressed in the hot oven, cut and then treated to a light flavoring which adds another flavor dimension to the tobacco. Va, Or 7.2 oz 4 4 yr 4 mo 5 yr
1 Cornell & Diehl Sansepolcro Click for details Merging the Old World with the New, Sansepolcro is a very special entry into the Small Batch project — carefully blended from unique, Italian dark-fired kentucky and some of the finest red Virginias from North Carolina.

Aromatically spicy with earthy, clove-like undertones, this dark-fired leaf is grown in the Sansepolcro region of Italy, which boasts a history and tradition of tobacco cultivation dating to the 17th century. Combined with mellow citrus and bread-like notes of the reds, it makes for a wonderful melange of flavors and aromas — at once both familiar and exotic. Va 2 oz 1 4 yr 4 mo 4 yr 4 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Scotch Flake Click for details A mildly sweet 100% Virginia tobacco, Scotch Flake is a combination of flue-cured Virginias from Brazil and Zimbabwe, augmented with a smaller amount of sun-cured to add sweetness and body. Similar in content to Broken Scotch Cake its darker appearance is a result of it being pressed prior to slicing into flakes. Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 7 mo 7 yr 7 mo
3 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Scotch Mixture Click for details The most popular Latakia blend in Europe, Scottish Mixture is comprised of Brazilian, Zimbabwe, and Malawi Virginia (53%) which are blended with Malawi Sun-cured (10%) and Malawi Burley (17%). The relatively high proportion of Burley helps to carry the special Virginia casing which sweetens and favors the blend. To this blend is added a small proportion of Black Cavendish Dark fired (7.5%) to cool the smoke and finally the Latakia (12.5%) The whole combination provides a very pleasant and easy to some tobacco with the background taste and aroma of Latakia Cav, Bur, Lat, Va 8 oz 3 2 yr 7 mo 3 yr 2 mo
1 L.J. Peretti Scottish Blend Click for details Va, Bur 2.3 oz 1 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
1 Robert McConnell Scottish Blend Click for details An all-time classic with Virginia, Latakia, Turkish, Perique and black Cavendish. Va, Cav, Lat, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 2 yr 4 mo 2 yr 4 mo
1 McConnell Scottish Cake Click for details Scottish Cake - this ready rubbed flake is a great favorite for young and old. Dark brown in its color the seasoned pieces may directly be tampered into the pipe or even lightly rubbed become to a Honeydew. Produced from a mixture of Eastern Carolina, Kentucky and Middle Belt, that are pressed for several weeks. A very popular tobacco and very slow in its burning. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 7 mo 10 yr 7 mo
1 Robert McConnell Scottish Cake Click for details Scottish Cake - A blend from the companys beginnings this coarse-cut Broken Flake is a great favorite for young and old. Dark brown in its color, the seasoned pieces may directly be tampered into the pipe or even lightly broken to suit a smaller bowl. Produced from a mixture of Eastern Carolina, Kentucky and Middle Belt, that are pressed for a week and coarse cut. It has to rest for some days until it has hardened. Then it is packaged. A very popular tobacco and very slow in its burning. Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 2 yr 4 mo 2 yr 4 mo
1 MacBaren Scottish Mixture Click for details A mild and lightly aromatic Scottish Blend, manufactured from ready rubbed, matured Virginia tobaccos and golden brown Burley grades, Cavendish and loose, ripe Virginia. Mixture is one of the most popular pipe tobaccos in the world. Va, Bur, Cav 3.5 oz 1 2 yr 4 mo 2 yr 4 mo
2 Seattle Pipe Club Seattle Evening Click for details Seattle Evening is a mild to medium well balanced English style blend with deep but gentle smoky nuances, a bit of spice and a touch of sweetness. This Seattle Pipe Club Blend was created by our own blending guru, Joe Lankford, for the Clubs 2008 Annual Dinner and it was so good that there was none left at the end of the night. Its another favorite of the Clubs members who want a more mild smoke that is still wonderfully rich, expressive and flavorful. Lat, Or, Va 3.8 oz 2 9 yr 2 mo 9 yr 4 mo
1 GL Pease Sextant Click for details Sextant is a classic mixture harmoniously married to a Navy Flake. Ripe Virginia tobaccos are first blended with Cyprian Latakia, fine Orientals, and a touch of dark fired Kentucky leaf, then infused with a hint of dark rum before being gently pressed, matured and sliced. The flavour is rich, bold and satisfying, the aroma an enchanting interweaving of traditions. Va, Lat 1 oz 1 10 yr 1 mo 10 yr 1 mo
1 Watch City Cigar Simply Orange Click for details Full disclosure: I had an advisory hand in this blend. The first run was designed especially for The Society of English Pipe Collectors. Several grades of fermented light to darker orange Virginias with a dash of reds produce a wealth of zesty, tingly tart and tangy citrus, sugar, bread, some tangy darker fruit, earth, wood, mild floralness, grass, spice, and light sour lemon with a touch of acidity and a small hint of wine-like vinegar. That last aspect comes from the processing of the tobacco as there is no topping on this product. Has an attractive little sparkle note, too. The strength and nic-hit are a couple of steps past the center of mild to medium. The taste is a tad more potent, but doesn’t quite meet the medium threshold. It won’t bite or get harsh. Has a few minute rough notes. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with a very consistent flavor. Has a short lived pleasant after taste, and room note. Barely leaves any dampness in the bowl, and requires few relights. An all day smoke that should age exceptionally well. Four stars out of four. Va 2 oz 1 8 mo 8 mo
2 Watch City Cigar Simply Red Click for details Simply Red is a good name, but this is not a simple blend. There are several different shades of red (from light to medium to black) with a little orange in this ribbon cut Virginia product. Some of the reds are obviously processed differently. I believe there’s a little stoved red in the mix. The characteristics I observe are a burst of ripe dark fruit with a little fermentation, some tanginess, a lot of earth and wood, a splash of semi-tart citrus, mild grassiness, light sugar and stewed fruit, and a tinge of floral along with small spice, bread and acidic sour notes. It also sports a whisper of vinegar, though you won’t smell it when you sniff the tobacco, and will seldom taste it. The taste level falls just short of medium. The strength is a couple of steps past the center of mild to medium, while the nic-hit is barely past that center. No chance of bite or harshness even when pushed. Has a minute rough edge here and there. The tobacco is lightly moist, but I don’t think it needs any dry time. Burns cool and clean at a reasonable pace with average range of complexity and a mostly consistent, well balanced, rather smooth, medium sweet flavor that also has a touch of sour savoriness from start to finish. These attributes translate to the short lived after taste. Barely leaves any dampness in the bowl, and requires a couple more than an average number of relights if given no chance to dry. The room note is pleasant. An all day smoke that makes a good mixer, too.

It’s a little more complex, smoother, refined, mildly less sweeter, less matured, and a notch stronger than McClelland’s 5100, which also has a modest vinegar presence that Simply Red mostly lacks. SR is not quite as earthy or sweet, but is smoother with a hair more variety of subtleness than the more matured C&D’s Carolina Red Flake, which is a rung or two higher in the strength and taste departments. It’s not as sweet, aged, or as smooth, is a touch earthier and a little more nuanced, and doesn’t have the depth of flavor that the various years of McCranie’s reds have. This blend reminds me a bit of the reds used in the Sutliff crumble kakes with a little more nuance, and a little less strength and flavor. Simply Red is a couple of degrees more complex, citrusy, grassy and earthy, and is not quite as sweet as Sutliff’s Matured Red Virginia 515 RC-1, a fraction of which I suspect is in this manufacture. SR also has a tad more potency in body, depth, and variety of flavor. As far as I know, the tobaccos in this creation are provided by Sutliff. Four stars out of four.

-JimInks Va 6 oz 2 11 mo 1 yr 2 mo
1 Toscano Sinfonia Maestro Click for details Made in Italy from fermented American and Italian Dark-Fired Kentucky tobaccos, Toscano cigars are referred to as dry cigars or cheroots. Toscanos possess a distinct, robust flavor that is favored by countless cigars smokers, and now pipe smokers can enjoy the famous boldness of Toscano cigars as well. In collaboration with Cornell & Diehl, Toscano presents the Maestro series, a series of pipe tobaccos that capture and recontextualize the piquant profiles of Toscano cigars. Toscanos Maestro Sinfonia is a flake-cut English blend that consists of Dark-Fired leaf sourced from Kentucky and Tennessee, stoved Red Virginias, and smoky Latakia. Sinfonia showcases Toscanos signature bold and spicy flavor, which is accentuated by intense, roasted notes and subtle, lingering tanginess. Va, Lat 2 oz 1 8 mo 8 mo
1 GL Pease Sixpence Click for details You enter the dark paneled room, its walls lined with ancient books. An antique table stands beside a leather club chair. Upon it, next to a small silver coin, an open tobacco tin entices you with an aroma deep, rich, authentic. You fill your bowl, strike a match. The first puff stops time as the smoky magic weaves its spell. G. L Peases Sixpence. The mystery continues.

