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Cellar Summary - 0 open containers, 143 cellared containers holding 56 lbs 15 oz
Open Containers - 0 containers are open.
Brand Blend Name   Type Storage Oz. Buy Date Tin Date Age Opened Est. Left Days Left
Cellared Containers Summary - 143 containers are cellared holding 56 lbs 15 oz (see details)
Qty Brand Blend Name   Type Tot.Weight Containers Avg.Age Oldest
1 Russ Ouellette Anniversary Kake Click for details A blending Virginia that is a mixture of everything from Lemon through Brown, with an amazing aroma. Combined with St. James Perique (a good amount), heat-treated and pressed. A flavorful cake with a mouth-watering chocolate and fig overtones. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Va, Per 2.8 oz 1 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
1 Lane Limited Black Cordial Click for details Highly Aromatic. A new generation of pipe tobacco. A blend of four new and unusual black fired-cured grades with added highlights of Sweet Virginia. Dramatically new and different in taste and appearance. Made in USA. Aro, Cav, Va 7.2 oz 1 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
1 Dan Tobacco Blue Note Click for details Mild, golden Virginias, that have a naturally high sweetness, are mixed with a mild Black Cavendish. A fresh flavor of exotic fruits and a touch of Bourbon Vanilla is added to make this an extraordinarily mild blend. Aro, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 15 yr 5 mo 15 yr 5 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.2015 Virginia Flake Click for details This popular flake is made from orange and red Virginias, to which enough Perique has been added to create a refreshing smoke with a satisfying richness and depth of flavor. Va, Per 4 oz 1 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
15 McClelland Bulk No.2035 Dark Navy Flake Click for details Dark Navy Flake is unique in that it begins as a blend of very light lemon Virginias, leaf and cutter grade tobaccos which are transformed through pressure, aging and light stoving into a beautifully dark, pungent cake. It is sweet and rich without being as strong or stout in body as dark flakes have traditionally been. Va 5 lbs 12.2 oz 15 15 yr 4 mo 15 yr 7 mo
9 McClelland Bulk No.5110 Dark English Full Click for details Rich with Latakia, spiced with the finest Oriental leaf and mellowed with Stoved Virginia and then aged into a deeply satisfying, harmonious blend of the worlds most exotic tobaccos, this is a very full mixture, sure to satisfy the lover of traditional Enlgish style blends. Lat, Or, Va 3 lbs 9 15 yr 6 mo 15 yr 6 mo
1 Russ Ouellette Butternut Burley Click for details Butternut Burley is faintly reminiscent of Lanes 1Q or RLP-6 aromatic offerings, yet in a class all its own. Upon first lighting up, your initial surprise will be the complete lack of tongue bite; this holds true consistently throughout the bowl. Bur, Aro 12.7 oz 1 12 yr 7 mo 12 yr 7 mo
3 McClelland Dark Star Click for details Dark Star begins as Bright Yellow, sugary top grade Virginia and Carolina leaf. Through careful triple aging, pressing and stoving, it becomes rich, cool and dark. A spicy aroma. Va 5.4 oz 3 19 yr 6 mo 22 yr 10 mo
11 Peter Stokkebye English Luxury Click for details A characteristic English Mixture, developed from mellow Georgian Virginias, Black Cavendish, Mexican Burleys and Cyprian Latakia, a classic. Mild to medium strength. Va, Bur, Cav, Lat, Or 2 lbs 11.2 oz 11 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
1 A & C Petersen Escudo Navy Deluxe Click for details This old classic is a Virginia Perique curley cut tobacco in large coin size. The combination of high grade Virginia and Perique tobaccos provides fine, cool smoking enjoyment. The undisputed King of VaPers, bar none! Va, Per 1.4 oz 1 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
1 GL Pease Fillmore Click for details A thick-sliced, broken flake in the Scottish tradition. Ripe red Virginia tobaccos are combined with a generous measure of fine Louisiana Perique, and then pressed to marry the components and deepen the flavors. Fillmore presents an elegant sweetness and delightful piquancy, enhanced by a creamy richness that develops throughout the bowl. Sit back, and enjoy a lovely, leisurely smoke! The blender (Greg Pease) claims this blend has a wee touch of Latakia, although you really cant taste it. Va, Per 1.6 oz 1 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
3 McClelland Frog Morton Click for details The name Frog Morton comes to us from the works of JRR Tolkein. Frogmorton: A village in the Eastfarthing of the Shire. Frog Morton is a unique blend of Virginias and Latakia. Ribbon cut and hand blended, this first blend in the series has many loyal fans. A perfect cross-over blend for those looking to begin enjoying Latakia. The Latakia is married with an aromatic flavoring to arrive at a pleasant mix of smokey and sweet. Providing very little bite, this is a good all-day smoke. Va, Aro, Lat 6.3 oz 3 16 yr 10 mo 16 yr 10 mo
2 McClelland Frog Morton on the Town Click for details A rather mellow smoke, Frog Morton on the Town draws deep rich flavor from its base of golden and red Virginias and a pleasant smoky, earthy undertone from the Latakia. A light flavoring from Basma gives the blend a unique, almost vanilla like flavor. Va, Aro, Lat 3 oz 2 16 yr 9 mo 17 yr 10 mo
