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Viewing Absenthor's Tobacco Cellar

Viewing Summary at a glance:            Click for Open or Cellared or Finished containers or WishList
Cellar Summary - 0 open containers, 1 cellared container holding 8 oz
Open Containers - 0 containers are open.
Brand Blend Name   Type Storage Oz. Buy Date Tin Date Age Opened Est. Left Days Left
Cellared Containers Summary - 1 container is cellared holding 8 oz (see details)
Qty Brand Blend Name   Type Tot.Weight Containers Avg.Age Oldest
1 GL Pease Key Largo Click for details Deep, Earthy and Creamy. A distinguished broken flake of Red Virginia tobaccos, small leaf orientals, and a measure of Cyprus Latakia, spiced with velvety cigar wrapper leaf. Key Largo develops throughout the bowl, offering a satisfying and sturdy smoke. Va, Lat, Or 8 oz 1 4 yr 10 mo 4 yr 10 mo
Cellared Blends Breakdown
Blend Type    
Va,Lat,Or 1 Va,Lat,Or 1 100%100%
Cellar Container Aging Breakdown
10 yr+ 0
5 yr+ 0
4 yr+ 1 4yr+ 1 100%100%
3 yr+ 0
2 yr+ 0
18 mo+ 0
1 yr+ 0
6 mo+ 0
< 6 mo 0

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