The newest release from Gregory Pease, Sixpence, is the first entry in the Old World series to feature Virginia and Perique. This broken flake also contains some dark-fired leaf, and a secret component.  If youre looking for a flavorful, rich blend that doesnt contain Latakia, youll love Sixpence. Va, Per 2 oz 1 5 yr 9 mo 5 yr 9 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Skiff Mixture Mild Click for details Another Samuel Gawith original, Skiff is for the pipe smoker who appreciates the fuller flavor of an oriental blend. Blending a variety of different styles of flue-cured tobaccos gives Skiff its characteristic yellow and brown features. Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 4 mo 7 yr 4 mo
1 Straus Sleepy Hollow Click for details Very upfront with Pumpkin and a slight cinnamon spice. Mild vanilla right behind the pumpkin. Has a nice smokiness on the finish.

Brand	Straus Tobacco
Blended By	Straus Brothers
Blend Type	Aromatic
Contents	Black Cavendish, Burley, Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring	Cinnamon, Other / Misc, Spices, Vanilla
Cut	Ribbon
Packaging	Bulk
Country	US
Production	Currently available Cav, Aro, Bur, Va 1 oz 1 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Small Batch From Beyond Click for details The unseen world is fraught with danger. To ignore it seems foolhardy, yet to behold it would invite madness. This decadent blend of Latakia, Virginia, Turkish, and Perique will open your mind to infinite possibilities. Will you turn a blind eye, or will you embrace the Beyond?

Cyprian Latakia, North Carolina Red Virginia (2017), Bright Canadian Virginia (2017), Turkish Izmir (2018), Greek Basma(2019) and Louisiana Perique Sourced From St. James Parish Lat, Or, Per, Va 2 oz 1 3 yr 1 mo 3 yr 1 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Small Batch Sun Bear Click for details A blend of the finest red and bright Virginias balanced by Basma leaf from 2014 and Izmir Orientals from 2013, Sun Bear showcases select varietals by highlighting their inherent characters with a range of unique and nuanced casings. South Carolina garden-grown honey — harvested from the personal beehives of C&Ds head blender, Jeremy Reeves — combines with a whisper of silver tequila and elderflower to augment the fruity and floral notes of the choice Orientals and Virginias.
alcohol, lemon, honey Va, Or 4 oz 2 4 yr 2 mo 4 yr 2 mo
2 L.J. Peretti Smiths Own Click for details Something for the lover of stout English mixtures. Bright and fired cured Virginias are generously spiced with Latakia and Perique creating a full flavored yet piquant blend, ideal for the evening hours. Va, Lat, Per 4 oz 2 7 yr 9 mo 8 yr 9 mo
1 John Cotton Smyrna Click for details A legend returns!
John Cottons Smyrna was a favorite among connoisseurs. This was a rich, spicy and smoky classic that was a go-to for pipe lovers around the world...and then it was gone. The new owners of this classic brand approached Russ Ouellette to recreate their blends. Through diligent research and sampling vintage tins to help jog Russ memories of the flavors, Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania is now ready to bring this classic back.
A combination of carefully matured Virginias, fragrant and zesty small-leaf Turkish tobaccos and plenty of Cyprian Latakia, John Cottons Smyrna is deep and bold, and a perfect meditative repast.
William Serad, who used to do the Trial by Fire reviews for Pipes & Tobaccos magazine, was a big fan of Smyrna in its heyday. After sampling the pre-production version, he told us that it is the finest and most faithful reproduction of a classic blend he has ever tried. Try it yourself to see what hes talking about. Va, Lat 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
1 Seattle Pipe Club Snoqualmie Falls Click for details Seattle Pipe Club Snoqualmie Falls is a more subtle, slightly sweet latakia blend thats great for earlier in the day. A modest amount of Latakia is joined by bright Virginia, soft Burley and a touch of black Cavendish to create an easy-smoking blend with a flavor that wont overwhelm the palate. Va, Bur, Cav, Lat 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 5 mo 7 yr 5 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company South Seas Click for details Aro, Va 0.1 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
3 GL Pease Spark Plug Click for details A quality English blend from renowned G.L. Pease, Spark Plugs tin art immediately denotes its inspiration: A Union Jack comprises the foreground in recognition of the English blends that dominated British pipesmoking preferences in the early 20th century. These original mixtures offered a distinctly spicy and smoky component though the use of Latakia and Oriental tobaccos overtop a Virginia base. As such, Spark Plug is an immediately Latakia-forward blend that Pease describes as

Rich, dark, oily, mysterious, full of fascinatingly complex, smoky, and leathery aromas, just like all those little British cars from my past that inspired both the blend and the name. Latakiaphiles are going to love it.

Pressed into a dense plug, Spark Plug can be sliced thick or thin, based on individual preference, and it presents a deep, powerful flavor profile, marked by a campfires smokiness and aged leather from the Cyprian Latakia, married to rich and spicy Orientals from Greece and Turkey, and sweet Bright and Red Virginias. Like the classic cars that inspired its invention, Spark Plug is charming and satisfying. Take it for a test drive before setting aside to age or enjoy it at full throttle straight out of the tin. Lat, Or, Va 5.8 oz 3 4 yr 6 mo 4 yr 9 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Speakeasy Navy Blend Click for details From the roar of jazz music to the revel of old and new friends alike, New Orleans speakeasies are not subtle establishments to say the least.

With colorful cocktails lining the bar and wisps of smoke dancing the dim light, these retro bars embody that daring spirit of one of the citys most iconic eras — something Cornell & Diehl sought to capture in their bold, Cellar Series take on the traditional Navy flake: Speakeasy Navy Blend. 

Estimated peak: 10-15 years.

This blend was originally released in July of 2016.
Components: Dark Fired Kentucky, Orientals, Perique, Virginia
Family: Virginia
Cut: Flake Va, Or, Per 2 oz 1 7 yr 8 mo 7 yr 8 mo
1 Peterson Special Reserve 2013 Click for details Exclusive hand cut Virginia Flake together with sun yellow and mahogany colored Virginias are combined with dark cut Cavendish which gives this tobacco an amazing appearance. Fruity flavors of exotic passion fruit and juicy peach makes this blend a symphony for the senses. Va, Cav 3.5 oz 1 11 yr 3 mo 11 yr 3 mo
1 Peterson Special Reserve 2014 Click for details With absolute best bright Virginia, ripe Burley leaves and tobacco grades carefully selected from the tobacco fields of three continents, our Special Reserve 2014 is created.  A portion of the tobacco blend is pressed to form cakes then cut into small pieces and hand blended with exclusive ribbon cut and cross cut Virginias.

The result is a delightful scent of berries mixed with a hint of exotic fruits, which makes it an exquisite smoking pleasure. Va, Aro, Bur 3.5 oz 1 10 yr 2 mo 10 yr 2 mo
1 Peterson Special Reserve 2015 Click for details The Peterson Special Reserve blend has become a modern annual tradition that has showcased some of the finest Aromatic pipe tobacco blends around. This year, for Peterson’s 150th Anniversary, the blend returns with a thoroughly luxurious blend. It is a European-style Aromatic, so it’s best to sip it slowly and experience the full scale of flavors along the way. Va, Cav 3.5 oz 1 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 1 mo
1 Peterson Special Reserve 2018 Click for details For the first time Peterson presents a Luxury-Roll-Cut-Flake-Tobacco as a limited edition, which is pressed and cut from hand by experts. Virginia and Kentucky tobaccos combined make for a natural mixture that lovers of pure pipe pleasure will appreciate. Va, Bur 3.5 oz 1 6 yr 3 mo 6 yr 3 mo
1 Peterson Special Reserve Limited Edition 2006 Click for details 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 3 mo 11 yr 3 mo
1 Federal Cigar Spiced Rum Click for details Aro, Va 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 11 yr
2 Russ Ouellette Spring Training Click for details Spring Training, and that means baseball, and baseball means snacks while watching the game. One of the favorites is caramel-covered popcorn with glazed peanuts. So, my blend has a caramel top note, with a nutty undertone. Load up a bowl and watch the pre-season games. Bur, Cav, Va 4 oz 2 8 yr 8 mo 9 yr 1 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Squadron Leader Click for details A classic English categorized tobacco. Blended dark and bright Virginias, together with Latakia and Turkish leaf results in a perfect, medium bodied product which gives a rich and slow burning smoke. Lat, Or, Va 8 oz 2 5 yr 5 mo 9 yr 5 mo
3 Imperial Tobacco Group PLC St. Bruno Click for details Blend of Virginia and other selected tobaccos. Slow burning and cool with a pleasant aroma. Va, Bur 5.4 oz 3 4 yr 1 mo 4 yr 1 mo
1 Ogden's of Liverpool St. Bruno Flake Click for details St Bruno is a classic English Lakeland blend and probably one of the most common tobacco on sale here in the UK. It has been around for decades and still tastes as it did back in the 70s. Built on a base of Virginias and other fire cured leafs, this tobacco is heat pressed to give it a dark appearance and a light Lakeland note is added. The smoke is deep, rich and very cool to smoke. Compared to the Ready Rubbed which burns a little hotter and faster, this Flake is much more enjoyable. It can be mixed with anything to create a unique smoking experience, a tobacco that should be tried at least once! Va, Aro 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
1 Chacom St. Claude Click for details Chacom Saint Claude is a pleasantly aromatic blend that will appeal to aro smokers, and also to many people who dont usually enjoy aromatics.
Made with zesty bright and toasty red Virginias with a bit of black Cavendish, the flavor is enhanced by a restrained amount of warm chocolate and mellow vanilla for a nice room note and a lightly sweet flavor.