19 Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake Click for details Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake is for lovers of pure pressed Virginias. Created in the heart of Lakeland, the hot-pressed blended Virginias take on a delicious and distinctive dark color that creates a pipe smokers dream. Va 5 lbs 11.8 oz 19 15 yr 3 mo 15 yr 7 mo
8 Generic Generic Click for details Generic undefined tobacco type 5 lbs 8.9 oz 8 15 yr 3 mo 15 yr 7 mo
2 Charles Fairmorn Lancers Slices Click for details This almost black flake tobacco combines the best grades of naturally sweet Virginia and smoky Latakia, matured together under pressure. A wonderfully smooth and mild yet full-bodied mixture. Very reminiscent of the old Bengal Slices. Va, Lat 8 oz 2 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
1 Russ Ouellette Larry’s Blend Click for details Larry, a connoisseur of English/Balkan blends had tried Ten to Midnight, and although he liked it, he was looking for something a little fuller and different. Based on his preference, Russ blended a full, traditional Balkan. Va, Lat, Or 3 oz 1 15 yr 5 mo 15 yr 5 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake Click for details A blend of ripe Virginia tobacco spiced with pure Louisiana Perique. The distinctive aroma of Perique combined with the natural sweetness of Virginia tobaccos provides a wonderful characteristic taste with a center of mellow, fermented Black Cavendish. Only available in bulk, generally. Va, Cav, Per 2.1 oz 1 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
27 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake Click for details First class Virginias and a touch of Cavendish make up these delightful slices. Sweet and spicy top flavor, medium strength. Only available in bulk, generally. Va 13 lbs 6 oz 27 15 yr 4 mo 15 yr 7 mo
11 Peter Stokkebye Proper English Click for details A fine ribbon cut of Virginias, Latakia and Orientals make up this medium English blend. The flavors are in a camp of their own and arent as heavy as other English blends making it a perfect all day smoke. Va, Lat, Or 3 lbs 3.3 oz 11 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Red Carpet Click for details The perfect blend of Red Virginia and Perique with a touch of Izmir for interest, pressed and sliced into flake form. Va, Or, Per 1.5 oz 1 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
1 Lane Limited RLP-6 Click for details Blended with just the right proportion of Golden Virginia and Burley`s, the basic blend of Toasted Cavendish tobaccos takes on a zesty dimension. This mixture gets better as you smoke it all day long. Cav, Bur, Va 1 lbs 2.8 oz 1 15 yr 8 mo 15 yr 8 mo
1 Dunhill Royal Yacht Click for details Truly a luxurious tobacco. Virginias are carefully conditioned to insure sweetness. They are added to rich, heavier and cooler Virginias. A unique flavor is added to the final blend to enhance the subtle and piquant aroma. Va, Aro 1.8 oz 1 15 yr 8 mo 15 yr 8 mo
7 Dan Tobacco Sweet Vanilla Honeydew Click for details A mild ready rubbed blend of selected bright and sweet Virginia leaf delicately scented with smooth vanilla. Aro, Va 5 lbs 13.3 oz 7 15 yr 3 mo 15 yr 3 mo
2 Two Friends Valle Crucis Click for details A blend of fine stoved Virginia and oriental tobaccos, rich Cyprian Latakia, black toasted Cavendish and just a pinch of Perique. The mixture is finished with a delicate top note of ginger, perfectly complimenting the complex flavors and wonderful aroma of the natural tobaccos. A subtle sweetness and gentle spice is present from first light to last puff, and a clean, dry ash demonstrates the tobaccos purity. Lat, Aro, Cav, Or, Per, Va 5.8 oz 2 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
9 MacBaren Vanilla Cream (Loose Cut) Click for details Mac Baren Vanilla Cream is a colorful blend mixed with cut plugs. Manufactured from specially selected and aged Virginia and mild black Cavendish tobaccos. Then blended with an exceptional Vanilla flavor. This selection creates an outstanding blend with superior flavor, unique aroma and distinctive taste experience. Aro, Cav, Va 5 lbs 12 oz 9 15 yr 4 mo 15 yr 7 mo
2 MacBaren Vanilla Cream Flake Click for details Manufactured from selected matured Virginia and Black Cavendish tobaccos, and an added exceptional vanilla flavor. This true flake gives an outstanding blend with a pleasant, sweet and aromatic taste experience. Aro, Cav, Va 7.5 oz 2 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
1 GL Pease Westminster Click for details The very essence of the traditional English mixture; Westminster is rich, elegant, refined, and exquisitely balanced. New World red Virginias are enhanced with a gentle caress of bright leaf, then lavishly seasoned with rich oriental tobaccos. Va, Lat, Or 1.6 oz 1 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
Cellared Blends Breakdown
Blend Type    
Va 64 Va 64 45%45%
Aro,Cav,Va 13 Aro,Cav,Va 13 9%9%
Va,Lat,Or 13 Va,Lat,Or 13 9%9%
Va,Bur,Cav,Lat,Or 11 Va,Bur,Cav,Lat,Or 11 8%8%
Lat,Or,Va 9 Lat,Or,Va 9 6%6%
(unclassified) 8 (unclassified) 8 6%6%
Aro,Va 7 Aro,Va 7 5%5%
Va,Aro,Lat 5 Va,Aro,Lat 5 3%3%
Va,Per 4 Va,Per 4 3%3%
Lat,Aro,Cav,Or,Per,Va 2 Lat,Aro,Cav,Or,Per,Va 2 1%1%
Va,Lat 2 Va,Lat 2 1%1%
Bur,Aro 1 Bur,Aro 1 1%1%
Cav,Bur,Va 1 Cav,Bur,Va 1 1%1%
Va,Aro 1 Va,Aro 1 1%1%
Va,Cav,Per 1 Va,Cav,Per 1 1%1%
Va,Or,Per 1 Va,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Cellar Container Aging Breakdown
10 yr+ 143 10yr+ 143 100%100%
5 yr+ 0
4 yr+ 0
3 yr+ 0
2 yr+ 0
18 mo+ 0
1 yr+ 0
6 mo+ 0
< 6 mo 0

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