Taking inspiration from the birthplace of the briar pipe, Chacoms Saint Claude is a tribute to the French pipe tradition. Blended from bright and red Virginias, and a sprinkling of black cavendish, its a minimalist mixture gently sweetened with chocolate and vanilla for a smooth, all-day smoke. Va, Aro, Cav 1.8 oz 1 5 yr 11 mo 5 yr 11 mo
1 Samuel Gawith St. James Flake Click for details Genuine Perique is added to an already delicious and flavorsome blend of fine bright Virginias to give St. James the light peppery characteristic enjoyed by so many pipe smokers. Va, Per 2 oz 1 1 yr 4 mo 1 yr 4 mo
1 Robert McConnell St. James Park Click for details Bold, complex, and deliciously satisfying, McConnells St. James Park enhances a blend of Golden Virginias and smoky Latakia with Oriental tobaccos and Black Cavendish. Its a well-rounded English mixture thats perfect for a pre-meal smoke Cav, Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 1 yr 10 mo 1 yr 10 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl St. Patricks Day Reserve 2023 Click for details Specially crafted to celebrate the patron saint of Ireland, Cornell & Diehls St. Patricks Day Reserve 2023 celebrates Irish tradition with Old World notes of hazelnut and vanilla elevating Bright Virginias and three distinct varieties of Cavendish. Its smooth and creamy with a rich, naturally sweet finish that pairs exceptionally well with a pint or a strong coffee. Va, Cav 2 oz 1 1 yr 7 mo 1 yr 7 mo
1 Dunhill Standard Mixture Full Click for details This is a vintage blend of Virginia, Turkish and some Oriental tobaccos. This was a strong full flavored blend. Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 7 mo 6 yr 7 mo
2 Dunhill Standard Mixture Mild/Mellow Click for details Traditionally English, Latakia, Orientals, East Carolina and Georgian, all lightly toasted. Also called Dunhill Standard Mixture Mellow. Lat, Bur, Or, Va 3.3 oz 2 8 yr 5 mo 10 yr 10 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Star of the East (066) Click for details For years Star of the East has been one of C&Ds best selling English blends. One half Latakia with a generous portion of Turkish and sweetened with stoved Red Virginia. Lat, Or, Va 6 oz 2 4 yr 1 mo 5 yr 7 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Star of the East Flake Click for details For years Star of the East has been one of C&Ds best-selling English bulk blends. This full-bodied English of 50% Latakia blended with Turkish and stoved Red Virginia is now available in flake form! Lat, Or, Va 4 oz 2 6 yr 3 mo 7 yr
3 Cornell & Diehl Steamworks Click for details The exceptionally tangy vintage sun cured Orientals include year 2005 Black Sea Sokhoum and provide an abundance of earth, wood, floralness, vegetation, herbs, some spice, leather, dry sourness, mild buttery, creamy sweetness, smoke, cigar, and a little nuttiness as the lead components. The spicy St. James perique offers plenty of earth, wood, dried plums, some raisin, figs, and a little floralness as a strong supporting player. The old belt (North Carolina and Georgia) orange, mahogany, bright, and six grades of red Virginias (with 17.72% sugar) are steamed to various degrees as secondary supporters. They produce a fair amount of tart and tangy citrus, sugar, bread, earth, wood, grass, tangy ripe dark fruit, mild vegetation, floralness, light spice, and touches of acidic vinegar. The red Virginias lightly lead the other Virginias. The strength and taste are fulsome. The nicotine is almost as potent. No chance of bite or harshness. Rough edges are very minimal. This broken flake mixture is a tad more than mildly moist, but as is my custom, I did not dry them. Your mileage may vary on this point. Well balanced, deeply rich and piquantly zesty, it burns cool, clean and a little slow with a consistent spicy, floral, herbal, creamy sweet and dryly sour, fruity, smoky, mildly cigarish, nutty, very tangy flavor that extends to the pleasantly long lingering after taste. The room note is pungent. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires some relights. It’s not an all day smoke, and I recommend a small to medium bowl for this hearty blend. Four stars.

-JimInks Or, Per, Va 6 oz 3 5 mo 5 mo
1 Rattray Stirling Flake Click for details The Stirling Flake is a full-bodied blend for the experienced smoker who appreciates all the power of an English Flakes. Equal proportions air-cured, flue cured and dark fired tobaccos gives this bolide its specific taste. Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 5 yr 3 mo 5 yr 3 mo
2 Esoterica Tobacciana Stonehaven Click for details A marriage of air-cured leaf and Burley with selected dark Virginia. Hard pressed and aged to produce brown flakes with dark undertones. Usually available only in large 8oz sealed bags. Bur, Va 1 lbs 2 3 yr 12 mo 6 yr 1 mo
3 GL Pease Stonehenge Flake Click for details Stonehenge Flake is a wonderful traditional flake comprised of bright flue-cured and sun-cured leaf from Brazil, Zimbabwe and Malawi, with just a touch of Malawi Burley added for a bit of body, and a slightly fuller flavor. Then, we added a hint of genuine St. James Parish perique, for its special piquant contribution. Once blended, the leaf was steamed, hot-pressed into blocks, and aged, to allow the flavors to meld and marry. The mature blocks were sliced into thin flakes, and cut into 2 inch lengths. This blend was a special limited release and is no longer made. Va, Bur, Per 6 oz 3 7 yr 2 mo 7 yr 3 mo
1 GL Pease Stratford Click for details Stratford is an enticing blend of delicately sweet brights and rich, ripe, red Virginia tobaccos, seasoned with just the right measure of fine Louisiana Perique. The wonderfully nuanced interplay of sugar and spice is sure to delight the Perique lover. Va, Per 2 oz 1 2 yr 2 mo 2 yr 2 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Stratfordshire Click for details Cornell & Diehls Stratfordshire, a medium strength blend of red and lemon Virginia, latakia, Turkish, and black cavendish, is evocative of long strolls through the hills and the moorlands of its namesake. Va, Cav, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 2 yr 7 mo 2 yr 7 mo
1 Peterson Summertime 2013 Click for details  --(Submitted by wsclifton) Aro, Va 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 3 mo 11 yr 3 mo
1 Peterson Summertime 2014 Click for details Modern Cavendish combined with loose cut Virginias and ready rubbed Burley tobaccos contribute to give our Summertime 2014 a soft and mellow taste.

Creamy sweetness, natural tobacco flavours together with sweet exotic fruit tantalise the senses, a pipe tobacco blended perfectly for those long summer evenings. Cav, Aro, Bur, Va 3.5 oz 1 10 yr 2 mo 10 yr 2 mo
1 Peterson Summertime 2015 Click for details Sit back and reminisce about toes in the sand and breezy evenings on the water with Peterson’s annual Summertime blend. The 2015 Summertime pipe tobacco is a light Aromatic with the taste of tropical fruits and a creamy quality from the ample dose of black Cavendish. Channel the sunlight and sandals of quieter days, no matter what time of year it is, with this limited edition Peterson Summertime 2015 tin. Va, Aro, Cav 3.5 oz 1 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 1 mo
1 Peterson Summertime 2016 Click for details Petersons Summertime Blend 2016: A beautiful and pleasant smoke is created by dark, ready-rubbed and bright, loose cut Virginias with a hint of Burley. To taste the summer a little, vanilla, a bit of rum, and just a hint of fruit is added to create perfection. Va, Aro, Bur 3.5 oz 1 8 yr 3 mo 8 yr 3 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Sunday Picnic Click for details Golden Virginia combined with Perique and Izmir Turkish for a delicious and memorable flake tobacco. Va, Or, Per 4 oz 2 2 yr 11 mo 2 yr 11 mo
1 Peterson Sunset Breeze Click for details This excellent mixture is a blend of first choice Virginia, Burley, and Black Cavendish. A promise for a unique smoking experience which is crowned by a wonderful Amaretto aroma that also gives enjoyment to the smokers surroundings. Aro, Bur, Cav, Va 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 3 mo 11 yr 3 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Sunset Harbor Flake Click for details C&D invites you to enhance the experience with a bowl of Sunset Harbor Flake, a classic Balkan style blend made with the finest Izmir Oriental to add a touch of spice to the end of a perfect day. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 4 yr 1 mo 4 yr 1 mo
1 Twins Smokeshop Sunset Rum Click for details Va, Aro, Bur, Cav 2 oz 1 10 yr 4 mo 10 yr 4 mo
1 Pipeworks & Wilke Surbrug No 179 Click for details Wilke Surburg #179 a British mixture of Virginia and Latakia with Turkish yenidje topped with black cavendish Va, Cav, Lat 2 oz 1 4 yr 5 mo 4 yr 5 mo
1 Pipeworks & Wilke Surbrugs Best Make Click for details One of the oldest Wilke recipes. Virginia and burleys are mixed with a non-aromatic black cavendish tobacco and topped with a generous amount of superior latakia creating a traditional medium strength English blend. A rich mellow blend in the true British tradition. Cav, Bur, Lat, Va 2 oz 1 4 yr 5 mo 4 yr 5 mo
1 Pipeworks & Wilke Surbrugs Crystal Palace Click for details The smoky, woody, earthy, musty, incense-like, sweet Cyprian Latakia is the lead component as well as a team player. The toasty, nutty, earthy, woody burley is in an important support position. The unsweetened brown sugary black cavendish almost plays a secondary role as does the grassy, citrusy, lightly dark fruity Virginias. The plum is more noticeable than the spice from the perique, which continually lurks in the background. The strength barely reaches the medium level while the taste sits squarely on that mark. The nic-hit is just past the center of mild to medium. No chance of bite and has no rough edges or harshness. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with very consistent, well balanced mildly sweet and lightly savory flavor from start to finish. Leaves little dampness in the bowl and requires an average number of relights. Has a very pleasant, lightly lingering after taste, and can be all day smoke. The sweetness reminds me a little of Balkan Sobranie 759. Cav, Lat, Per, Va 4 oz 1 4 yr 5 mo 4 yr 5 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Sweet Coconut Twist Click for details This is an old style rope tobacco flavored with the island scent of coconut. Va 1 oz 1 9 yr 4 mo 9 yr 4 mo
1 Federal Cigar Sweet English Click for details Lat, Aro, Bur 3 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
1 John Cotton Sweet English Click for details John Cottons Sweet English is where the English-style Latakia blend meets a gentle aromatic. Burley, Virginia and black Cavendish are blended with enough Latakia to make this a great choice when you want to enjoy a pipe but want a pleasant room note - gentle enough to enjoy all day. Va, Aro, Bur, Cav, Lat 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 1 mo 8 yr 1 mo
1 Peterson Sweet Killarney Click for details A unique mixture of selected tobaccos including Virginia Burley and Maryland leaf with some Black Cavendish and topped with a Cream Caramel flavor. To make this wonderful tobacco even more attractive, it is blended with hand-rubbed Virginia flake. Aro, Bur, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 9 mo 7 yr 9 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye Sweet Vanilla Click for details Elegant Vanilla with the natural sweetness of Toasted Cavendish for a smooth and rich smoke. Ripe Virginias are added to Toasted Cavendish to create a more complex, mild smoking blend. Aro, Cav, Va 1 oz 1 9 yr 2 mo 9 yr 2 mo
2 MacBaren Symphony Click for details A very harmonious ready rubbed tobacco of Burley, Virginia and Cavendish. All specially palatable tobaccos with a light and sweet taste. Va, Bur, Cav 7 oz 2 7 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
1 McClelland Syrian Full Balkan Click for details Syrian Latakia is prized for its unique, exotic fragrance from the combined aromas and flavors of Virgina, Latakia and Oriental ingredients. It adds a magnificent, rich aromatic character to this mild, cool-smoking, elegant Balkan blend. Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 1 mo 8 yr 1 mo
1 McClelland Syrian Super Balkan Click for details A lavishly flavorful Balkan blend using the finest dark, fragrant, cool-smoking Syrian Latakia and seasoned with top-grade Louisiana Perique. Rich and Mellow. Va, Lat, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 10 mo 8 yr 10 mo
1 Jess Chonowitsch T15 Click for details Matured Old Belt Virginia, Tennessee Burley, Latakia, Turkish and natural Cavendish in a balanced medium strength mixture where no one element dominates. Lat, Bur, Cav, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 5 yr 7 mo 5 yr 7 mo
1 L.J. Peretti Tashkent Click for details Named for “the most beautiful city in Central Asia,” this spicy, full flavored blend is made from Izmir, Turkish and Latakia. Or, Lat 4.3 oz 1 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
1 Sutliffe Private Stock Taste of Summer Click for details Delicious mixture of Burley, Virginia, and Black Cavendish flavored with Peaches --(Submitted by wsclifton) Cav, Aro, Bur, Va 1.5 oz 1 10 yr 10 yr
1 Russ Ouellette Tastykake Click for details A few years ago, when Russ was still pressing tobaccos himself, he made a new blend based off 10 to Midnight, but with some Perique and black Cavendish added to it. He had made up a large batch, but for some reason, it never wound up being put on the website. When we rediscovered it, samples were passed around the office and we knew that we had to make it available. In fact, Eric enjoyed it so much, he said we should name it Tastykake. Theres a limited amount made, so youll want to get some right away if you love Latakia. Va, Cav, Lat, Or, Per 4 oz 1 4 yr 10 mo 4 yr 10 mo
4 GL Pease Temple Bar Click for details Temple Bar is a fine example of the creativity of Gregory Pease. A special selection of zesty, matured red Virginias along with sweet, bright flue-cured is combined with exotic Oriental leaf and a touch of robust Perique, pressed into cakes and cut into bars to allow the enthusiast to prepare the tobacco in what ever way he or she prefers. The flavor is complex, yet smooth and not overpowering. For a unique pipe tobacco experience, give GL Pease Temple Bar a try. Va, Or, Per 8 oz 4 6 yr 11 mo 8 yr 3 mo
3 Captain Earles Ten Russians Click for details Ten Russians is a true delight for lovers of Latakia. Rich and full bodied, it is pressed to deliver a perfectly balanced blend to the true aficionado of full English tobaccos. Lat, Or, Va 6 oz 3 3 yr 5 mo 6 yr 7 mo
1 L.J. Peretti Thanksgiving Day 2015 Click for details A yearly tradition here at Perettis. Burley of various cuts, Virginia and a blend of rum and fruit juices are mixed and rested, set in a press where the tobacco marries under pressure for 2 days and is aged for one month. Each batch yields only 20 cakes. The final product is a 4 ounce cake that should be broken up and enjoyed. Bur, Aro, Va 8 oz 1 8 yr 11 mo 8 yr 11 mo
1 L.J. Peretti Thanksgiving Day 2017 Click for details A seasonal treat and decades old tradition here at Peretti. Thanksgiving Day is a distinct blend of burley, Virgina and a proprietary formulation of rum and fruit juices pressed into a beautiful 4 ounce cake. Once pressed, this cake is allowed to rest where it will deepen in flavor and color. We are happy to make this wonderful blend available to you. Bur, Aro, Va 4 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 L.J. Peretti Thanksgiving Day 2020 Click for details Thanksgiving Day blend is a four-ounce pressed cake that has been a tradition since 1939. Every year we make it available in a limited capacity starting on November 1st. A mixture of 7 different tobaccos blended with a balance of dark rum and fruit juices pressed into breakable 4 ounce cakes. This process has not changed since the first batch was taken from the press and the results, we think you will agree, are delicious. Bur, Va 8 oz 1 3 yr 11 mo 3 yr 11 mo
2 L.J. Peretti Thanksgiving Day 2021 Click for details Thanksgiving Day blend is a four-ounce pressed cake that has been a tradition since 1939. Every year we make it available in a limited capacity starting on November 1st. A mixture of 7 different tobaccos blended with a balance of dark rum and fruit juices pressed into breakable 4 ounce cakes. This process has not changed since the first batch was taken from the press and the results, we think you will agree, are delicious. Bur, Va 8 oz 2 2 yr 11 mo 2 yr 11 mo
1 Drucquer & Sons The Merry Monk Click for details An English-style flake mixture, the Merry Monk is composed of Red and Bright Virginias seasoned with Cypriot Latakia, piquant St. James Perique, White Burley, and Black Cavendish. Once blended, the mixture is pressed and aged in cakes before being cut into flakes, marrying the flavor-enhancing benefits of the pressing process with the convenience of a sliced flake. As a blend, this mixture is a medium-to-full-bodied smoke that offers a tangy sweetness accented with notes of woodsmoke, cream, and nuts. Va, Bur, Cav, Lat, Per 3.5 oz 1 1 yr 4 mo 1 yr 4 mo
1 Russ and Mike The Mind Meld Sweet English Click for details Theres an unusual category of pipe tobacco that isnt done very often, and is hard to successfully execute, and that would be Aromatic English blends. The most wildly popular of these would be McClellands Frog Morton series. Another one that has done very well is Missouri Meerschaums American Patriot, which was created by our own Russ Ouellette. The Mind Meld Sweet English combines the efforts of two blenders with a deft hand at making these kinds of blends. This combination of matured Virginias, mellow Cavendish and rich, smoky, Cyprian Latakia creates a beautiful balance of sweet and smoky - the pipe tobacco equivalent of good barbecue. For the aromatic smoker, this is a way to venture into Latakia blends, and for the dedicated English blend fan, this is a nice dessert-like change of pace. Va, Cav, Lat 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 MacBaren The Solent Mixture Click for details A fine composed, classic mixture of selected Virginia tobaccos, with Cavendish and Latakia - giving a full and pleasant smoke. Solent Mixture is specially prepared from the best grades of tobacco. Va, Cav, Lat 3.5 oz 1 9 yr 4 mo 9 yr 4 mo
1 James Fox The Squires Click for details 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 MacBaren Three Nuns Click for details Mac Baren licensed the rights to manufacture Three Nuns in 2013. They used the Orlik VaKy formulation instead of the VaPer due to legal reasons. This review is for the current Mac Baren version: The light and dark Virginias provide a burst of tart and tangy, acidic citrus and grass, some wood and earth, a little tangy dark fruit and honey with hints of bread and floralness, and light sugar. They are more team players than they are the lead components. Giving them stiff competition and occasionally taking the lead is the very spicy, earthy, woody, rather floral, herbal, lightly nutty sweet, vegetative, dry and mildly sour dark fired Kentucky. The woody, earthy, sweet, floral, herbal, vegetative, nutty, mildly spicy Brazilian lights are barely condiments. The strength is medium, while the taste is a step past the mark. The nic-hit is a step short of the medium mark. Won’t bite or get harsh, but it does sport a few rough edges. The coins are inconsistent in size and shape, and the amounts of the varietals varies a bit in each one. Between that and the loose cut tobacco, the aforementioned aspects leads to some inconsistency in the overall sweet and spicy, acidic, mildly sour, lightly savory flavor. Burns clean, moderately cool, and a tad slow. Leaves little dampness in the bowl and requires a few more than an average number of relights. The after taste reflects the overall taste as it and the lightly stronger room notes pleasantly linger. Not an all day smoke but it is repeatable. Three stars. Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 3 yr 3 yr
1 Imperial Tobacco Group PLC Three Nuns Original Click for details A blend of dark fired and sun cured tobaccos mixed with the finest Brazilian Lights to produce the unique flavour and mellow smoking characteristics for which Three Nuns is famous. Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 5 yr 7 mo 5 yr 7 mo
1 McClelland Three Oaks Original Click for details Created in 1989 by Tad Gage, Three Oaks Pipe Tobacco has been called a modern-day classic. Generous amounts of the finest Cyprian Latakia are balanced with premium Oriental tobaccos and sweet Virginia leaf. Rich, yet cool-smoking from the tin, Three Oaks matures gracefully, developing sweetness and additional complexity. Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 7 yr
1 Iwan Ries Three Star Banner-Lite Click for details Aromatic: Extra light! Extra mild! A gratifying taste that has the most appealing aroma and no bite. Cav, Aro, Bur, Va 1.5 oz 1 9 yr 11 mo 9 yr 11 mo
1 Iwan Ries Three Star Green Click for details Balanced using top-quality, high-grade luxury leaf for satisfying, and most smooth and gentle to the tongue. Va, Bur, Cav 1.5 oz 1 9 yr 11 mo 9 yr 11 mo
1 Iwan Ries Three Star Red Click for details 1.5 oz 1 9 yr 11 mo 9 yr 11 mo
1 Esoterica Tobacciana Tilbury Click for details A harmonious blend of Golden and Dark Virginias with small portions of Burley and air-cured leaf. Matured by a special process over 100 years old, producing a unique natural aroma and piquant flavor. Va, Bur 2 oz 1 3 yr 10 mo 3 yr 10 mo
1 HU Tobacco Tillerman Click for details Various Virginia grades from Tanzania, Zambia, India and the Philippines form the base of the Tillerman flake. Medium strength, with a pleasant natural sweetness get the Tillerman a subtle chocolate/nut flavor, which harmonizes perfectly with the natural tobacco flavour and gives the Tillerman its individual taste. A wonderfully, spicy and complex tobacco for all hours of the day. Va, Aro 1.8 oz 1 5 yr 4 mo 5 yr 4 mo
2 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Top Black Cherry Click for details Sweet Black Cavendish, prepared by a special double fermentation process, provides the basis for this blend enhanced by the addition of a ripe black cherry flavor which produces a unique aroma and taste that you will enjoy time after time. Aro, Cav 5.8 oz 2 10 yr 4 mo 10 yr 9 mo
1 Drucquer & Sons Trafalgar Click for details A classic mixture, Trafalgar sets smooth, exotically spicy Turkish tobaccos in perfect balance with a variety of fine bright and red Virginia leaf, and just enough Latakia for an elegant English style, with a crisp, dry taste and a subtle campfire-like aroma. The result is a rich, stylish tobacco with lots of character, and enough complexity to keep the smoker engaged throughout the bowl, and throughout the day.

The earthy, woody, tangy dark fruity, bready red Virginia also has a touch of vinegar, sugar, tart citrus, and spice. The tart and tangy citrusy, lightly sugary, toasty, floral and grassy bright Virginia is a shade less obvious. The buttery sweet, dry, sour and floral, woody, earthy, herbal, vegetative, musty Turkish adds a little spice in an important supporting position. The smoky, woody, earthy sweet Cyprian Latakia plays a complementary role. A whisper of perique provides raisins, plums and spice, though it’s often not very noticeable. The nic-hit is a shade closer to medium than it is to mild. Medium in strength, the taste level is a step above that. There’s no chance of bite or harshness. Well balanced, you’ll observe nearly all the inherent aspects of the tobaccos in every puff. Burns at a moderate rate with a cool and clean, deeply rich, fairly smooth consistent flavor. Requires an average number of relights, and leaves little dampness in the bowl. Not quite an all day smoke, but certainly repeatable during your smoking day. Has a full after taste, and a smoky campfire room note that may chase your mother-in-law away. You may be grateful for that.

-JimInks Va, Lat, Or, Per 3.5 oz 1 3 yr 3 yr
1 GL Pease Triple Play Click for details Ripe red and bright flue-cured tobaccos are joined by piquant Acadian Perique and a balanced measure of smoky dark-fired kentucky. The leaf is pressed and matured in cakes before being cut into 2oz bars, resulting in a bold blend for Virginia and Perique fans. This all-American plug is a winning play, no matter how you slice it. Per, Bur, Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 7 yr
2 HU Tobacco Tuarekh (African Line) Click for details The Tuarekh – a classic Balkan blend. Ample Cyprian latakia give the Tuarekh its fresh and spicy taste. The blend is enriched by spicy Oriental grades, orange Virginia from Tanzania and a touch of Louisiana Perique. The Tuarekh – a sharply defined, medium-strong Balkan blend, offering nicely balanced nuances in taste.
Notes: Contains 52% Cyprian latakia. Syrian was originally used until the stock ran out. (They changed the name of the series from Foundation by Musicó to African Line). Lat, Or, Per, Va 7 oz 2 4 yr 11 mo 5 yr
1 McClelland Tudor Castle Arcade Click for details Ready to smoke and designed to age beautifully, Tudor Castle is a beautifully balanced blend of very sugary bright yellow Virginia, a good amount of rare No. 1 Grade Yenidje, red Virginia and a nice touch of St. James Perique. Va, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 GL Pease Union Square Click for details A blended, sliced cake of high-grade flue cured leaf, from beautiful, sweet brights to deep, earthy reds, without the added sugars and flavourings common to many Virginia flakes. Its rich on the palate, evolving in layers with the clean, natural sweetness of pure tobaccos. It offers a pleasant room note, and a delightful finish. For those seeking the pure Virginia experience, try Union Square. Va 2 oz 1 2 yr 2 mo 2 yr 2 mo
3 Peterson University Flake Click for details Mahogany, Burley and Kentucky blended tobacco created by Peterson for the thinking man. Va, Aro, Bur 5.1 oz 3 7 yr 6 mo 11 yr 2 mo
1 Stanwell Vanilla Click for details A subtle mix of Danish Dark Cavendish, Burley and Virginia enriched with matured Samsun from Turkey. Vanilla flavors create the soft sweetness and fruity character of the blend. Rich in contrast and with a perfect balance of aroma. Aro, Bur, Cav, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 11 mo 7 yr 11 mo
1 Borkum Riff Vanilla Cavandish Click for details Cav, Aro 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
1 MacBaren Vanilla Cream (Loose Cut) Click for details Mac Baren Vanilla Cream is a colorful blend mixed with cut plugs. Manufactured from specially selected and aged Virginia and mild black Cavendish tobaccos. Then blended with an exceptional Vanilla flavor. This selection creates an outstanding blend with superior flavor, unique aroma and distinctive taste experience. Aro, Cav, Va 3.5 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
9 MacBaren Vanilla Cream Flake Click for details Manufactured from selected matured Virginia and Black Cavendish tobaccos, and an added exceptional vanilla flavor. This true flake gives an outstanding blend with a pleasant, sweet and aromatic taste experience. Aro, Cav, Va 15.6 oz 9 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 7 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye Vanilla Crème Click for details This blend is mainly comprised of Zimbabwee Flue-cured tobaccos. The mildness of this blends mellow vanilla flavor and aroma reflects its careful aging in the essence of sweet vanilla. Aro, Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 Candia Road Convenience Store Vanilla Custard Click for details Va 2 oz 1 9 yr 10 mo 9 yr 10 mo
1 Twins Smokeshop Vanilla Custard Click for details Aro, Cav 2 oz 1 10 yr 3 mo 10 yr 3 mo
1 MacBaren Vanilla Roll Cake Click for details Manufactured largely by hand in accordance with age-old traditions, Mac Barens Vanilla Roll Cake features a wrapper of whole leaf Virginias, with additional Virginias and whole leaf Burleys serving as the foundation. Further enhancing the natural sweetness of the Virginias is a subtle casing of premium, Madagascar vanilla. Smooth and creamy, Vanilla Roll Cake represents a confluence of tradition and innovation — applying traditional preparation to Mac Barens signature Danish approach to casings for a naturally sweet, nuanced, and supremely enjoyable smoke. Va, Aro, Bur 3.5 oz 1 3 yr 10 mo 3 yr 10 mo
2 Cascadia Pipe Co. Vertical Limit Click for details Cascadia Pipe Co. - Vertical Limit sets a new, high bar for folks who enjoy full-bodied pipe tobacco. This robust plug is made of earthy, spicy, dark Burley, smoky, bold, dark-fired Kentucky, and sweet, smooth Virginias, with a mellow and deep top note to give it a rich, satisfying flavor. This is a blend best-suited for experienced smokers and is ideal for an evening repast after a hearty meal as a precursor to winding down before bed. If youre a veteran pipe smoker who looks forward to a good hefty bowl at night, set your limits high with Cascadia Pipe Co. - Vertical Limit.

Jim Inks
The very potent sweet and sharp burleys provide a blast of earth, wood, nuts, and a little molasses along with a mild sourness. They are the lead components. The dark fired Kentucky offers a lot of earth, wood, spice, herbs, vegetation, floralness, and some sourness as a strong supporting player. The floral Virginias produce plenty of tart and tangy citrus, grass, bread, vegetation, some sugar, tangy stewed dark fruit, earth, wood, and a few cigar notes. They are secondary players in the third slot. The topping seems to be creamy anise. It’s very strong with a filling taste, and a robust nic-hit. It won’t bite or get harsh, but it does have some rough edges. The plug has some density, but cuts easily enough to suit your preference. May need a light dry time, although I did not do that. Burns cool, clean and very slow with a very consistent nutty, creamy sweet, bold, rugged, deeply rich flavor. Leaves a little moisture in the bowl. Requires a lot of relights. Has a long lingering after taste, and stronger room note. It is not an all day smoke. Four stars. Bur, Va 3.6 oz 2 2 yr 11 mo 2 yr 11 mo
1 Lane Limited Very Cherry Click for details A rich mixture of Traditional Burleys, bright Virginias and Toasted Cavendish laced with a unique very cherry flavor for a smooth aromatic smoking experience. Aro, Bur, Cav, Va 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
2 Hearth & Home Viprati Click for details One of Russ Ouellettes favorite pipe makers is Italian impressario, Luigi Viprati. One thing he learned early on is that Luigi loves Virginia/Perique blends, and he asked Russ to try to make something that would remind him of his favorite - Escudo. Russ began by finding three different types of matured Virginias, each with a slightly different flavor profile. To that, Russ added a fair amount of zesty Perique, but it was lacking some body, so he found a fire-cured Burley, with a rich, but subtle flavor that added just enough depth and kick to round out the blend. H&H Marquee Viprati has quickly become one of our best selling Va/Pers and has been rated very highly by our customers and folks at TobaccoReviews.com (100% 4 star ratings). If youre a Va/Per fan, dont pass up Viprati. Va, Bur, Per 3.6 oz 2 4 yr 12 mo 6 yr 11 mo
1 GL Pease Virginia Cream Click for details Distinctively delicious! G.L. Pease seasons fine red and golden flue-cured Virginia tobaccos with rare condimental leaf, enhancing the result with a subtle vanilla/bourbon topping that is never overbearing. Rare for a blend of its genre, The Virginia Cream delivers on its aromatic promise from the first puff to the bottom of the bowl, while leaving the pipe clean and free of phantom flavors. An all-American blend ideal for Virginia fanciers craving something a little sweeter Cav, Aro, Per, Va 2 oz 1 8 yr 10 mo 8 yr 10 mo
1 MacBaren Virginia No.1 Click for details A ready rubbed tobacco, manufactured from a selection of choice, ripe Virginia tobaccos, which gives Virginia No. 1 a mild, sweet smoke. Va 3.5 oz 1 2 yr 10 mo 2 yr 10 mo
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company Virginia Slices 507-C Click for details Sutliffs Virginia Slices (507-C) are long strips of sliced flake-pressed bright Virginias which deliver a sweet, all-natural smoke with notes of hay, grass, and citrus. This is a superb quality European-style Virginia flake at a very nice price. Fans of flue-cured flakes will love Sutliff Virginia Slices. Va 4 oz 1 2 yr 5 mo 2 yr 5 mo
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company Voodoo Queen 523 Click for details With Burley, Latakia, Perique and Virginias, this blend makes for a flavorful smoke worthy of Lady Laveau, herself. A belief in magic is not a prerequisite for enjoying this unique English blend of mocha slices, Latakia, and perique. Bur, Lat, Per, Va 4 oz 1 2 yr 11 mo 2 yr 11 mo
1 Rattray Wallace Flake Click for details Wallace Flake is a welcome addition to a small category - lightly aromatic flakes. It begins with sun-ripened Virginia tobaccos and some sun-cured leaf from India.  The sweet but mellow flavor of juicy plums is added to the mixture and then its pressed, which imbeds the flavor in the tobacco. Its sliced into convenient flakes, ready to deliver a smooth flavor and pleasant aroma. Va 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 7 mo 6 yr 7 mo
2 MATCH Walnut Click for details Walnut was a classic American-style English blend made of Burley, Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Turkish and Latakia. It dated back to the 1800s, but recent vanished. The legacy of this all-day type of blend lives on with this Match. Bur, Lat, Va 6 oz 2 6 yr 8 mo 9 yr 4 mo
1 War Horse War Horse Click for details War Horse Bar is a plug tobacco made in the tradition of the long-missing Irish tobacco. Made of darker, earthier leaf, War Horse Bar has a singular top note added, and the tobacco is pressed and cut into plugs. The flavor and body are astoundingly stout, and is definitely meant for the experienced pipe enthusiast. If you love robust and bold pipe tobacco, War Horse Bar will become a staple for you. Bur, Va 2 oz 1 7 yr 7 mo 7 yr 7 mo
3 War Horse War Horse Bar Click for details War Horse Bar is a plug tobacco made in the tradition of the long-missing Irish tobacco. Made of darker, earthier leaf, War Horse Bar has a singular top note added, and the tobacco is pressed and cut into plugs. The flavor and body are astoundingly stout, and is definitely meant for the experienced pipe enthusiast. If you love robust and bold pipe tobacco, War Horse Bar will become a staple for you. Bur, Va 5.4 oz 3 3 yr 8 mo 4 yr 10 mo
1 Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania War Horse Green Click for details War Horse Green uses the same base tobaccos as War Horse Bar, but with a unique and decidedly more aromatic top note than the original. There are notes here similar to a number of European tobaccos, but made here in the US. Give this singular take on Euro-style blends a try. We think youll be back time and again. Bur, Aro, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 11 mo 7 yr 11 mo
1 War Horse War Horse Green Click for details War Horse Green uses the same base tobaccos as War Horse Bar, but with a unique and decidedly more aromatic top note than the original. There are notes here similar to a number of European tobaccos, but made here in the US. Give this singular take on Euro-style blends a try. We think youll be back time and again.

War Horse Bar is a plug tobacco made in the tradition of the long-missing Irish tobacco. Made of darker, earthier leaf, War Horse Bar has a singular top note added, and the tobacco is pressed and cut into plugs. The flavor and body are astoundingly stout, and is definitely meant for the experienced pipe enthusiast. If you love robust and bold pipe tobacco, War Horse Bar will become a staple for you. Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 6 yr 11 mo 6 yr 11 mo
2 Watch City Cigar Watch City Slices Click for details Type: Burley, Strength: Medium, Cut: Flake.
A Unique take on the classic American Burley Flake. White Burley leaf laced with a good dose of Dark Fired and cured in dark rum. A sweet, nutty, earthy, cool-burning flake.Easily rubbed out. Bur, Va 3.5 oz 2 6 yr 3 mo 7 yr
2 Cornell & Diehl We Three Kings Click for details Inspired by the Christmas carol penned in 1857, the first Christmas carol written in the US to achieve widespread popularity, We Three Kings is C&Ds 2014 Yuletide tobacco offering and alludes to the magi who traveled to the nativity bearing exotic spices and treasures. One part black Cavendish is met with equal measures of the Three Kings of red Virginia, bright Virginia, and Katirini Turkish, transforming this blend into true holiday magic with flavors of allspice, cinnamon, and vanilla. Cav, Va 4 oz 2 6 yr 5 mo 9 yr 10 mo
2 GL Pease Westminster Click for details The very essence of the traditional English mixture; Westminster is rich, elegant, refined, and exquisitely balanced. New World red Virginias are enhanced with a gentle caress of bright leaf, then lavishly seasoned with rich oriental tobaccos. Va, Lat, Or 10 oz 2 4 yr 6 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Westminster Click for details Skillfully blended mixture of Latakia, Virginia, and Turkish, perfect for fans of London Mixture. Lat, Va 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 5 mo 11 yr 5 mo
1 Ken Byron Ventures Wests Best: Mountains of Madness Click for details Heavy Latakia, Virginia, Orientals, and a touch of Madness.
2oz in a sealed foil bag with jar label. Lat, Or, Va 2 oz 1 4 yr 8 mo 4 yr 8 mo
1 4 Noggins Weybridge Click for details By mixing and then stoving the Burley and Virginias, we obtained a nut-like and slightly sweet aroma. A touch of St. James Parish Perique is then added to set it apart from all other blends. Bur, Per, Va 1.4 oz 1 8 yr 6 mo 8 yr 6 mo
1 Sutliff Tobacco Company Whiskey Cavendish Click for details Sutliffs Whiskey Cavendish is a mix of Burley, Virginia, and Green River black Cavendish blended to provide a mild but satisfying smoke. Bur, Aro, Cav, Va 2 oz 1 8 yr 5 mo 8 yr 5 mo
4 Hearth & Home White Knight Click for details When we won the 2011 Balkan Sobranie 759 Throwdown at the Chicagoland Pipe and Tobacciana Show, with our entry, BlackHouse, it caused quite a stir, and the blend has become one of our best sellers. We followed that up with Fusiliers Ration, which was modeled after Bengal Slices, and it too has become incredibly popular. There was one other blend that I loved, that I thought about making a tribute to, because I enjoyed it so much. But I resisted, due to the iconic stature of the tobacco. After a couple of years of work, though, I finally put together a blend that I feel so confident in, that were ready to bring you BlackHouses cousin - WhiteKnight.

Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture is legendary among those of us who were privileged enough to have smoked it. It had gone through some changes, but my memories are from the blend as it was in the late seventies. Using Cyprian Latakia, remarkable yellow Virginias, and amazing Macedonian Orientals, including the Queen of Tobaccos - Yenidje, WhiteKnight has received rave reviews from people who sampled it prior to release. 

If you love smooth, fragrant Latakia blends with a bright, sparkly character, I think that WhiteKnight will find its way into your regular rotation. Lat, Or, Va 7.2 oz 4 6 yr 2 mo 9 yr 10 mo
1 Two Guys White Mountain Cavendish Click for details Cav 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 11 yr
1 Peterson Wild Atlantic Click for details Peterson Wild Atlantic is a classic English-style Latakia blend. Comprised of ripe, matured orange flue-cured, small-leaf, sun-cured Orientals and rich, smoky Latakia, it delivers complex flavor without overwhelming the palate. If youre a fan of cool-smoking Latakia blends, youre sure to love Wild Atlantic. Lat, Or, Va 1.4 oz 1 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 1 mo
1 Seattle Pipe Club Wild Man Click for details New from the Seattle Pipe Club and their master blender Joe Lankford - Wild Man. This is a medium-bodied blend of rich and smoky Cyprian Latakia, complex and exotic Orientals, and select, sweet Virginias, pressed into an easy-to-prepare crumble cake. The aroma will remind you of incense, but the flavor is smooth, smoky, and intriguingly unique. See for yourself what an amazing experience youll get with Seattle Pipe Club - Wild Man. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 4 yr 10 mo 4 yr 10 mo
1 G.L. Pease Windjammer Click for details The ripe red and brighter Virginias provide plenty of tart and tangy citrus, bread, some grass, sugar, earth, wood, and mild tangy dried dark fruit, along with light floral, spice and tart, acidic lemon notes. They are the lead components. The earthy, woody, rather spicy, very plumy, sweet perique also has a mild raisin, date, and fig quality to it. The perique is an important supporting player. The burleys offer a lot of nuts, earth, wood, and light hints of cocoa and dryness in the third position. They are notch or two above the condimental slot. The toasted unflavored black cavendish adds a little smooth sweetness as a condiment. The rich dark rum mildly tones down the tobaccos as well as cohesively synthesizes the inherent complexities of the tobaccos into a very consistent, deeply rich, sweetly nuanced, spicy, lightly nutty experience. The strength and nic-hit are medium. The taste level is step past the medium mark. There’s no chance of bite or harshness, and it barely has any rough edges. The flakes are mildly moist and easy to break apart. They don’t require any dry time. Burns cool, clean and a tad slow. Leaves little dampness in the bowl. The number of relights depends on how you pack your pipe. I break the flakes apart, and that requires a couple more than an average number of relights. It has a very pleasant, lightly lingering after taste, and pleasant room note. Not quite an all day smoke, but it is repeatable. Four stars out of four.

-JimInks Va, Bur, Cav, Per 2 oz 1 3 yr 3 yr
2 Samuel Gawith Winter Time Click for details Winter Time is an aptly named addition to Samuel Gawiths Four Seasons collection, as it is a flake of Virginias and Latakia, just robust and smoky enough that its well-suited to sitting by the fireplace as the snow falls outside. Even though Latakia is the most noticeable component, the Virginias are rich and sweet enough that they elevate the blend to something unique Va, Lat 3.6 oz 2 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 4 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Wintertime Reserve Click for details With a wind in your face acceleration of flavor, this cakecut blend of stoved and unstoved Virginias and piquant Perique is layered with sun-cured and fire-cured Orientals as enticing as the next wild ride down the slope. (Got free with a Peterson Ragaire 01) Va, Or, Per 2.1 oz 2 2 yr 5 mo 2 yr 11 mo
3 Moonshine Pipes Co. XXX Blend Click for details XXX is a Latakia-based blend that is mixed with Turkish Smyrna, high quality Virginia leaf, and a touch of Burley. To finish off the exotic mix of tobaccos a light top note of Kentucky Bourbon is added for room note.  XXX is a fantastic English-style blend that will impress you from first light to final puff. Lat, Bur, Per, Va 5 oz 3 8 yr 6 mo 8 yr 10 mo
1 Seattle Pipe Club Yakima Valley Click for details Seattle Pipe Club Yakima Valley is a Latakia blend that can easily become a constant companion. Cyprian Latakia is melded with sweet Virginia, nutty Burley (for body), and satiny, black Cavendish for a touch of sweetness. Enjoy a smooth and smoky bowl of Yakima Valley while taking a long, leisurely stroll. Lat, Bur, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 2 mo 7 yr 2 mo
1 Dunhill Ye Olde Signe Click for details 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 5 mo 7 yr 5 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Yorktown (457) Click for details Stoved red Virginia is combined with lemon Virginia and restoved. Straight red Virginia is added for sweetness. Va 2 oz 1 1 yr 6 mo 1 yr 6 mo
1 Russ Ouellette Yule Log Click for details Russ Monthly Blend - Yule Log is a medium-bodied blend of red and yellow Virginias with a moderate amount of top-quality Latakia. A great, cool smoke that will remind you of the aroma of the fireplace. Va, Lat 1 oz 1 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 L.J. Peretti Yuletide Click for details A blend of Virginia tobaccos with whispers of plum pudding and vanilla in the background. This blend changes from year to year and is available for a limited time only. This time around, the men at Perettis have decided to make Yuletide available in neatly packaged 2 oz. cans. A perfect stocking stuffer for the pipe smoker. Va, Aro 4 oz 1 8 yr 10 mo 8 yr 10 mo
Cellared Blends Breakdown
Blend Type    
Va 72 Va 72 8%8%
Lat,Or,Va 54 Lat,Or,Va 54 6%6%
Va,Lat,Or 50 Va,Lat,Or 50 6%6%
Va,Per 37 Va,Per 37 4%4%
Bur,Va 36 Bur,Va 36 4%4%
Aro,Va 27 Aro,Va 27 3%3%
Va,Bur 25 Va,Bur 25 3%3%
Va,Lat,Per 23 Va,Lat,Per 23 3%3%
Va,Lat 22 Va,Lat 22 3%3%
Aro,Cav,Va 21 Aro,Cav,Va 21 2%2%
Lat,Or,Per,Va 20 Lat,Or,Per,Va 20 2%2%
Lat,Va 19 Lat,Va 19 2%2%
Va,Aro 19 Va,Aro 19 2%2%
Va,Aro,Bur 19 Va,Aro,Bur 19 2%2%
Aro,Bur,Cav,Va 16 Aro,Bur,Cav,Va 16 2%2%
Va,Or 16 Va,Or 16 2%2%
Aro,Bur,Lat,Va 14 Aro,Bur,Lat,Va 14 2%2%
Va,Or,Per 13 Va,Or,Per 13 2%2%
Aro,Cav 12 Aro,Cav 12 1%1%
Bur,Aro,Cav,Va 12 Bur,Aro,Cav,Va 12 1%1%
Lat,Cav,Or,Per,Va 11 Lat,Cav,Or,Per,Va 11 1%1%
Or,Lat,Va 11 Or,Lat,Va 11 1%1%
Va,Aro,Lat 11 Va,Aro,Lat 11 1%1%
Va,Lat,Or,Per 11 Va,Lat,Or,Per 11 1%1%
Bur,Lat,Va 10 Bur,Lat,Va 10 1%1%
Lat,Bur,Or,Va 10 Lat,Bur,Or,Va 10 1%1%
Va,Bur,Cav 10 Va,Bur,Cav 10 1%1%
(unclassified) 10 (unclassified) 10 1%1%
Bur,Aro,Va 9 Bur,Aro,Va 9 1%1%
Cav,Lat,Or,Va 9 Cav,Lat,Or,Va 9 1%1%
Cav,Va 9 Cav,Va 9 1%1%
Va,Aro,Bur,Cav 9 Va,Aro,Bur,Cav 9 1%1%
Bur,Per,Va 8 Bur,Per,Va 8 1%1%
Cav,Aro 8 Cav,Aro 8 1%1%
Va,Aro,Cav 8 Va,Aro,Cav 8 1%1%
Bur,Cav,Va 7 Bur,Cav,Va 7 1%1%
Va,Cav 7 Va,Cav 7 1%1%
Or,Per,Va 6 Or,Per,Va 6 1%1%
Va,Bur,Cav,Lat 6 Va,Bur,Cav,Lat 6 1%1%
Va,Cav,Lat 6 Va,Cav,Lat 6 1%1%
Bur,Cav,Per,Va 5 Bur,Cav,Per,Va 5 1%1%
Cav,Aro,Bur,Va 5 Cav,Aro,Bur,Va 5 1%1%
Cav,Bur,Lat,Va 5 Cav,Bur,Lat,Va 5 1%1%
Lat,Cav,Or,Va 5 Lat,Cav,Or,Va 5 1%1%
Lat,Cav,Va 5 Lat,Cav,Va 5 1%1%
Va,Bur,Per 5 Va,Bur,Per 5 1%1%
Va,Cav,Per 5 Va,Cav,Per 5 1%1%
Lat,Bur,Per,Va 4 Lat,Bur,Per,Va 4 1%1%
Va,Aro,Bur,Cav,Lat 4 Va,Aro,Bur,Cav,Lat 4 1%1%
Va,Bur,Lat,Per 4 Va,Bur,Lat,Per 4 1%1%
Bur,Aro,Cav 3 Bur,Aro,Cav 3 1%1%
Bur,Cav,Or,Va 3 Bur,Cav,Or,Va 3 1%1%
Bur,Lat,Or,Per,Va 3 Bur,Lat,Or,Per,Va 3 1%1%
Bur,Or,Va 3 Bur,Or,Va 3 1%1%
Cav,Aro,Va 3 Cav,Aro,Va 3 1%1%
Cav,Bur,Va 3 Cav,Bur,Va 3 1%1%
Cav,Lat,Or 3 Cav,Lat,Or 3 1%1%
Lat,Bur,Cav,Va 3 Lat,Bur,Cav,Va 3 1%1%
Lat,Bur,Or,Per,Va 3 Lat,Bur,Or,Per,Va 3 1%1%
Or,Va 3 Or,Va 3 1%1%
Va,Cav,Lat,Or,Per 3 Va,Cav,Lat,Or,Per 3 1%1%
Bur,Aro,Cav,Lat 2 Bur,Aro,Cav,Lat 2 1%1%
Bur,Lat 2 Bur,Lat 2 1%1%
Bur,Lat,Per,Va 2 Bur,Lat,Per,Va 2 1%1%
Cav,Aro,Bur 2 Cav,Aro,Bur 2 1%1%
Cav,Bur 2 Cav,Bur 2 1%1%
Cav,Bur,Lat,Per,Va 2 Cav,Bur,Lat,Per,Va 2 1%1%
Lat,Aro,Va 2 Lat,Aro,Va 2 1%1%
Lat,Bur,Cav,Or 2 Lat,Bur,Cav,Or 2 1%1%
Lat,Bur,Va 2 Lat,Bur,Va 2 1%1%
Lat,Cav,Or 2 Lat,Cav,Or 2 1%1%
Or,Lat 2 Or,Lat 2 1%1%
Va,Aro,Bur,Lat 2 Va,Aro,Bur,Lat 2 1%1%
Va,Aro,Bur,Lat,Per 2 Va,Aro,Bur,Lat,Per 2 1%1%
Va,Bur,Cav,Lat,Per 2 Va,Bur,Cav,Lat,Per 2 1%1%
Va,Bur,Cav,Per 2 Va,Bur,Cav,Per 2 1%1%
Va,Bur,Lat 2 Va,Bur,Lat 2 1%1%
Va,Bur,Lat,Or 2 Va,Bur,Lat,Or 2 1%1%
Va,Cav,Lat,Or 2 Va,Cav,Lat,Or 2 1%1%
Aro,Bur,Cav 1 Aro,Bur,Cav 1 1%1%
Aro,Bur,Cav,Or,Va 1 Aro,Bur,Cav,Or,Va 1 1%1%
Aro,Bur,Va 1 Aro,Bur,Va 1 1%1%
Bur 1 Bur 1 1%1%
Bur,Aro,Cav,Or 1 Bur,Aro,Cav,Or 1 1%1%
Bur,Cav 1 Bur,Cav 1 1%1%
Bur,Cav,Lat,Per,Va 1 Bur,Cav,Lat,Per,Va 1 1%1%
Bur,Lat,Or,Per 1 Bur,Lat,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Bur,Or 1 Bur,Or 1 1%1%
Cav 1 Cav 1 1%1%
Cav,Aro,Per,Va 1 Cav,Aro,Per,Va 1 1%1%
Cav,Bur,Per,Va 1 Cav,Bur,Per,Va 1 1%1%
Cav,Lat 1 Cav,Lat 1 1%1%
Cav,Lat,Per,Va 1 Cav,Lat,Per,Va 1 1%1%
Cav,Per,Va 1 Cav,Per,Va 1 1%1%
Lat 1 Lat 1 1%1%
Lat,Aro,Bur 1 Lat,Aro,Bur 1 1%1%
Lat,Aro,Or,Va 1 Lat,Aro,Or,Va 1 1%1%
Lat,Bur,Cav,Or,Va 1 Lat,Bur,Cav,Or,Va 1 1%1%
Per,Bur,Va 1 Per,Bur,Va 1 1%1%
Per,Cav,Lat 1 Per,Cav,Lat 1 1%1%
Va,Aro,Bur,Cav,Or,Per 1 Va,Aro,Bur,Cav,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Va,Aro,Cav,Per 1 Va,Aro,Cav,Per 1 1%1%
Va,Aro,Lat,Or 1 Va,Aro,Lat,Or 1 1%1%
Va,Aro,Or 1 Va,Aro,Or 1 1%1%
Va,Bur,Cav,Or,Per 1 Va,Bur,Cav,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Va,Bur,Lat,Or,Per 1 Va,Bur,Lat,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Va,Bur,Or,Per 1 Va,Bur,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Va,Cav,Or,Per 1 Va,Cav,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Cellar Container Aging Breakdown
10 yr+ 115 10yr+ 115 14%14%
5 yr+ 469 5yr+ 469 55%55%
4 yr+ 62 4yr+ 62 7%7%
3 yr+ 63 3yr+ 63 7%7%
2 yr+ 61 2yr+ 61 7%7%
18 mo+ 36 18mo+ 36 4%4%
1 yr+ 16 1yr+ 16 2%2%
6 mo+ 12 6mo+ 12 1%1%
< 6 mo 14 < 6mo 14 2%2%
Containers Opened/Used History (with OPEN date provided)
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
  J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D
Ahabs Comfort
Bobs Chocolate .. Bobs Chocolate Flake Wt:35.3oz Opened:01/05/2019 Finished:01/05/2019 Days used: 0 Age was:9 mo Bobs Chocolate Flake Wt:17.7oz Opened:04/07/2021 Finished:04/07/2021 Days used: 0 Age was:2 yr 3 mo
Brown Clunee Brown Clunee Wt:3.5oz Opened:03/29/2023 Finished:03/29/2023 Days used: 0 Age was:3 mo
Charing Cross Charing Cross Wt:2.0oz Opened:07/10/2024 Finished:open Days used: - Age was:9 yr 10 mo
Chocolate Flake
Christmas cooki..
Edward G. Robin..
English Chocola..
First Amendment First Amendment Wt:3.5oz Opened:10/15/2021 Finished:10/15/2021 Days used: 0 Age was:3 mo
Hobbits Weed
Pipers Pleasure
Royal Yacht
Rum& Maple
Vanilla Cream
Vanilla Cream (..
Vanilla Cream F..
  J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

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